The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1966: Facing God

The three of Lu Yi speeded up their journey.

Along the way, people chased them continuously.

Almost every day, he faced seven or eight groups of enemies. Among them, there were many Longmen realm masters. Lu Yi fought hard and suffered serious injuries.

Two more days passed.

"Master Lu, the host, let's rest!" Lu Luo said when he saw Lu Yi sweating profusely.

"Good." Huang Wu agreed.

The three stopped.

Huang Wu gently wiped off the sweat from his forehead for Lu Yi, and asked with concern, "How is your injury?"

"It's okay." Lu Yi smiled: "A little injury will heal soon."

"Lu Gongzi, you must not be careless, I guess we will encounter enemies." Lu Luo reminded.

"How far is it to Zhongzhou from here?" Lu Yi asked.

"There should be one hundred thousand kilometers left." Huang Wu said, "As long as we step into the boundary of Zhongzhou, Kuzhuzhai and the Sword God Temple will not dare to mess around."


As he was talking, a cold murderous aura came, and when he looked up, he saw six Dragon Gate masters coming side by side, extremely fast.

All people from Kuzhuzhai.

"The surnamed Cao, the elder said, as long as you go back with us, I will spare you not to die." A Dragon Gate master shouted.

"Stop acting in front of me. I know what you think. Don't talk nonsense and do it!" Lu Yi stood up directly.

"Since you don't want to go back with us alive, then we will take your corpse back to life."

There is no doubt that this is another big battle.

After half an hour, the battle was over.

One was seriously injured and escaped, and the other five were all beheaded.

Lu Yi stood in the air, holding the Xuanyuan sword, and the red blood donated down his arm, dripping onto the ground, shocking.

"It's a pity, one person escaped." Lu Yi sighed.


Suddenly, he shook his body and fell from the air.


Hit the ground hard.

Huang Wu and Lu Luo hurriedly ran over, helped Lu Yi sit up, and the two women asked in unison: "How are you?"

"I can't die." Lu Yi's face was pale. In the previous battle, he faced six Longmen realm masters alone and killed the enemy by leapfrogging his energy. He also suffered serious injuries.

Lu Yi knew that he wanted to get up immediately.

He can't stay here.

If he can't stand up, he will die, and Huang Wu and Luluo will follow him. Because there must be people to kill.

Maybe it will be here soon.

Just thinking of this, a figure appeared in his sight.

He was dressed in black, his face was cold and his hands were behind his back. The pace seems to be slow, but in fact, one step is very fast.

Although the breath on the body tried its best to condense, it still gave people a feeling of breathing.

Huang Wu also saw the people coming.

"Someone is here again." Huang Wu whispered.

"I saw it." Lu Yi's face was very ugly for a moment. He had already noticed from the other's aura that this person was the most powerful of those who pursued him.

"Lu Gongzi, don't be afraid, there is still me." Lu Luo finished speaking, stood up and stood in front of Lu Yi, and asked the person who came: "Who are you?"

"Wu Tian!"

Two words were spit out from the person's mouth, and the cold tone contained a strong murderous intent.

"Wu Tian, ​​the big disciple of the ancestors of the sky?" Huang Wu's face was shocked.

The man raised his eyelids, glanced at Huang Wu, and said, "My goal is not you. Please take your maid and leave. I will not embarrass you."

"He is my man, where is he, where am I." Huang Wu then said to Lu Yi: "That is the big disciple of the ancestor of the sky, a strong man in the realm of gods!"


Lu Yi's heart shook fiercely. He originally thought that this guy was the peak cultivation base of the Dragon Gate realm, but he didn't expect that he was a powerhouse of the gods.

That's it!

Lu Yi's heart sank to the bottom.

"You can kill so many people from Zongmen and Kuzhuzhai in a small mortal realm. It is so extraordinary. I will give you a fair chance to fight." Wu Tian said coldly: "Can you still stand up?"

"Of course." Lu Yi gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground.

Huang Wu was the closest to him, and it was obvious that Lu Yi's legs were shaking, almost unable to support it.

"Uninteresting!" Wu Tiandao: "I wanted to see how extraordinary you are, but you are not worthy of me to act like this."

Lu Yi didn't speak, quickly plucked a leaf of the tree of life from the space ring, and then put it in his mouth.


In an instant, Lu Yi emitted a bright golden light, his injury immediately recovered, and his aura returned to its peak state.

The reason why he didn't take the magic medicine before was because the Nine-turned Golden Body definitely has a self-healing function. Although the speed of repairing the injury is not as fast as the magic medicine, the speed is not slow.

And the magic medicine is too precious, Lu Yi didn't want to waste it.

"Eh?" Wu Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you have magical medicine?"

"Is this weird?"

Lu Yi almost made Wu Tian vomit blood.

As the elder disciple of the ancestor of the sky, and a strong man in the realm of the gods, there is no magic medicine, and Lu Yi seems to be talking about a very common thing.

The murderous in Wu Tian's heart is even stronger.

"I guess you must be thinking now, kill me and take the magic medicine, right?" Lu Yi asked with a smile.

Wu Tian said nothing.

"I hate people like you the most. I clearly think so in my heart. I still don't admit it, hypocrisy." Lu Yi despised him, and then said to Huang Wu and Luluo: "Don't worry about me. I brought my body to the house."

"Lu Yi!"

"Master Lu!"

Tears appeared in Huang Wu and Lu Luo's eyes.

"Don't cry." Lu Yi helped the two women wipe the tears from the corners of their eyes, and said, "Although he is a powerhouse with a spiritual realm, it is not easy to kill me."

"Lu Gongzi, no matter what, you can't die. The host hasn't married you yet, and I haven't married yet..." Luluo didn't finish her words, but she realized that she had missed her lips, and her face turned red.

"Don't worry, I'm not that easy to die." Lu Yi finished speaking, and then told Huang Wu: "Remember, if I die, please take my corpse away and don't fall into the hands of Kuzhuzhai and the people of the Sword God Temple."

Lu Yi's biggest trump card now is his physique and Dragon King.

He is the body of Chongyang and can come back to life.

The dragon emperor cultivated as Tongtian. With the strength of the dragon emperor, killing Wu Tian should be a very simple matter. Lu Yi was afraid that he would kill Wu Tian, ​​and there would be other masters who would chase him down, and even a strong saint would himself Go out.

Especially the ancestor of the sky, the chief elder of the Sword Temple, if the ancestor of the sky comes, can the dragon king be able to stop it?

Lu Yi is not sure.

Moreover, he always felt that the dragon emperor had hidden great secrets, and he was unwilling to expose the dragon emperor as a last resort.

"Remember what I said!" After Lu Yi finished speaking, he strode towards Wu Tian and laughed loudly: "I heard that you are the big disciple of the ancestor of the sky? You said, I killed Ling Tian and ruined the sky. The ancestor Dao Shen, if he kills you again, will the ancestor Volley be angry?"

"It's not ashamed to say it!" Wu Tian's eyes flashed, and a sword aura shot out from his eyes, piercing the void and attacking Lu Yi directly.

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