The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1940: True genius


Ling Tian posted a shocking sword chant.

Murder is unlimited.

His entire body has become a sword body, showing sharp edges.

The aura on Lu Yidao's body is also very strong, attacking fiercely.

The two are like tit-for-tat against Maimang, fierce confrontation, within a short period of time, no one can let anyone back half a step.

Appreciation appeared in Lu Yi's eyes.

"This is just like the genius of the Sword God Temple, much better than the previous trash."

This is a terrible confrontation.

Ling Tian was in the clouds and mist, misty as an immortal, his whole body aroused with sword aura, very extraordinary, like a sword god.

Lu Yi leaped across the void and wanted to enter the clouds and torn the sky, but he was isolated, and his golden fists kept bombarding him.

The faces of others present changed.

"The two of them are so strong."

"I'm afraid it's invincible in the Transcendent Realm!"

"The genius of the Sword God Temple is really terrifying."

"That Young Master Lu is also very good."

Huang Wu and Li Biyue had the same serious expressions.

"Ling Tian is a descendant of the ancestor of the sky. Lu Yi wants to beat him, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult." Huang Wu said softly.

"Lu Gongzi is not a mortal, he is a true genius in any faction in the cultivation world with his strength." Li Biyue said.

Of course Huang Wu knew Lu Yi's strength, but she couldn't help but worry in her heart.

"But the fighting power of the two of them is really terrifying, I am not their opponent." Li Biyue said.

The two people collided violently in the air.

Lu Yi kept punching his body and kept getting closer, trying to blast away the clouds. On the other side, Ling Tian also launched a fierce attack.


The sharp sword aura is just like the essence, appearing one by one in the air, like a peerless chessboard, densely distributed, making the world pale.


There was a loud sound.

Lu Yi's deity was still sitting in the air, motionless, but the power of his Taoist body had become stronger.

Dao body stepped in the void, retracted his fists and hugged his hands in front of his chest, and then began to evolve. First, a Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish appeared, and then a Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish appeared, and then a Fang Tian Tian Yin.

Then, Lu Yi leaped forward, stood on top of the Heaven-shaking Seal, stepped on the Heaven-shaking Seal to suppress him, like a heavenly general, irresistible.

"call out!"

Ling Tian aroused ninety-nine sword auras and gathered in the air into a terrifying river of swords, rushing toward the Heaven-shaking Seal.

Lu Yi felt tight.

Standing on the Heaven-shaking Seal, he saw that the sword river was like the Milky Way in the sky, possessing incredible power, swept up from below, carrying the power of destruction.


The Heaven-Shaking Seal collided with the Jianhe, sending out a huge explosion.

The earthshaking seal shattered, and Lu Yidao retreated. Jianhe also collapsed, Ling Tian also stepped back a dozen steps, a strong fighting spirit flashed in his clear eyes.


Lu Yi's body moved again. This time he stepped up and walked directly toward Yunwu, bombarding him with his golden fist, trying to smash the cloud.

The power is too great, the whole hall is humming, as if it will shatter in the next second.

But Ling Tian's expression remained unchanged, standing in the clouds, calmly resisting.

The spectators were even more surprised.

Lu Yi and Ling Tian's performance far surpassed the strength of the Transcendent Realm, even in the ordinary Longmen Realm, I am afraid they are not their opponents.

Ling Tian and Lu Yi are both terrifying in strength. With their talents, if they grow up, they will definitely have a chance to become saints in the future.

Li Biyue couldn't help but look a little envious when looking at Huang Wu, she was really good-looking.


The mist suddenly spread to both sides, and a shocking murderous aura shot out from the inside, taking the head of Lu Yi's deity.

"Hehe!" Lu Yi smiled faintly, his Taoist body turned around in a thunderous manner, blocking Lu Yi's body.


Fist hit the sword gas.

Sword Qi burst into pieces.

"You are young, and your cultivation in swordsmanship is not weak. In that case, I will let you see my swordsmanship!" Lu Yi smiled.

"I can see that you can also use swordsmanship, just to compete." Ling Tian said coldly.


Lu Yidao stood in the air, with golden light all over his body, and then, a golden long sword appeared in his hand, slowly swiping, a creepy aura from the blade.

This is the first form of the nine forms of the sky sword.

Under Lu Yi's control, the Dao body evolved his moves very slowly, and then the sword's edge pierced through nine days and went straight to Xiaohan.

Everyone at the scene was palpitating, almost out of breath.

There was no light in the world, a horrible breath permeated, and everyone was cold.

Huang Wu took Luluo, and Li Biyue took the disciples of Xingkong Pavilion, and quickly retreated until they stopped outside the hall.

Amidst the clouds, Ling Tian saw Lu Yi's evolution of the Dao Body's sword moves, his eyes were incomparably bright, his fighting spirit became stronger, and he said proudly, "As expected of my servant, not bad!"


Ling Tian aroused countless sword auras, formed a dense sword net, and then enveloped the entire body, and then, the hair flew, every strand of hair aroused a sword aura, very terrifying.

"The sword moves created by the ancestors of Volley are really powerful. Ling Tian's current cultivation base is a master with complete ability to crush the Dragon Gate realm." Huang Wu said.

"What's wrong, worried about your sweetheart?" Li Biyue smiled.

Huang Wu shook his head, looked at Lu Yi, sweetness appeared in his eyes, and said, "I believe him. He will not lose!"


The first form of the 9th Heaven Sword finally broke down, but it did not break through the clouds around Ling Tian, ​​because Lu Yi did not use Xuanyuan Sword.

The sword in his Dao Body's hand was only evolved with spiritual power.

Lu Yi Dao body continues to evolve into the second form of the nine forms of heaven sword.


The earth-shaking sword roar sounded.

This sword was much more terrifying than the one just now. It was smashed from the air by Lu Yidao, with a terrifying aura and unparalleled power.

What is shocking is that, facing such a powerful move, Ling Tian actually gave up all resistance, but his body became more and more transparent.


The sharp edge was exposed, and a stunning sword light appeared on the surface of Ling Tian's body, and his whole body became an indestructible sword body.


The sword edge of Lu Yi's body fell and slashed directly on Ling Tian's body. The two collided, making a sonorous sound, and sparks splashed everywhere.

Ling Tian was safe and sound.


Lu Yi's eyelids twitched, and Ling Tian's methods made him look at him with admiration.

"Are you capable of this? If so, I advise you to stop immediately, and then obediently be my slave." Ling Tian stood with his hands in his hands, his face full of arrogance.

"You are indeed a little capable, but it is too naive to think that I will become your servant in this way!" Lu Yi was funny.

"My real trick hasn't been used yet, what are you fighting with me? If it weren't for my deliberate control, my volley sword intent would be enough to kill you." Ling Tian looked at the world.

"Don't forget, I was only fighting against you just now, my deity hasn't moved yet." Lu Yi raised his hand, pointed at Ling Tian, ​​and said: "You don't have to deliberately, you have any means to do it. Get it out and let me see if the genius of the Sword God Temple has gained a reputation."

"Since you don't exaggerate, then I will fight until you surrender." Ling Tian finished speaking, his breath suddenly changed.

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