The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1970: Sword God shot

"Did I let you go?"

Lu Wushuang's voice sounded, and with a wave of his hand, the hundreds of sword auras that had surrounded him flew out in an instant, blocking Wu Tian's path.

Then, the sword formation changed, trapping Wu Tian in the middle.

Lu Wushuang walked in the void, like an emperor walking on nine days, his body was densely covered with sacred aura, inviolable.

"Kneel down!"

As Lu Wushuang shouted, Wu Tian broke his knees and knelt in the void.


On the ground, the three of Lu Yi were shocked and did not know what to say.

"Too strong! Senior Lu is simply not a human." Luluo opened her small mouth and was surprised.

"Now I finally understand why you want to worship him as a teacher. He is indeed qualified to be your master." Huang Wu said in shock with a pretty face.

"Actually, it was not my choice for me to worship him as a teacher, but his choice, because at that time I was young and could not choose at all." Lu Yi smiled, his smile full of contentment.

He knew that Master would never let him down.

Huang Wu rolled his eyes, and then said, "This is the first time I have seen such a powerful Dragon Gate Realm."

"It's okay, you will see the second one." Lu Yi said.

Huang Wu looked at Lu Yi suspiciously.

Lu Yi smiled and said, "The second one is me."



Dongtu Shenzhou, the Temple of Sword.

Above Jianfeng, the ancestor Void was a little impatient.

"What's the matter? I haven't heard from it for so long? God fortune teller, you can get the picture out and let me see. It stands to reason that Wu Tian should have killed the kid."

"Okay." The fortune teller stretched out a finger and pointed it in the air with a "pop" sound. The air swayed like water waves, and a picture appeared.

Wu Tian knelt before a man in white.

"What!" The ancestor of the sky shot two fierce murderous auras in his eyes, and asked God fortune teller: "What is going on?"

The fortune teller frowned, but he didn't understand, what happened on the scene?

"Help me do the math, who is that guy in white?" Old Ancestor Volley gritted his teeth.

"Old ancestor, wait a minute." The fortune teller said, he began to deduct it compared to his eyes. In a flash, his black hair turned all white, and his original young face became old in just two seconds. Incomparably, the whole body's vitality dissipated, and immediately became an old-fashioned look.

The blood from the corners of God's mouth kept overflowing.

"Quickly stop!"

There was a voice in the void, and then an old man with white hair in a Taoist robe flashed out of the void in one step, pointing a finger on the back of the **** operator's neck.

The **** operator tilted his head and fainted.

"Xuchen, what are you doing?" The ancestor Volley was full of displeasure.

"What are you asking me for? If it weren't for me to stop the fortuneteller in time, he would die here today. At that moment, he had lost three hundred years of life." The old Taoist said angrily.

"How could this happen?" The ancestor Volley was taken aback.

The old Taoist's palm gently turned, and the picture flashed again. Looking at Lu Wushuang in white, the old Taoist said, "This Longmen Realm is not easy."

"What's his background?" asked the ancestor of the sky.

"I do not know either."

"Then help me do the calculations and figure out his origin, just as I owe you a favor, and if you or the Ziwei teaches you in the future, I will definitely fulfill it." Old Ancestor Lingkong said.

The old Taoist hesitated for a while before he said, "Okay!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his right hand and pointed it into a sword, swiping in the void, and soon, the sky shook, and a huge compass appeared, with golden light.

Very mysterious.

Then, the old Taoist closed his eyes and muttered a spell silently in his mouth, only to see the disc spinning continuously, and he began to deduct the secret.


Suddenly, there was a roar between the sky and the earth, and a huge thunder and lightning fell from the sky, on the huge sycamore tree.

The sycamore tree was cut in half, and the whole body was scorched and there was no life.

There was a thunderbolt without warning, very strange.

This frightened the ancestor of Volley.

"Puff!" The old Taoist shuddered, spouting a rain of blood, then opened his eyes and his face was shocked: "How is it!"

"What did you count?" Old Ancestor Volley asked urgently.

"He is not from this world..." Before the old Taoist finished his words, the corners of his mouth were dripping with blood, his face was pale, and at the same time, there was another bang.

A thunder and lightning ran through the world, submerging here.

The ancestors of the sky and the old Taoist priests left quickly with a coma.


The entire Jianfeng was shattered by lightning.

Arriving in a safe place, the ancestor of the sky couldn't help but ask: "What is the origin of that person in white?"

"The secret is not to be revealed. You have seen the situation just now. In short, I remind you that there is a big cause and effect in that person. Let's stop this matter!" the old Taoist persuaded.

"Tian'er was killed, and now my apprentice is on the line of life and death, you even let me stop, what is your intention?"

The ancestor Volley was full of anger.

"Volley, you and I have known each other for many years. If it weren't for the friendship, would I allow the fortune teller to help you? Listen to my advice, this matter ends here, I am for your own good." The old Taoist persuaded again.

"But my apprentice..."

"Isn't your apprentice still dead?" The old Taoist turned his palm, and the picture reappeared, only to see Lu Wushuang drop with a sword, killing Wu Tian.

"Disciple..." The ancestor of Volley was eager to split his eyes, then tore the void, strode in, and said as he walked: "Whatever his origin, I will kill you today!"


The old Taoist wanted to persuade, but he listened to the old ancestors of the sky: "You go back! I will remember the favor." Then, the old ancestors of the sky disappeared.

"Oh!" The old Taoist sighed deeply, and then, carrying the fortune teller, also tore the void and returned to the Ziwei Cult.

Lu Wushuang killed Wu Tian, ​​the long sword returned to its sheath, and he turned to leave. Suddenly, his ears moved, and he immediately turned around, only to see the void being torn apart.

A figure came out from inside.

The huge coercion and brutal murderous aura pervaded the world.


Lu Yi and Huang Wu Luluo couldn't resist the pressure. They spurted blood on the spot, their skin began to crack, and their bodies would explode.

"Volley ancestor!"

After seeing the incoming person clearly, Lu Yi's heart jumped, and then he initiated the Nine Turns Golden Body Judgment, covering Huang Wu and Lu Luo with bright golden light.

But after holding for a second, Jin Guang was crushed by the powerful pressure, and Lu Yi vomited blood again.

Is this saint coercion? too frightening!

Lu Wushuang stood in the void, with blood from the corners of his mouth, as powerful as him, and could not resist the pressure of the saint.

"Kill my Tian'er, kill my apprentice again, today, you are all going to die!" After the ancestor Volley finished speaking, countless sword intent appeared on his body, and he shot down Lu Wushuang, Lu Yi and others.

He wanted to kill everyone with one blow.


At this moment, above the nine heavens, a voice full of majesty came.

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