The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1941: Marry him together

Ling Tian's aura rose wildly and became stronger than before. His whole figure was like a divine sword that had been tempered for thousands of years, and the sharp aura shattered the void.


The silver light flashed, and a silver armor appeared on Ling Tian's body, emitting a white divine light, making Ling Tian's polite and polite temperament a little more mighty.

His face was less calm than before, and a little more heroic, his eyes were like swords, and his hair was flying. At the same time, a dark sword appeared in his hand.


The long sword was out of its sheath, and a shocking killing intent filled the air, making everyone cold and afraid to approach.

"Is this a volley sword?" Li Biyue exclaimed.

"Senior Sister Li, are you talking about the saber that the ancestor Volley used when he was young?" Huang Wu asked in shock.

Li Biyue stared at the pitch black divine sword in Ling Tian's hand and took a close look. Suddenly, she saw two small seals engraved on the sword god: volley.

"Yes, it's the volley sword." Li Biyue said: "It is said that the ancestor of the sky used the volley sword before he became the powerhouse of the gods. This sword was forged by the ancestor of the sky himself."

"The ancestor Volley handed his saber to Ling Tian. It can be seen that the relationship between Ling Tian and him must not be simple." Huang Wu's eyebrows worries again.

Layers of clouds appeared around Ling Tian, ​​and he was in it, as if he was in a fairyland, and he felt like an expert beyond the world.

The silver armor on his body was gleaming, the Yushu was facing the wind, his blue shirt was moving with the wind, his eyes were clear, and the black sword exuded a cold murderous aura.

Condescendingly, Ling Tian looked down at Lu Yi and said, "Give you another chance and be my slave! This will definitely become the best choice of your life."

Lu Yi is funny.

If it was him, he would not say anything, and would directly kill with his sword, because at this time, Ling Tian's fighting spirit had risen to the extreme.

But Ling Tian was fine, ignoring the good opportunity before him, and even said something again, trying to convince Lu Yi with his aura, which was obviously a stupid behavior.

"Fortunately, I didn't promise you to be my slave, otherwise I will bring you such a stupid guy by my side, I guess I will lose my face sooner or later."


After Lu Yi finished speaking, he started.

This time, Lu Yi put away the Dao body and directly shot the deity.

The golden light on his body was dazzling, the whole body was made of gold, and he took nine steps in the void, Wushuang fist strode forward, trying to blast away the cloud and mist around Ling Tian.

After fighting for so long, Lu Yi had already noticed that Ling Tian's greatest defense now was his super defensive power. Whether it is the clouds around him or the armor on his body, the biggest function is defense.

As long as these defenses were broken, Ling Tian would be in danger.


After Lu Yi blasted out with a punch, Xuanyuanjian jumped out of his eyes, a hundred feet long sword aura swept across, and the hall was smashed into flight.

Lu Yi held the sword and approached step by step.


He stepped in the void, and every step he fell, there would be a loud noise, like a divine drum being struck, hitting everyone's hearts.

The breath on his body is constantly rising.

Lu Yi's golden light enveloped his whole body as if he was wearing a golden armor. He carried a golden long sword in his hand, which made him look like a real **** of war.

"too strong!"

"It's hard to imagine that there is such a powerful guy in Huafanjing."

"I knew there were such powerful guys fighting for inheritance, we shouldn't have come in."

"Fortunately, Inheritance doesn't know where it is, otherwise there is nothing to do with us."

The women in Xingkong Pavilion exclaimed one by one, staring at Lu Yi and Ling Tian in the sky, with little stars all over their faces.

"They are so handsome, if I could marry them, I would wake up in my dreams."

"Don't dream, Lord Lu is the man of the original poster of Mingyue!"

"Senior Brother Ling Tian is also very handsome, if you marry him, you can."

"I don't look at myself in the mirror. At a weight of two hundred catties, will Senior Brother Ling Tian look at you? Besides, he is a genius of the Sword God Temple, and his marriage is definitely not his choice.

"I don't care, I want to marry him..."

The ease on Li Biyue's face disappeared completely, and her eyes were staring at the battle between Lu Yi and Ling Tian in the air. For the cultivator, it was also possible to observe the battle. This is a rare opportunity.

"Lord, can he win Master Lu?" Lu Luo was very worried, seeing Ling Tian so powerful, she couldn't help but ask Huang Wu.

"Don't worry, Lu Yi will not lose!" Huang Wu looked at Lu Yi with firm eyes.

Hearing this, Luluo was sour in her heart and couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Owner, where are you and Master Lu?"

"What did you say?" Huang Wu didn't hear clearly for a while.

"Owner, don't you and Lu Gongzi already..."

Huang Wu heard it clear this time. Before Luluo finished speaking, Huang Wu's face turned red, and she felt a guilty conscience.

"Sure enough, Lu Gongzi likes the original poster." Lu Luo thought of this in her heart, tears burst into her eyes, and she hurriedly turned her head to avoid Huang Wu's eyes.

Huang Wu took Luluo's hand and asked, "Luluo, tell me honestly, do you like Lu Yi too?"

"I didn't." Lu Luo hurriedly denied, and said: "Lord, don't worry, I won't disturb you and Lu Gongzi."

"What are you talking about?" Huang Wu felt amused at the same time and felt pity, and said softly to Luluo: "Don't lie to me, I know you like Lu Yi too."

"Owner, I..."

Lu Luo wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Huang Wu.

"He is a very attractive man. I have to admit that. I just felt different about him before, but after falling into the sea of ​​fire, we encountered a life and death crisis. He protected me all the way. I was very touched and even more so. For some reason, me and him..."

Huang Wu blushed again, and then said, "In short, she is the man I have identified in this life."

Luluo's face darkened even when she heard Huang Wu's words.

What does the original poster mean by saying that, is he telling me not to fight with her for son Lu? But you are already there, how can I fight!

Luluo was thinking wildly in her mind.

At this time, Huang Wu said: "Luluo, we love sisters. I think we will be like this for the rest of our lives. If you like him too, shall we marry him together?"


Luluo stayed for an instant.

She couldn't believe that this was what Huang Wu said.

"Owner, are you kidding me?"

"Can this kind of thing be a joke?" Huang Wu glanced at Lu Yi and said, "He is so good, and there are certainly many women who like her. Since you like him, why not be with him? Besides, I am not. Unenlightened person."


"Not so much, but if you really like it, find an opportunity to explain your intentions to him, I believe he will like you too."

"Does Lu Gongzi like me?" Luluo glanced at Lu Yi, then at Huang Wu, thinking that she would serve Lu Yi with Huang Wu in the future, a scene that was unsuitable for children appeared in her mind, her small face instantly became Flushed.

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