The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1960: Suppress genius

A hundred meters away, as soon as Lu Yi stood firm, the figure of Tuoba Samsara followed, like a shadow, at an incredible speed.

The reincarnation figure of Tuoba turned into hundreds of phantoms, making Lu Yi unable to see his real body, and then he kept shooting and killing.

"Aren't you very powerful? Can't you kill Ling Tian? Can't you break my immortal golden body? Then try this trick to break me!"

Tuoba yelled in Samsara, his phantom was everywhere, and they all killed Lu Yi.

In the end, these phantoms were all in one place, becoming a powerful real body, with the fighting spirit piercing through the sky and constantly blasting towards Lu Yi.

In a short while, he attacked a hundred moves.

With every blow, the void collapsed, and in the end he flew out Lu Yi dozens of feet away.

"Tuoba's reincarnation is too strong. If you continue to fight like this, Lu Gongzi is afraid it will be dangerous." Luluo stared at Lu Yi, full of worry.

"Tuoba Samsara's current exercises are very strange. Lu Yi wants to suppress him, I'm afraid it will be a little difficult." Huang Wu also looked solemn.

Lu Yi felt the tremendous pressure for the first time.

The point is that Tuoba's reincarnation is too fast.

"Don't think that you killed Ling Tian and broke my indestructible golden body, you can defeat me." Tuoba Samsara's eyes showed a high fighting spirit.

Then, he used extremely fast speed to keep attacking Lu Yi.

There were more than a thousand moves against each other.

"Do you only have this ability?" Suddenly, Lu Yi's indifferent voice came.

"Lord, look quickly, Lord Lu is not injured." Lu Luo exclaimed.

The aura on Lu Yi's body soared suddenly, and then his speed suddenly increased, confronting Tuoba Samsara head-on, not falling below.

"Lu Gongzi's speed is so fast, I almost can't see him." Lu Luo said in shock.

"Tuoba's line is born with him. In addition to his natural divine power, he also possesses super fast speed. Unexpectedly, Lu Yi's speed can compete with him. It is really terrifying." Huang Wu's eyes flashed brightly.

Lu Yi broke out.

He was full of power and fighting spirit, and his golden fist with an immortal aura knocked the void down.


With his fist moving forward, Tuoba's reincarnation blasted away.


Then, Lu Yi stood in the air, making seals with his hands. In an instant, the golden light on his body was bright, setting him off like a god.

The horrible breath made the Quartet tremble.


Lu Yi stretched out his big golden hand, covering the sky, and patted the top of Tuoba Samsara's head.


Tuoba reincarnation roared, trying to blast away Lu Yi's palm.


However, Lu Yi's palm reward seemed to be powerful, and he couldn't open it at all. Before the palm fell, the powerful aura lifted Tuoba's reincarnation flying, making it look very embarrassed.

"Yes, I really have some ability." Tuoba Samsara's face appeared astonished, and then roared: "Today, whether we live or die, we only win or lose!"

After speaking, he soared into the sky, fighting against Lu Yi's palm.

Lu Yi was not afraid, his palm fell.


Tuoba Samsara's fist and Lu Yi's palm collided with each other, the sky broke and the earth broke, and a fierce explosion occurred.

After that, Lu Yi started to speed up and slayed the past bravely.

He used all kinds of tricks to make the world boil.

Unparalleled punch!

Six Vein Excalibur!

Nine steps and nine heavens!

Turn Nine Golden Body Decision!

Turn the sky over!

Lu Yi constantly used various tricks to completely suppress Tuoba's reincarnation.

The two each performed powerful moves.


The Heaven-shaking Seal hit Tuoba Samsara's body firmly, staggering him and almost falling from the air.

Then, Lu Yi quickly appeared beside Tuoba Samsara, and a sword aura shot out.

Tuoba Samsara became smarter this time, instead of resisting Lu Yi's attack, he chose to avoid it with aloof speed.


As soon as he moved, Lu Yi appeared in front of him.

The two were almost face to face.

Even the breathing of the other party can be heard clearly.

Tuoba's reincarnation was shocked. He didn't expect Lu Yi to be so fast. He was shocked. He was about to attack, but he heard Lu Yi say: "Should we change the way to learn?"

"What do you mean?" Tuoba asked in reincarnation for a moment.

"You've seen the current situation. If we continue to fight like this, even if we fight for three days and three nights, there will be no winners or losers." Lu Yi said.

"Then what do you suggest?"

"My suggestion is that I attack next, you don't resist." Lu Yi said.

Idiots don't resist.

"Don't think about it! I tell you, don't play any tricks with me..." Before Tuoba's reincarnation was finished, Lu Yi's fist appeared on his forehead.


Lu Yi punched Tuoba Samsara's forehead and almost opened his head, which made Tuoba Samsara furious: "I want to kill you."

"call out!"

Before Tuoba's reincarnation had time to attack, a sharp sword aura had already shot over.

He was shocked and immediately flashed out.

After he stood firm and looked at Lu Yi, an angry flame was beating in his eyes, pointing at Lu Yi and cursing: "You are really shameless!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Lu Yi smiled and said, "How did you consider my proposal just now?"

"Don't even think about it..."

Before Tuoba's reincarnation was finished, he saw Lu Yi's figure disappear from the place. His heart jumped and he had a bad feeling, but before he could be guarded, Lu Yi appeared in front of him out of thin air.


Lu Yi punched Tuoba Samsara on the face, and a bunch of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"I wiped it, your beard is too long, and it hurts the skin on my hand. I said, can you go back and shave your beard and discuss it with me?" Lu Yi said.

"You... mean!" Tuoba's reincarnation was almost mad, he could see that the guy facing him was shameless.

Lu Yi smiled.

The rhythm of Tuoba's reincarnation was completely disrupted by him.

Now is his best time to attack.


Lu Yi arrived like lightning, and another heavy fist struck Tuoba Samsara's body, causing a huge shock to Tuoba Samsara's body.

Tuoba's reincarnation disheveled his head and shook his body, and almost fell from the air.

"You..." Tuoba Samsara opened his mouth, preparing to speak, and only uttered a single word before slapped severely on his face.


"I'm fighting with you!" Tuoba Samsara was furious, but before he attacked, Lu Yi came over and kicked him away.

The rhythm is all messed up.

Tuoba's reincarnation was suppressed by Lu Yi, and he didn't even have the power to fight back.

Sora originally had no chance to use it, and Tuoba's reincarnation was going crazy.


Lu Yi punched Tuoba Samsara's vest, and suddenly a bunch of blood blossoms came out, and Tuoba Samsara's body flew out several hundred meters.


His body hit the ground heavily.

Huang Wu and Lu Luo were surprised. They didn't expect that Tuoba's reincarnation would be severely injured so quickly.

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