The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1935: Respect the strong


Is it the Juggernaut inheritance?

Lu Yi raised his eyebrows and asked Li Biyue: "Sister Li, have you found the Juggernaut Legacy?"

Li Biyue nodded slightly, her face solemnly pointed to the giant bronze coffin not far away, and said, "According to the instructions, the Juggernaut inheritance is inside the coffin."


Both Lu Yi and Huang Wu were surprised and exchanged glances.

At this time, another voice sounded: "Fairy Li of Xingkong Pavilion, I would like to ask, do you want Xingkong Pavilion for this heritage?"

"Is there any reason for the Juggernaut Legacy to be dismissed? I waited for all the hard work to come here, isn't it just for Juggernaut Legacy?" Li Biyue said.

Lu Yi quietly opened the Sky Eye and looked at the bronze coffin. He wanted to see what was inside the coffin?

The line of sight was actually blocked.

"Sister Li, can you listen to my advice?" Lu Yi said suddenly.

"Please speak."

"Abandon the Juggernaut inheritance and get out of this place quickly." Lu Yi said. I don't know why he always feels strange in this place.

Especially before coming here, he saw the aliens and the words, which gave him a strong intuition that the inheritance of the Samsara Juggernaut had already been taken first.

Although I don't know why Li Biyue and the others would see instructions along the way, most of them are unkind when looking at the people who instructed them.

As for what exactly did this do, Lu Yi couldn't figure it out for a while?

"Lu Gongzi, we finally came here, now the Juggernaut inheritance is right in front of us, but you let us give up, how can everyone accept this?" Li Biyue said, the disciples of the Starry Sky Pavilion behind her were not reconciled.

"Senior Sister Li, although the path of cultivation is against the sky, have you ever thought about it. If there is no life, how can you talk about cultivation?"

Lu Yi explained: "I have a bad feeling in my heart. I always feel that this matter is not that simple. I just remind Sister Li that if Sister Li persists, I will treat it as if I didn't say it."

At this time, the disciple of Xingkong Pavilion spoke up.

"Senior Sister, the purpose of our coming here is the inheritance of the sword god, and we must not let people from other sects get away."

"Yes, before going down to the tomb, the elder sister repeatedly told us to inherit."

"Master also attaches great importance to this visit to the tomb of the saint. If we can obtain the inheritance of the sword saint, the strength of our Star Sky Pavilion will rise a step."

"No matter what, we can't give up."

The group of female disciples in Xingkong Pavilion were very persistent and persuaded them.

Li Biyue hesitated, making it difficult for a moment to make a decision.

At this time, someone asked Huang Wu again: "Fairy Huang Wu, can you ask for the sword saint heritage, Mingyue Tower?"

Huang Wu was very calm, and said, "I'm here just to see the tomb of the saint. I am not interested in the inheritance of the saint."


The audience was in an uproar.

No one thought that Huang Wu would give up.

"Lord, why should we give up?" Luluo was puzzled.

"I also don't think this matter is easy. Sage inheritance is definitely not that easy to get, so give up!" Huang Wu said.

"But the original poster..." Lu Luo wanted to say something, but Huang Wu interrupted her.

"Listen to me." Huang Wu said concisely.

There was a lot of discussion all around.

"Fairy Huang Wu is crazy, she finally got here, the sword saint inheritance is close at hand, she chose to give up, what do you mean?"

"The woman's mind really doesn't understand."

"But having said that, I really admire her, the Juggernaut Legacy is right in front of her, but she is indifferent. This is the real fairy."

"What do you know, Fairy Huang Wu is the original poster of Mingyue Tower, and her master is a saint, she simply doesn't like others' inheritance."

"But this is a good thing. Huang Wu is not participating in the competition now, and we have a much better chance of getting the sword saint inheritance." The disciple of the Sword God Temple whispered to his companion.

"The biggest pressure right now is Kuzhuzhai and Xingkong Pavilion."

"Kuzhuzhai, what is your attitude?" The Sword God Temple couldn't help asking.

A young man headed by Kuzhuzhai said: "Of course we Kuzhuzhai will not return empty-handed."

The attitude is very clear.

After the young man finished speaking, he bowed his hand to Lu Yi and said, "Master Cao, why don't you join us? Anyway, we will become a family sooner or later."

Lu Yi smiled and said: "Thank you for your kindness, I don't like being restrained, and I'm not interested in the inheritance of this swordsman."

Seeing that Lu Yi did not participate in the fight, everyone saw that his eyes were less hostile.

Suddenly, Li Biyue said: "Although we came to the tomb of the saints this time for inheritance, our Starry Sky Pavilion suffered heavy losses. I don't want to see any casualties anymore. Therefore, I decided that our Starry Sky Pavilion also gave up the inheritance of the saints."


The audience was in an uproar again.

"Li Biyue actually gave up, I didn't expect it!"

"Those who know the current affairs are brilliant. If the Star Pavilion is a group of remnants, they are not qualified to participate in the competition."

"It's great, Xingkong Pavilion does not participate, and a strong competitor is missing."

Everyone is pregnant.

Li Biyue went on to say: "Although I gave up the inheritance of the sword saint, I still ask everyone to do me a favor. This time when my disciple from the Starry Sky Pavilion entered the tomb of the saint, they were violated by the beasts of the Tiansha Sect. They deserve to die. If the Tianshazong asks, please help me prove it."

"Fairy Li, don't worry, my Sword Temple is definitely on your side."

"We Kuzhuzhai will also stand on Sister Li's side."

"The disciples of the Heavenly Evil Sect committed heinous crimes, **** it! Although our Liuyun Sect has few villains, we will stand on the side of justice."

"So, thank you everyone." Li Biyue finished speaking, and backed away with the starry sky pavilion disciple.

Lu Yi and Huang Wu also stepped back together.

On the spot, handed it to others.

"Now, we are the only people left. What do you think?" said the disciple headed by the Sword God Temple.

"What else can we do? Everyone shows their magical powers. Whoever has the ability will inherit it," said Kuzhuzhai.

There are a few people from the little school who are not happy.

Because according to Kuzhuzhai, the final inheritance must fall into the hands of Kuzhuzhai or Sword God Temple. With their strength, they can't compete with Kuzhuzhai and Sword God Temple.

A disciple of the little school stood up and said, "Brothers of the Sword God Temple and Kuzhuzhai, what do you think? Let’s open the coffin first to see if there are other things inside. If there are other things, everyone As for the inheritance of Senior Juggernaut, we will discuss it later."

"Fart! How can the Juggernaut inheritance be child's play."

"Then what do you say?"

Everyone was in a stalemate and was dissatisfied with all the suggestions. Finally, the disciple of the Sword God Temple suddenly asked: "Mingyue Louzhu, Senior Sister Li Biyue, as outsiders, what good suggestions do you have?"

"This one……"

Huang Wu and Li Biyue couldn't think of any fair ideas for a while.

"I have an idea," Lu Yi said suddenly.

The people of Kuzhuzhai's eyes lit up, and they hurriedly asked, "I wonder if Mr. Cao has any ideas?"

Lu Yi grinned, and uttered four words: "The strong is respected!"

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