The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1965: Wu Tian

Huang Wu and Lu Luo were shocked.

"Oh my God, Lord Lu and Tuoba Samsara killed them all." Luluo was stunned. There were more than a dozen masters, including four Dragon Gate masters.

"Why do you think they are both evildoers?" Huang Wu was calm about this result.

Lu Yi and Tuoba Lun returned to the ground.

"Who won?" Lu Yi asked with a smile.

"I lost." Tuoba Samsara said.

"You didn't lose." Lu Yi said.

"Although we killed the enemy almost at the same time, my body was stained with blood, but you didn't." Tuoba Samsara said.

Lu Yi's white shirt was not stained with dust, and there was no trace of blood, but Tuoba Samsara's body was stained with blood.

"Well, that's it for today. The mountains are high and the road is far away. Take care, and when there is a chance in the future, I will talk to you again." Tuoba Samsara said.

"Thank you!" Lu Yi said gratefully.

Tuoba Samsara is a very magnanimous person who deserves deep friendship. Lu Yi is grateful because Tuoba Samsara helped him kill the enemy.

"Don't be polite. To put it mildly, I don't want an opponent like you to die in someone else's hands." Tuoba reincarnation finished speaking and turned away with the sword on his back.

After taking two steps, Tuoba Samsara turned around again and looked at Lu Yi and said, "What's your real name? I'm just curious and won't tell anyone."

Lu Yi smiled and said, "My name is Lu Yi."

"Okay, I remember. Brother Lu, there will be some time later!" Tuoba reincarnation said, leaving without looking back, and gradually disappeared.

Lu Yi just returned to the two women and asked, "I didn't scare you just now, right?"

"I was scared to death." Luluo clutched her chest and said: "A dozen masters, among them there are four Longmen realm strong, I sweated for you. But fortunately, you killed them all. "

"Thanks to that dead mop, if it weren't for him to help me, I would be injured when I cut off those people," Lu Yi said.

"Okay, let's delay, let's hurry!" Huang Wu said.

The three of them hurried again.

All the way to the dust.

"By the way, Huang Wu, do you know that there is a person called a fortune teller in the cultivation world?" Lu Yi asked suddenly on the way.

"What are you asking him for?" Huang Wu's beautiful eyes were full of doubts.

"Tuoba Samsara told me that the reason why he knew my position was because the ancestors of the sky had asked the fortune teller to help."

Hearing Lu Yi's words, Huang Wu's face suddenly became heavy, and said, "The fortune teller is very proficient in this way. We are in trouble if he helps Old Ancestor Volley."

"Who is that fortune-teller?" Lu Yi asked curiously.

"He is the descendant of the Ziwei Sect. The Ziwei Sect is different from other big forces. They live in the mountains and are sparsely populated. Each generation does not exceed five disciples."

"But you can't just underestimate the Ziwei Cult for this reason." Huang Wu said: "Although there are not many people in the Ziwei Cult, they are very proficient in other ways, especially the Big Dipper, which is inherited from one line."

"The number of the Big Dipper includes Xiangshu, Fengshui, Five Elements Bagua, etc. I don't know the specifics. In short, they are very powerful, and forces like the Sword God Temple and Kuzhuzhai will not easily offend the Ziwei Sect."

Huang Wu continued: "The **** fortune teller is the heir of the Ziwei sect. It is said that when he was born, the purple air lingered around the sect for three months, and the heavenly music rang, and the Ziwei cultivator values ​​him very much. Even if I encounter the **** fortune now There is no certainty of victory."

"Of course, the most terrifying thing about the fortune teller is the Big Dipper number. He has never missed any fortunetelling."

"Listening to what you said, this divine fortune teller is quite evil." Lu Yidao.

"I said that as we walked all the way, why are we chasing our people more and more frequently? It turns out that there are gods who are helping them."

"Gongzi Lu, the host, we have to find a way to avoid the gods, otherwise, he will always know our location, and the Sword God Temple and Ku Zhuzhai will keep sending masters over." Lu Luo said.

Huang Wu shook his head and said, "We don't have a saint master here. We can't deceive the secret. The only way is to hurry to Zhongzhou."

"Well, let's speed up." After Lu Yi finished speaking, he hugged the two women, then turned into a stream of light and disappeared in place.


Dongtu Shenzhou, the Temple of Sword.

Above a sword mountain.

There is a huge sycamore tree growing, not to mention tens of thousands of years, with sturdy branches, most of the stems at the roots protruding out of the soil, like dragon claws, reaching out to grab a piece of cobblestone.

The cobblestone is as smooth as jade.

At this moment, a Taoist priest is sitting on this round stone.

He was in his early twenties, with clean eyebrows, and he was wearing a Taoist robe, and his back was embroidered with twenty-eight stars with a dragon pattern and gold thread.

The ancestor Volley stood by.

After a while, the ancestor Volley asked: "How is it, have you caught that kid?"


The young Taoist priest opened his eyes, spouted a mouthful of blood, shook his head and said, "Failed."

"Failed?" The ancestor of the sky was taken aback: "Four Dragon Gate realms, a dozen Transformation Realms, failed to catch that kid?"

"He and Tuoba Samsara joined forces to kill the people sent by the ancestor." said the young Taoist priest.

"This is impossible, Tuoba Samsara is a member of our Sword God Temple, how could he help an outsider." The ancestor of the sky did not believe it.

"If the ancestors don't believe me, you can see for yourself." The young Taoist priest stretched his finger into the air, and with a "pop", the air swayed like water waves, and a picture appeared.

It is the image of Lu Yi and Tuoba Samsara teaming up to kill the people in the Sword Temple.

"Presumptuous!" The ancestor of Volley was so angry that he said: "As a disciple of the Sword God Temple, even helping an outsider kill his fellow sect, the crime deserves death!

"God fortune teller, you immediately help me figure out where that kid went?" said the ancestor of the sky.

The young Taoist hesitated for a moment, then closed his eyes, and after a while, another mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, his face turned pale.

"What's the matter with you?" asked the ancestor Volley.

"Leaking the secret secret has been punished by Heaven." The fortune teller was very calm and said: "He is roughly on the way to Zhongzhou, but I can't figure out the exact location."

"What do you mean?"

"He is not an ordinary person. As long as I guess the information about him, Tiandao will punish me. What you saw just now. Moreover, Tiandao is punishing me more and more severely."

Hearing the words of the **** fortune teller, the murderous look on the face of the old ancestor Volley was even more serious, saying: "That kid can only destroy my Taoist body, which is extraordinary. If he grows up, I am afraid that no one can Suppress. No, you must kill him."

"Ancestor, based on my deduction, he is not that easy to die. If you really want to kill, send a master over!" The fortune teller suggested.

"Wu Tian, ​​you go and kill him." Volley Ancestor said.

"Yes, Master." A cold voice sounded, and then a figure jumped off the sword peak.

The ancestor Volley had a fierce light on his face, and his eyes were gloomy: "Huh, I don't believe it, my direct disciple can't kill you."

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