The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1969: Unstoppable, unparalleled in the world

Lu Wu's double-faced color was firm, and the sharp aura on his body swept across all directions, very terrifying, Wu Tian was suppressed by his might to stand up.

"He is only in the Dragon Gate Realm, how can he be so powerful?"

Wu Tian was shocked, bloodshot spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"I'll say it again, if you apologize to my apprentice, I don't need to kill you, if you stubbornly resist, kill you all." Lu Wushuang said.

"Don't think about it!" Wu Tian gritted his teeth, and black armor appeared on his body. Then, from the strength of his body, he suddenly shouted: "Broken!"


With the shocking explosion, the pressure that was originally on him was knocked away in an instant.

Wu Tian broke free.

"I underestimated you just now. From now on, I won't be merciful." Wu Tian finished speaking, and every strand of skin on his body shot a sharp sword aura, and then went to Lu Wushuang Town to kill.


To everyone's surprise, Lu Wushuang actually put away the long sword, and then slammed his fist. Suddenly, the void burst into the sky.

Lu Wushuang smashed Wan Dao Jian Qi with a punch.


There was a scream in the sky, and a huge sword aura fell from the sky, drawing a dazzling light, and piercing Lu Wushuang directly.

This ray of sword aura was very cold and horrible.


Lu Wushuang's fist slammed into Jian Qi, smashing Jian Qi.


Wu Tian was surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lu Wushuang's fists were so hard.

"Wu Tian, ​​you haven't made a step out of the mountain for so long. I thought you have grown a lot with the ancestor Void. Who knows that you are still walking in the same place. It's really useless." In the distance, there was a laugh, and then, one wearing a hat The man came over step by step.

His appearance is ordinary, and he can't see anything surprising, but his hat is glowing blue under the sunlight.

This hat is not a common product.

This is also a strong man in the realm of God.

"Suo Feng Jinliang, don't stand and talk because your back hurts. If you have the ability, you can take him down." Wu Tian said with a gloomy expression.

"Look, it's a god-passing state anyway, even the Dragon Gate state can't be killed. What is it?" Shuo Feng Jinliang laughed, and then he stood next to Wu Tian in one step.

"No, Shuo Feng Jinliang and Wu Tian joined forces, Senior Lu is in danger." Huang Wu's face was solemn, full of worry.

"What's the background of that guy?" Lu Yi asked.

"A disciple of Elder Kuzhuzhai." Huang Wu said.

Lu Yi's heart sank.

"Haha, you are all here, how can you lose the poor monk." In the void, another voice sounded, and a short and fat monk appeared.

Lu Yi was taken aback. This was the first time he met a monk after he came to the realm of cultivation.

"People from Lingshan?" Lu Yi asked.

As far as he knows, only the people of Lingshan are Buddhists.

"No, his name is Qingjing. He is from Kuzhuzhai and a disciple of the Great Elder." Huang Wu said, "Don't look at him smiling, he never blinks when he kills, he is a ruthless character."

"It turns out to be a fake monk." Lu Yi snorted coldly.

"Senior Lu faces the three Dragon Gate experts alone, and the pressure is too great." Huang Wu said with a solemn expression.

"It's over, it's over this time." Luluo felt even more desperate, feeling that there was no hope.

However, Lu Wushuang looked calm.

"Dead bald donkey, what are you doing?" Wu Tian asked.

"The poor monk happened to be passing by here, come and see the excitement." Qing Jing walked to stand beside Shuo Feng Jinliang, nodded slightly, and said hello, and then watched Lu Wushuang said: "The donor can use the Dragon Gate realm to overcome the **** realm, which is extraordinary. , My Kuzhuzhai intends to solicit, I wonder if the donor is willing to join my Kuzhuzhai?"

Before Lu Wushuang spoke, Wu Tian asked angrily, "Dead bald donkey, what do you mean?"

Smiling cleanly, just looking at Lu Wushuang.

At this time, Shuofeng Jinliang also said to Lu Wushuang: "You are extraordinary talent. Although your realm is not as good as mine, but your combat power is not weaker than mine. I also admire you very much. Join us Kuzhuzhai!"

"Shuofeng Jinliang, clean, don't forget that Qiongqi is still in my master's hands. If you dare to recruit enemies, don't blame us for leaving Qiongqi's life." Wu Tianman's face was angry.

"I said Wu Tian, ​​don't be so angry, I just admire him. Besides, it was not he who killed Ling Tian." Qing Jing said.

Lu Wushuang's expression was calm, looking at the three powerful gods in the void opposite, his expression did not fluctuate.

"How about it, are you interested in joining our Kuzhuzhai?" Shuofeng Jinliang asked again.

"Hey, I really don't understand, why are you so long-winded." Lu Wushuang seemed a little impatient, and said, "Don't talk nonsense. If you want to kill my disciple, just pass me first."

"It seems that you are desperate for death." Murderous intent appeared on Shuo Feng Jinliang's face.

"The Buddha said, saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha. The poor monk sees that your cultivation is not easy, but you really can't bear to kill you. You should come to my Kuzhuzhai gate! With your talents, I believe that the strong saints will be interested in you. "Clean hands clasped together," said.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's fight!" Lu Wushuang's voice was very soft, but when every word was uttered, it seemed like a sky thunder exploded, shaking the body of the people present.

"Master..." Lu Yi was anxious.

"Don't worry, I can bear the three gods through the gods." Lu Wushuang was very confident.

Hearing this, the three of Xukong laughed.

"I really can't help myself, thinking that if you can fight me for a while, you can completely beat me. What a dream!"

"The poor monk hasn't seen such an outstanding Longmen Realm for a long time, and today I can't help but see Lie Xinxi, and I hope to enlighten me."

"Since you are seeking your own death, you can't blame us."

The three voices were cold and full of killing intent.

Lu Wushuang stepped into the sky in one step, then slowly drew out the long sword, and then swung the long sword, drawing an inexplicable trajectory in the void.

Followed, swinging the sword non-stop.

In less than half a minute, hundreds of sword auras appeared in the void, and then these sword auras were arranged and combined in an orderly manner to form a sword formation that protected Lu Wushuang in it.

Lu Wushuang's whole aura suddenly changed.

At this moment, he seems to be the emperor who dominates the heaven and the earth. He regards all beings as ants. In front of him, no matter how powerful you are, there is nothing but dust.


The three masters of the God Realm moved together.

Shuofeng Jinliang rushed to the front and attacked Lu Wushuang.


In the sword formation, Lu Wu two people waved their long swords, and a sword groan resounded across the world, causing resonance in the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth. Suddenly, the endless sharp sword aura fell like stars in the sky.


Shuo Feng Jinliang's body exploded in an instant, turning into a rain of blood, dyeing the sky red.

Behind Shuo Feng Jinliang was Purity. He was about to make a move, and his face was sprayed with blood. Seeing Shuo Feng Jinliang died, he was shocked and prepared to retreat, but he was horrified to find that his body was smashed. Inexplicable power was imprisoned.

"Open!" Qing Qing shouted, using various tricks. After a few seconds, Lu Wushuang swung his sword again.

With a sword, the world changes.


The clean body also exploded, turning into a rain of blood.

The two masters of the God-Sound Realm died in a blink of an eye. Wu Tian didn't expect it, and without even thinking about it, he immediately turned and fled towards the distance.

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