The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1959: Immortal Golden Body

"Of course I have other skills." Lu Yi smiled: "But now, I think it's better for you to attack me, otherwise the battle will end too early and it will be boring."

"Okay, I will attack you..."


Tuoba's reincarnation didn't finish speaking, and another side of the heavenly seal pressed down from the top of his head.


Tuoba reincarnated with a long whistle, full of hair and heels. He shook his fist and smashed the earthshaking seal. Then he pointed to Lu Yi and said, "After you say that I attacked you, why don't you keep your word?"

"Did you say you wanted to attack me? I didn't hear it." Lu Yi said.

"Then I'll say it again..."


Tuoba's reincarnation didn't finish, and the earthshaking seal appeared again.


Tuoba reincarnation jumped up and smashed the Heaven-shading Seal with a punch. He was about to argue with Lu Yi. When he looked up, several of the Heaven-shading Seals smashed quickly.

Tuoba Samsara had to punch again.

Lu Yi is funny, aren't you physically strong? I'm exhausting you! Anyway, as long as I stand still here, I can evolve the earthshaking seal.


The void trembled, and the Heaven-Shaking Seal was like a great Yue Hengtian, as if it had cut through the heavens and all realms, coming from the depths of the universe, and its momentum became stronger and stronger.


Tuoba Samsara resisted with brute force, roared in his mouth, and constantly punched, smashing the attacking Fantianyin with one punch and one punch.

But he underestimated Lu Yi, Lu Yi's power seemed to be inexhaustible, constantly urging his spiritual power, and smashing down thirty earthshaking seals in one breath.

In the distance, Luluo's cigarette holder steals pleasure.

"Master Lu is really bad. If you continue to fight like this, no matter how strong Tuoba Samsara is, he will have to be exhausted."

Sure enough, as powerful as Tuoba Samsara, he felt a little unbearable, sweating profusely, and his arms were numb, forcing him to use tricks.


Suddenly, the world shook, and the body of Tuoba Samsara suddenly emitted a bright golden light. Then, his whole person was made of gold, which people did not dare to despise.


The earthshaking seal fell on him, and automation became a fan.

"Could it be that this is the legendary King Kong indestructible body?" Lu Yi was surprised.

"Do you have any means to use it, I don't believe that you can break my immortal golden body." Tuoba Samsara shouted loudly, with a confident smile on his face.

"Indestructible body? Fame sounds pretty cool, but I don't know, is it really that powerful?"

After Lu Yi finished speaking, he flew out with a brush, and in the blink of an eye he arrived in front of Tuoba Samsara, then smashed with his fist.


His fist hit Tuoba Samsara's body, and Lu Yi only felt that the opponent's body seemed to be made of sacred iron, and his fist almost broke.

"You can't hurt me like this." Tuoba Samsara smiled.

"Really? One punch doesn't work, then ten punches, one hundred punches..." Lu Yi's face changed abruptly when he was halfway, and he only felt a huge force rushing out of Tuoba Samsara's body.


Lu Yi flew out.

"Master Lu!" Luluo shouted in the distance.

"Don't disturb him, this is just the beginning." Huang Wu said calmly.

Lu Yi quickly stood up, took a look at Tuoba Samsara's body, and smiled: "It's interesting, I want to try again."

"Do you want to hit me with your fists? I advise you not to, otherwise you will end badly." Tuoba Samsara reminded.

"I'm sorry, I like to go up through difficulties." Lu Yi finished speaking and rushed over again.


After the fist hit Tuoba Samsara's body, Lu Yi left and drew his fist back, and then bombarded again, cooperating with his extremely fast speed, and constantly attacking.

A total of 108 punches were bombarded.

Lu Yi was tired and sweating profusely.

Tuoba's reincarnation was unharmed.

"Unexpectedly, your skill is quite good!" Lu Yi said, wiping his sweat.

"That is, my immortal golden body was created by myself." Tuoba Samsara showed a triumphant smile on his face.

"Created?" Lu Yi was taken aback, this guy actually created a technique by himself, it's not easy!

"I'm telling you, in order to create this immortal body, I personally visited Lingshan and studied the law of the imperishable vajra in Lingshan for three years before creating it."

Tuoba Samsara said: "So far, no one at the same level as me can break my indestructible golden body."

"You said that, I'm more interested." Lu Yi rolled his eyes and said, "I don't believe I can't open it today."

"You try, but you have to be careful, don't be exhausted." Tuoba Samsara laughed.

Lu Yi quietly opened up the heavenly vision, wanting to see if there are any flaws in the immortal golden body of Tuoba Samsara. He always felt that, like the Buddha's indestructible body, the golden bell, and the iron cloth shirt, all these horizontal kung fu There are flaws.

As he had expected, Lu Yi had discovered the flaw after turning around the Tuoba Wheel with the Sky Eye Pass.

"By the way, you are called a mop, right?" Lu Yi said suddenly.

"My surname is Tuoba!" Tuoba's nose crooked with anger.

"Okay, okay, I don't care if I call it Tuoba or a mop. In short, let me listen to the mop. The technique you created is not good."

"You said my own self-made exercises can't work?" Tuoba Samsara's eyes widened, his face was full of anger, and then suddenly smiled: "If you have the ability, you can break it!"

"Okay, I'll show it to you." After Lu Yi finished speaking, he quickly appeared in front of Tuoba Samsara and blasted out with a punch.


As soon as his fist hit Tuoba Samsara's chest, Lu Yi's figure flashed away, and then weirdly appeared behind Tuoba Samsara.

Then, another punch hit the vest of Tuoba Samsara.

These two punches are all false moves.

It is to paralyze Tuoba's reincarnation and reduce defenses.

Next, Lu Yi quickly punched Tuoba Samsara's armpit. In an instant, the golden light on Tuoba Samsara's body disappeared, and his body flew out.


After hitting the ground heavily, Tuoba Lun couldn't recall the pain. He got up from the ground and asked Lu Yi in surprise, "How did you find it?"

His practice is indeed imperfect, but he doesn't understand, how could Lu Yi see it?

"Any exercise will have flaws, not to mention the immature exercises you created." Lu Yi smiled: "How about it, I said it can be broken, you believe it!"

"You are indeed a little capable, beyond my expectation. As you said, the Immortal Golden Body is just an immature exercise. Next, I will use mature exercises to learn from you."

After Tuoba's reincarnation was finished, his body suddenly disappeared from the same place.

"not good!"

Lu Yi's eyelids twitched and he was about to move away quickly, but it was still a step too late, and Tuoba Samsara appeared from the void and killed him.

Tuoba Samsara's left hand, wearing a pair of gloves, shone with cold, and was covered with sharp spikes, and he immediately reached Lu Yi.


Lu Yi passively responded, hitting his fists on the spikes, making a sound of piercing gold and cracking stones, which could be clearly heard in a radius of ten miles.


Although he blocked the blow, Tuoba Samsara quickly disappeared from the place and appeared from behind Lu Yi. With a punch, Lu Yi's vest shot Lu Yi away.

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