The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1944: Don't give face to the saint

As a monk, his greatest wish is to take his own path. From ancient times to the present, as long as people take their own path, almost everyone is transcendent and holy.

Ling Tian also dreamed of taking his own way one day.

But now to see Lu Yi stepping out of his own way before him, this is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Ling Tian, ​​the genius of the Sword God Temple.

He is jealous.




He is a genius of the Sword God Temple, and there is an ancestor guarding the way behind him. He does not accept the fact that Lu Yi has surpassed him.

"Since you have taken your own way, I still want to kill you today and let you fall into reincarnation." Ling Tian said murderously.

"I won't give you a chance." After Lu Yi finished speaking, the aura on his body climbed again, and the whole person awakened like an immortal king, and the powerful sword intent came out from him, like a huge wave.


Lu Yi ascended to the sky in one step, waving his hands, Tai Chi Yin-Yang sword intent sent a terrifying attack, as if to pierce nine heavens and ten earths.


The sharp sword light cut through the void and shook Cangxiong. With an unstoppable power, Lu Yi strode towards Ling Tian.

"Lu Gongzi is terrible."

"Young and lightly stepped out of his own way, this is the rhythm of sanctification!"

"Such a evildoer, the emperor can't come out, who will fight for the front?"

"Even if it is the swordsmanship of Senior Brother Ling Tian's ancestor volley, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist Master Lu's magical skills."

"Does Senior Brother Ling Tian really want to become someone else's slave?"

Lu Yi's sword intent flowed all over his body, and his whole body became an exposed sword body, showing an invincible posture.

Ling Tian's face changed.

There was no longer the previous contempt and arrogance, his eyes were deep, staring at Lu Yi, even his breathing stopped.

Earlier, he admitted that Lu Yi is not simple, but he did not regard Lu Yi as a real opponent, let alone feel fear.

But now, Lu Yi used his own way to deal with him, Ling Tian felt a huge threat and pressure, if he couldn't stop it, it would be over.

He is a genius of the Sword God Temple. If he loses, he will lose not only his own face, but also the face of the ancestors and sect.

Thinking of losing himself and wanting to be a slave to Lu Yi, Ling Tian couldn't calm down.

"This is what you forced me, I want to kill you."

Ling Tian was angry, he no longer kept it, and played his most powerful trick.

"call out!"

The sharp aura lingered all over the body, and then, a cloud and mist suddenly appeared, enveloping Ling Tian, ​​and the armor on his body became very extraordinary.

With a sword swung, a huge sword formation fell from a high altitude with the power of destroying the world, trying to kill Lu Yi.

The volley sword intent was used to the extreme by him.

His body is like a transmitter at the moment, from head to toe, from the inside to the outside, every piece of skin is glowing, and every pore is inspiring sword energy.

Ling Tianren moved too, and walked towards Lu Yi.

Every step he fell, the void trembled, and the clouds around him wrapped him tightly and resisted Lu Yi's attack.

"Is Ling Tian fighting for his life?" Huang Wu's expression changed.

"If they continue to fight like this, I'm afraid they will lose both." Li Biyue said with a worried expression: "Ling Tian is a descendant of the ancestor of the sky. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid there will be big trouble."

"What should I do?" Huang Wu asked.

"Let them stop!" Li Biyue shouted loudly: "Senior Brother Ling Tian, ​​Master Lu, let's stop here today!"

However, the two of them ignored her at all.

"Lu Gongzi, listen to my advice, stopping at this time is the best result." Li Biyue said again.

Lu Yi glanced at her, but did not respond.

"Ling Tian, ​​stop it! You and Lu Gongzi have no grievances and no grudges, listen to my advice, that's it for today." Li Biyue persuaded Ling Tian again.

"Li Biyue, you and Xingkong Pavilion had better not intervene, otherwise, be careful that I'm not polite to you." Ling Tian didn't show Li Biyue in front of him at all, his eyes were just staring at Lu Yi with boundless killing intent.

"Ling Tian..." Li Biyue still thought about it, but Ling Tian had already started.


Ling Tian aroused the power of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and its momentum suddenly skyrocketed hundreds of times. At the same time, he waved the black divine sword, drew countless sword qi to Lu Yi, like a million masters.


Lu Yi's body was shocked and he was knocked into the air for dozens of miles.

"It's interesting." The war spirit in Lu Yi's eyes grew stronger.


Ling Tian's second attack came over, as if the sky was turned upside down, the whole world was full of flaming sword intent, as if to break the universe.


Lu Yi yelled, pushing his hands horizontally, and a Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish made of sword intent blasted out, like a nuclear bomb, causing an explosion.


Hundreds of miles long cracks broke open on the ground, the void shattered, endless black holes appeared, and Ling Tian was lifted out.


Xuanyuan Sword was suddenly sacrificed by Lu Yi again, sweeping a hundred feet with a sword, and then Lu Yi's figure suddenly disappeared, appearing in front of Ling Tian instantly.


A sword smashed Ling Tian into the air.


Ling Tian flew upside down for hundreds of miles, half of his body was smashed and he vomited blood.


Lu Yi's speed reached the extreme, and he followed him like a shadow. Before Ling Tian stood up, he came to the front and smashed out again with a sword.


Ling Tian's body was broken at the waist, and the blood was spilled. He was terrible and embarrassed.

Everyone was stunned.


Lu Yi followed and kicked Ling Tian's body.


With another swift sword, Lu Yi shattered the remaining half of Ling Tian's body.


Ling Tian's primordial spirit rushed out of his head and roared up to the sky.

"call out!"

The blade of the sword arrived in lightning and lay on Ling Tian's neck.

"Master Lu, please accept your mercy." Li Biyue said anxiously.

"Don't kill him." Huang Wu also said.

Lu Yi didn't kill him, but looked at Ling Tian's soul and said, "Will you be a slave? As long as you nod, I will let you go."

Even if he is defeated, Ling Tian will not surrender, and proudly said: "I will not surrender to anyone in my life, Ling Tian. I will not surrender to you today, nor will I surrender to others in the future."

"Have a backbone. But since you don't want to be my servant, what's the point of keeping you?" Lu Yi cut it down with a sword.


Everyone screamed in horror, unwilling to see Ling Tian's tragic situation.

Seeing that Jianfeng was about to pierce Ling Tian’s eyebrows, suddenly, a ray of brilliance rushed out of Ling Tianyuan’s eyebrows, and the heavens and the earth shook, and a holy emperor’s air overwhelmed the world. Then, an old man’s Taoist body appeared, blocking it. Lived Lu Yi's Jianfeng.

"Boy, you're so angry!" The old man said with a cold face.

"Who are you?" Lu Yi asked.

"This sage volleys, the chief elder of the Sword God Temple." The old man said arrogantly: "Can you put the sky in the face of this sage?"

"Is your face valuable?" Lu Yi sneered, and Xuanyuanjian slashed.

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