The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1936: Vomiting blood

Respect the strong!

As soon as these four words came out, the audience was silent. Everyone looked at Lu Yi, their eyes full of hostility.

No one understood the meaning of Lu Yi's words.

"Brother, how do I feel something is wrong with that Young Master Cao?" a disciple of Ku Zhuzhai whispered.

"How to say?"

"I first heard that both Mingyue and Li Biyue call him Lu Gongzi. It can be seen that his surname should be Lu, but why did Senior Brother Qi Tian call him Brother Cao before entering the tomb?"

"Could it be that this guy is lying to the big brother?"

"It's very possible. And this guy just said that the strong is respected, obviously telling us that anyone who has a hard fist can get the Juggernaut Legacy, I suspect he is deliberately instigating discord."

Suddenly, Ku Zhuzhai's disciples looked at Lu Yi's eyes with suspicion.

"Master Cao, there is a sentence I don't know if it should be said wrong?" said one of Kuzhuzhai.

"Please speak." Lu Yi smiled.

"I want to know, is Mr. Cao's surname Cao or Lu?"

Upon hearing this, Huang Wu and Luluo knew that they had made a mistake, causing Lu Yi to reveal their flaws, regretting in their hearts, and just about to explain, Lu Yi spoke.

"It doesn't matter what my surname is. What's important is that I am not interested in the Juggernaut inheritance, so no matter which school the brothers are present, I am not your enemy."

Lu Yi's face was calm and he said with a smile, but there was a killing intent in his heart. He was thinking, do you want to kill all the people here?

Whether it is Kuzhuzhai or the Sword God Temple, both are enemies. Now Kuzhuzhai has doubts about his identity. If they are allowed to get out of the tomb alive, they might be in great trouble.

Even the killing of Ku Zhuzhai's disciple by him and Qin Shubao will be exposed. When that happens, Ku Zhuzhai will only find him by digging three feet in the ground.

"This son is right. We are all monks, and we naturally respect the strong. The inheritance of our Sword God Temple is about to be decided. If you don't agree, please come and get it."

After the young man headed by the Sword God Temple finished speaking, he immediately walked towards the giant bronze coffin in the center of the hall.

Seeing the young man's actions, the people in Kuzhuzhai became angry and shouted: "Ling Tian, ​​are you afraid that we all will besiege your sword **** temple?"

The disciple of the Sword God Temple named Ling Tian raised his mouth, showing disdain, and said: "If you are not satisfied, you can come and get it."

After speaking, he decisively walked towards the giant bronze coffin.

The disciples of the other forty or fifty Sword God Temples immediately dispersed, surrounded by a giant bronze coffin to prevent others from disturbing Ling Tian to obtain inheritance.

"Everyone, you have seen it. The Sword God Temple wants to swallow the inheritance alone. We have worked so hard to get here. The Sword God inheritance is right in front of you. Are you willing to let others take it? Anyway, we Kuzhuzhai are not reconciled."

"Whoever wants courage, just join us in Kuzhuzhai to fight against the Sword God Temple, I Kuzhuzhai will definitely not treat you badly. If you don't have the courage, then I advise you to leave here immediately, so as not to hurt the innocent."

The person headed by Kuzhuzhai spoke very provocatively, and his voice fell. At the moment, disciples of other schools expressed their willingness to fight side by side with Kuzhuzhai.

Those people are not stupid either, knowing that relying on the strength of their own sect, not to mention the inheritance of the sword god, even a piece of the pie is impossible.

And it seems that the Sword God Temple really doesn't want to give them any benefits. If you follow Kuzhuzhai, even if you don't get the inheritance, you may still get other benefits.

"Since you believe me, don't hesitate and kill!"

The sound was rolling like thunder, and the hall was trembling and shaking. In an instant, everyone rushed up and attacked the disciples of the Sword God Temple.

In the face of huge benefits, everyone couldn't bear it.

Soon, there were screams and blood spattered.

Li Biyue took the people from Xingkong Pavilion back again. At the same time, she turned her head and glanced at Lu Yi, only to see that Lu Yi's face was calm, indifferent to the scene in front of her.

After hesitating, Li Biyue walked to Lu Yi and said, "Master Lu, if they continue like this, I'm afraid they will..."

"I'm afraid I will die, right?" Lu Yi smiled: "Don't worry, you can't die. The strong is respected. There are always one or two people who will last until the end."

Seeing those people fighting each other, Lu Yi felt very happy.

There was another person in the field fascinated.

Li Biyue persuaded: "Master Lu, are you really not going to make a move?"

"Why do you want to shoot? Anyway, I don't want the sword **** inheritance."


During the conversation, screams sounded one after another.

The people of Kuzhuzhai led the disciples of other sects and besieged the disciples of the Sword God Temple. After a while, more than half of the disciples of the Sword God Temple were killed and injured.

As for the time when Ling Tian was called, he looked calm, staring at the giant bronze coffin carefully, thinking about how to open the coffin.

The shouts of killing shook the sky, and the ground flowed into rivers of blood.

Huang Wu couldn't bear it, and said to Lu Yi: "If they fight like this, few will survive in the end. I'm afraid there will be more disturbances among the major forces."

"I can't blame me for this. I didn't let them do it. They were fighting for it." Lu Yi said: "And now this situation, can you stop it?"

Huang Wu and Li Biyue were speechless, and now those people were stunned. Even if they wanted to stop them, no one would listen to them.

Lu Yi looked at Ling Tian for a day, and said, "The guy in the Sword God Temple is not weak. With him, the Sword God Temple will never die."

"Oh!" Huang Wu sighed for a long time, and said to Lu Yi: "Or, let's leave here!"

"Don't worry, it won't be too late to leave after watching this good show." The reason why Lu Yi didn't leave was that he actually wanted to see if there was any Juggernaut heritage in the giant bronze coffin?

Although he guessed that the Sword God Inheritance was mostly gone, but what would be inside the coffin?

He is curious.


The blood stained half of the hall. Later, there were only a dozen people left, Ling Tian and two disciples in the Sword God Palace, five in Kuzhuzhai, and a few disciples from other sects.

"Ling Tian, ​​do you want to go your own way?" Ku Zhuzhai's disciple shouted.

"Why, do you want to block me with your trash?" Ling Tian hadn't done anything before, even when he saw his senior brother fell in a pool of blood, his face didn't change suddenly, it can be seen that he is a ruthless character.

Now, he finally raised his head, his eyes sharp, and then he lifted his finger.

"call out!"

Wudao Jianqi shot out and killed five people on the spot. Only the people from the Sword God Temple and Kuzhuzhai were left on the scene.

"It's interesting!" Lu Yi raised his eyebrows, and he saw that Ling Tian's invisible sword aura was very similar to his Six-Medition Excalibur.

"Want to grab it with me? Come forward if you want to."

After Ling Tian finished speaking, he suddenly slapped the lid of the coffin with a palm, and then struck a dozen more palms like lightning, finally knocking the lid of the coffin into the air, and then looking inside, the smile on Ling Tian's face suddenly solidified.

The inside of the huge bronze coffin was empty, and I saw a sentence written on the bottom of the coffin: "Croton can't eat it, it's diarrhea!"

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