The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1984: Hallows

At midnight.

The fighting in Zhongzhou City is even more fierce.

Most of the people have been massacred.

The blood flowed into a river, and the smell was soaring.

"It's over, it's over, Zhongzhou is all over!"

The people who were left screamed in horror.

However, up to now, no one from the Fang family has come out, but there are more and more masters of Kuzhuzhai and Tianshazong.

However, most of these people are experts in the Dragon Gate realm, and there are not a few of them connected to the God Realm.

The ancestor of the Fang family glanced outside the main hall and said: "The time is almost up, I think they want to solve it before dawn. Wushuang, you lead our Fang family disciples to the battle."

"it is good!"

Lu Wushuang responded, got up and walked out of the door.

"Wait!" Fang family ancestor stopped Lu Wushuang, then waved his palm, a one-foot-tall golden pagoda appeared in his palm, handed it to Lu Wushuang, and said: "This is the tower of heaven, the holy weapon, there is it. Hand, I can rest assured of your safety."

Lu Wushuang took over the Tongtian Tower.

"The usage of this tower..." Fang Jia's ancestor told Lu Wushuang how to use the Tongtian Tower, and then said: "Go! Remember, you can't do anything."

"Ancestor, don't worry!" Lu Wushuang finished speaking and strode out of the hall.


The Fang family's disciples waited sternly, looking at the other side of the lake, all their eyes were red, and some even left tears of grief.

"They are our people!"

"Why didn't the ancestor give orders?"

"If this continues, the people will be slaughtered."

At this moment, Lu Wushuang strode forward, dressed in white clothes in the dark, which looked particularly dazzling, and said, "Everyone, the ancestors have orders, let all of you join me to meet the enemy."

"Senior Brother Lu, give your order!" someone urged.

"Everyone, please follow my order and set up a line of defense along the lake. If the enemy rushes over, kill him without mercy!" Lu Wushuang ordered.

Hearing what he said, everyone suddenly exploded.

"Why not let us save the people?"

"If you don't pass, the people will die."

"I want to go!"

"Do you think that with your current cultivation base, can you save those people in the past?" Lu Yi said with a cold face: "What you see now is just a small character, and the real ruthless character has not yet been shot."

Ruthless role?

"Could it be that a saint is here?"

"Don't be afraid to tell you that more than one saint has come."


Everyone changes color.

"It's over, the three elders are shutting down their lives and cannot take action."

"The ancestor is the only one who can really fight against the saint."

"No wonder the ancestors didn't let us out because they didn't want us to die!"

"But we can't just watch the people being slaughtered clean!"

"What should we do now?"

"Senior Brother Lu, think of a way quickly."

"Don't panic, everyone, follow the order I just ordered, and remember, as long as the enemy rushes over, kill him!" Lu Wushuang glanced across the lake and said, "As for the waste, leave it to me!"

"Brother Lu, you—"

Someone wanted to say something, but at this time Lu Wushuang had already acted and saw him stepping on the lake and walking towards the other side.

"Senior Brother Lu wants to deal with so many enemies alone?"

"The opponent is a strong man with the realm of God."

"No, I'm going to help Senior Brother Lu."

"You can't go. Brother Lu said, let us stay here, we can't violate his orders."


"Not so much, but follow the order."


Suddenly, the void shook, the clouds in the sky were torn apart, and an unimaginable pressure instantly enveloped half of Zhongzhou.

No one can resist, all the people below the realm of the gods all knelt on the ground.

Many monks were trembling in their souls, kneeling on the ground involuntarily, as if facing a god, afraid and in awe.

Shengwei pervades!

Everyone was stunned, dumbfounded, and completely speechless in shock, the bodies of Kuzhuzhai and Tianshazong trembled involuntarily.

Wearing a white robe, Lu Wushuang stood on the lake, holding a golden pagoda in the palm of his right hand, surrounded by divine light.

The terrifying Shengwei emanated from the pagoda.

"Oh my God, that's Tongtian Tower!"

A master at Kuzhuzhai recognized it.

"That's something from the ancestor of the Fang family, it's a powerful sacred artifact. The ancestor of the Fang family used it to kill many masters."

"The saint may not be able to stop it."

"The saints can't stop it, how can we stop it? Run!" The talking guy turned and ran, but after only a few meters, his body exploded.


At the same time, the "puff puff" sound kept ringing, like the bubbling sound of porridge about to be cooked.

The monks of Tianshazong and Kuzhuzhai exploded one by one, and their spirits were destroyed.

In the practice room.

Lu Yi was also startled, Huo Ran opened his eyes, then walked out, and from a distance, he saw Lu Wushuang standing on the lake.

"Master!" Lu Yi whispered, his attention was focused on Lu Wushuang's right hand, his eyes gleaming.

"That is the Tower of Tongtian, it is a holy artifact." There was a pleasant voice in the ear.

Lu Yi turned his head and saw Huang Wu and Lu Luo approaching.

"Is the sacred weapon the saint's weapon?" Lu Yi asked.

"To be precise, only the Saint King can refine the sacred artifacts. This Tongtian Pagoda was obtained from a big man when the ancestor of the Fang family was young." Huang Wu explained.

That's it.

Lu Yi not only asked: "My Xuanyuan Sword, will one day be as powerful as Tongtian Tower?"

Huang Wu rolled his eyes and said, "No matter how powerful the Tongtian Pagoda is, it is only a holy weapon, and your Xuanyuan sword is a divine weapon."

"There are not many divine weapons left in the world. Xuanyuan Sword is known as the number one divine weapon in the ancient times, and it is even more extraordinary. It's just that your current cultivation base is too low to display one ten thousandth of its power." Huang Wu said.

"Hope!" Lu Yi was looking forward to it. He wanted to see what exactly was the state of Xuanyuanjian's complete eruption?

Huang Wu went on to say: "When the Tongtian Tower was in Senior Lu, it didn't show its full strength."

"Isn't it fully revealed yet?" Lu Yi was surprised.

You know, just for this moment, the monks below Kuzhuzhai and Tianshazong are almost dead.

"The reason why it is called a sacred weapon, only the Saint King can show its full strength. After all, Senior Lu's realm is a little lower." Huang Wu said.

"This..." Lu Yi was shocked and speechless.


After a while, an extremely terrifying pressure suddenly spread from the distant sky, and everyone instantly changed color.

"No, they also have sacred artifacts in their hands!" Huang Wu said in surprise.


The world trembles, the void is pierced, and a terrifying pressure is overwhelming...

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