The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1945: Strong to the end

Lu Yi was very powerful, and didn't give any face to the ancestors of the sky, Xuanyuan Jian directly attacked Ling Tian Yuanshen.


Ling Tian finally changed color and shouted in horror.


Huang Wu and Li Biyue also yelled anxiously.

Ling Tian is a genius of the Sword God Temple, and there is a sword saint behind him. If he is killed, he will definitely pierce the sky.

Lu Yi didn't stop, and the blade became sharper.


Seeing that Xuanyuan Sword was about to hit Ling Tianyuanshen's head, suddenly, the wispy body of the ancestor of the sky moved, and he stretched his finger at Xuanyuan Sword.


A crisp trembling sound resounded throughout the world, and Lu Yi only felt his arm tremble, a huge force struck, and Xuanyuanjian almost let go and flew out.

"Deng Deng stare!"

Lu Yi stepped back dozens of steps before he stood firm.

"Don't you even give me the face of the saint?" The old ancestor Volley stood in front of Ling Tian Yuanshen with anger on his old face.

He is a dignified saint and the chief elder of the Sword God Temple. Even if the headmaster of a big power saw him, he treated him with courtesy, but Lu Yi's behavior angered him.

He didn't take him seriously.

Lu Yi held the Xuanyuan sword tightly, stared at the ancestor's Taoist body, and said, "You want me to let Ling Tian go, let him be my servant."

"Presumptuous!" The ancestor of the sky shouted: "How can the descendants of this saint be slaves! Boy, I advise you to be more interesting."

"Since you don't become my servant, you can't blame me." After Lu Yi finished speaking, Xuanyuan Jian made an inexplicable path.

"What do you want? Are you really going to kill my descendants in front of this saint?" The ancestor Volley was completely angry, and Dao's body exuded a terrifying aura.

"Don't play your saint's prestige in front of me. In Lao Tzu's eyes, you are not a shit." After Lu Yi finished speaking, Xuanyuanjian slashed over.

The ancestor Volley was trembling with anger. Lu Yi's despising attitude made him very uncomfortable. Looking at the stabbed Xuanyuanjian, he stretched his fingers to block it.


Lu Yi's figure suddenly disappeared from the front of the ancestor Volley, then stepped to the sky, and then made a strange sword move.

Xuanyuan Sword danced, the sky and the earth changed color, the wind and clouds remained, a huge breath was revealed from the sword's front, and everyone's faces were pale.

No one can see it, this is a big killer move.

"Boy, it's not easy for you to cultivate. I advise you to stop here. This sage does not hold you accountable, otherwise, this sage doesn't mind working on a back." The ancestor Volley shouted calmly.

"Don't speak big words, you are just a strand of Dao body, I am not afraid." Lu Yi said as he swung Xuanyuan sword.

The sword was fierce, a huge aura of righteousness suppressed the heavens, the void buzzed and trembled, and everybody was imprisoned at this moment.


Ancestor Volley jumped his eyelids, and he suddenly discovered that his Dao body was also imprisoned.

"The power of the sword domain."

The ancestor of the sky appeared astonished, a descendant of the Transformation Realm, who had cultivated the power of the sword realm, it was worth it!

I think back then, after he had also cultivated to the pinnacle of the God-passing Realm, he only came into contact with the power of the sword domain, and when he truly mastered it, he had already become a holy.

This kid is a monster.

Can't stay.

Murderous intent appeared in the eyes of the ancestors of Volley, and Lu Yi's talent made him feel a huge threat. He knew that if Lu Yi grew up, he would not be able to suppress it.

Must be removed today.

"Boy, this is your own death, no wonder I..." The ancestor Volley hadn't finished speaking, his face changed again.

Suddenly he found that the sword moves Lu Yi used were somewhat familiar and strange, and he couldn't remember where he had seen it for a while.

Strange, why does it feel like deja vu?

"Nine styles of the sky sword, the third style!"

Lu Yi yelled violently, and Xuanyuan Jian emitted a hundred-foot-long bright sword light, and violently slashed from the air.

"I remember it." The ancestors of Volley contracted his pupils, seeing Lu Yi's eyes horrified to the extreme, and muttered: "How can he know the nine forms of the sky sword? How is this possible?"


The endless sword light is like lightning in the sky, and it is so bright that people can't open their eyes.

The ancestor Volley was anxious.


The ancestor volley let out an angry shout, and then aroused endless sword energy on his body, broke through the power of the sword domain, and then resisted Xuanyuan sword with his bare hands.


His hand was still tens of meters away from Xuanyuan Jian, and the strong wind had already collided with the sword Qi, making a sound that shook the sky.

Lu Yi flew out upside down, turned several somersaults in the air, and followed closely, only to see a bright golden light from the surface of Lu Yi's body, covering his body.


Lu Yi waved his fist across the air and smashed at the ancestor of the sky.

The ancestor Volley was suddenly puzzled.

He and Lu Yi are now nearly a hundred meters away, and the force that Lu Yi sends out from the air does no harm to him. The ancestor of the sky knew this, and he believed that Lu Yi knew it too.

But why does this kid do this?

The ancestor of the sky felt weird.

"No matter what, no matter what this kid wants to do today, he must be killed today, and he must not grow up to pose a threat to me."

Thinking of this, the ray of Dao body of the ancestor of the sky flew towards Lu Yi.

Seeing the actions of the ancestors of the sky, Lu Yi smiled.

"call out!"

With a flick of the ancestor's finger, a sword aura was inspired, and it penetrated Lu Yi's chest in an instant, and he immediately reached Lu Yi in one step.


The ancestor of the sky grabbed Lu Yi's neck and lifted Lu Yi up.

"Boy, you should feel honored to die in the hands of this saint." The ancestor Volley said coldly, with endless murderous in his eyes.

"Shit! A dignified saint, he was shameless when he shot me a junior." Lu Yi shouted.

"Huh! This saint hasn't killed anyone in thousands of years. You are the first person to die in the hands of this saint in a thousand years. This is your blessing."

"If you feel aggrieved, wait until the hidden underworld, find the Hell of the Ten Temples and call for grievances!" The ancestor Volley finished speaking and decisively kills.

As soon as he used his hands hard, he suddenly felt something wrong. With a "boom", he saw Lu Yi who had been pinched by him quickly turned into a plume of blue smoke and dissipated in the air.

"This..." The ancestor Volley was taken aback.

"This is my Dao body." A laughter came from behind.

The ancestor of the sky looked back and saw Lu Yi holding Ling Tian's soul in his hand, looking at him grinningly.

"Under the sage's intention, I was deceived by you. Your kid really has some skill." The ancestor of the sky was gloomy.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Lu Yi said to Ling Tian, ​​"I ask you one last time, can I be my servant forever?"

"Dreaming! I will never be anyone's servant in Ling Tian in this life." Ling Tian roared.

"In that case, it's really useless to keep you." After Lu Yi finished speaking, he slammed it in, and Ling Tian Yuanshen shattered on the spot.

Suddenly, the scene was silent.

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