The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1934: Find the Juggernaut Legacy

Both Lu Yi and Huang Wu were dumbfounded.

Because in front, there are more than a hundred pairs of eyes staring at them.

This is a huge palace.

In the center of the palace, a giant bronze coffin was placed. On the side of the coffin, people from other schools were holding weapons and drawing arrows.

In short, the situation is severe.

Lu Yi and Huang Wu came out of the door and stood here, with the bronze pipe in the middle, and on the other side, the people of the school.

Look at each other.

The audience was silent.

Especially the disciples of Xingkong Pavilion were dumbfounded.

Because they saw Lu Yi and Huang Wu fall into the fire with their own eyes.

"I'm not mistaken, am I? Is that really the Mingyue poster?"

"Are they still alive?"

"Isn't it a ghost?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Li Biyue scolded, just about to step forward, Luluo ran out from her and came to Huang Wu and Lu Yi.

"The host, Master Lu, is it really you?" Lu Luo asked with red eyes.

"It's us." Lu Yi smiled.

"Did you frighten you?" Huang Wu said with a smile: "My husband and I have a great fate and survived the sea of ​​flames."


There was a sudden howl, which scared the audience.

Luluo plunged into Huang Wu's arms: "It's great that you are not dead, do you know that I don't want to live anymore when I saw you and Lu Gongzi fell into the sea of ​​flames..."

"Silly girl. Didn't we come back safely?" Huang Wu couldn't laugh or cry.

"Lord, you promise me not to leave me behind. No matter when, I will be with you." Luluo said.

"Lu Luo, if Huang Wu marries in the future, do you want to be with her too?" Lu Yi suddenly interjected.

Huang Wu glared at Lu Yi.

Luluo came out of Huang Wu's arms, looked at Lu Yi suspiciously, and asked, "Master Lu, what do you mean?"

"Nothing, I just ask." Lu Yi can't say, I will put your host to sleep!

Luluo looked at Huang Wu and said: "As long as the host does not leave me, wherever the host goes, I will go, even if the host is married, I will follow her."


Lu Yi was dumbfounded. Could it be that he really wanted to marry this little girl as well?

Looking up and down for a while, Lu Yi found that he hadn't seen him in just a few days. This little girl seemed to have developed a little bit. It used to be the little lotus who showed sharp horns, but now it is at least a pair of Aces.

Lu Yi couldn't help becoming evil in his heart. If this girl really marries herself, as long as she helps her develop and develop, it won't take long for her to rise from A to D.

"Owner, what happened after you fell into the sea of ​​fire?" Luluo asked curiously.

"This is a long story. I'll talk about it after I get out. Why did you come here?" Huang Wu.

"I'm here with Senior Sister Li from Xingkong Pavilion." As soon as Luluo finished speaking, Li Biyue walked over with the disciples of Xingkong Pavilion.

"How about Mingyue poster?" Li Biyue respectfully saluted.

"Thank you Sister Li for your concern, I'm fine." Huang Wu smiled and nodded.

"Thanks to the landlord Mingyue and this young man for helping me on that day, otherwise, we're afraid that there will be more ill luck." Li Biyue said gratefully.

"Senior Sister Li is polite! Mingyue Tower and Xingkong Pavilion are related. You are in trouble. Of course, I can't stand by and stand by. To say thank you, I also want to thank Senior Sister Li for taking care of Luluo."

"Just a trivial matter, the host Mingyue doesn't need to take it to heart." After Li Biyue finished speaking, her eyes moved to Huang Wu's body, staring at her slender white thighs, her eyes became weird, and she asked: "Mingyue host, you wear this It’s rare to grow clothes..."

Huang Wu looked up, and saw that the male disciples of other sects not far away were staring at her, with fiery eyes, which made her pretty face blush.

"That's the case. After falling into the sea of ​​flame that day, my clothes were burned. These are Lu Gongzi's clothes." Huang Wu said.

"Ah, the original poster, you were with Lu Gongzi at the time, and your clothes were burned. Then you were seen by Lu Gongzi?" Lu Luo said.

"Don't talk nonsense." Huang Wu stared anxiously, his face flushed.

"And Mr. Lu, after you fell into the sea of ​​fire, did your clothes burn down? Did the host take you out too?" Luluo was sour in her heart and whispered: "I knew, I should follow you too. Jump into the fire."

"Luluo!" Huang Wu gave Luluo a stern look, and then said to Li Biyue: "Let Sister Li watch the joke. I don't know if Sister Li has too many clothes on her body? Can you lend me a set?"

"Yes." Li Biyue took out a set of clothes from the space ring and gave it to Huang Wu, then gave Lu Yi a thoughtful look, and said with a smile: "Mingyue, the master of our cultivation world is one of the ten most beautiful people. , The son is so lucky."

Lu Yi smiled without saying a word.

Luluo seemed to understand, looked at Lu Yi, then at Li Biyue, and finally at Huang Wu, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Huang Wu put on the clothes Li Biyue gave her, wrapped her body tightly, and then asked, "By the way, Senior Sister Li, why are you here?"

Li Biyue's face became serious and said, "After we passed the sea of ​​flames that day, people kept giving us instructions along the way, saying that the saint inheritance is here. Following the instructions, we finally came here."

Huang Wu frowned: "Instructions? Who gave them?"

"I don't know." Li Biyue said: "Anyway, everyone followed the instructions."

Huang Wu glanced at the disciples of other sects and asked, "Sister Li, have you ever encountered any danger when you came here all the way?"

"Of course there is danger. Just yesterday, we also met an alien." Li Biyue said.

"Alien?" Huang Wu raised her eyebrows and asked, "What does that alien look like?"

Speaking of aliens, Li Biyue had lingering fears, and said: "He is very tall, at least three meters, with a pair of huge wings behind him. He is fast and strong. He has killed many people from other sects, and we also have several in Star Pavilion. The disciple was injured. In the end, we all worked together and fought hard for half an hour before killing the alien."

Huang Wu and Lu Yi exchanged glances.

Seeing that their faces were wrong, Li Biyue asked, "Isn't it because you also met a foreigner?"

"Yeah." Huang Wu nodded and admitted, and said, "We also met one, whose appearance is exactly the same as Senior Sister Li described."

"Where is that alien?" Li Biyue asked.

"Killed by Master Lu with a sword." Huang Wu replied.


Li Biyue's shocked eyes were about to fall out, and she asked in surprise, "Mingyue, I heard that right, did Lu Gongzi kill the alien with a single sword?"

"Yes, kill with one sword."

Li Biyue's eyes looked at Lu Yi could not help becoming more cautious. Such a difficult alien was killed by a single sword. What is his origin?

Just after her, the voice of other disciples came from behind: "Li Biyue, are you endless? Hurry up, tell me who the inheritance belongs to?"

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