The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1985: God of Death

Shengwei is mighty!

The master of Kuzhuzhai also sacrificed the holy artifact.

"I knew that the old Fang family would resist desperately, and I was already prepared." Sun Laojiu stood in the void, with a large bronze cauldron hanging above his head.

The three-legged tripod exudes the air of greatness, which is terrible.

"Lao Jiu, you still have the foresight, you even borrowed the boss's Hunyuan Qiankun Ding." The white-haired man smiled.

"No way, who told the old Fang family to have the Tongtian Tower in his hand? If he doesn't have the Holy Artifact in his hand, it will take a lot of effort to kill him." Sun Laojiu smiled triumphantly.


At the same time, the Tongtian Pagoda in Lu Wu's hands was shining brightly, and a ghost of a unicorn appeared, rushing for nine days, and the roar of roar spread thousands of miles.

The Hunyuan Qiankun Ding on Sun Laojiu's head was overwhelmingly powerful, and the majestic momentum was surging, causing the whole house to shake, and the water in the lake splashed hundreds of feet high.

"No, the enemy is coming."

"Quickly, establish a line of defense."

"Can't let those **** rush over."

"No matter how many enemies come, we will never back down."

"Yes, never back down."

The Fang family disciples were bitter with the enemy and decided to fight back.

"Everyone, since you are here, don't hide. Don't you want to destroy the Fang family? Then pass me first!"

Lu Wushuang's voice was cold, and his body exuded a heavy murderous aura.

"You are Lu Wushuang, right?" Sun Laojiu walked out of the void, with a large bronze cauldron hanging above his head, the picture was very funny.

Because he was too short, he was less than four feet tall, with a soaring braid, and a goatee, like a child. The point is that the big bronze tripod is three feet high, which is a sharp contrast between one person and one tripod.

But no one dared to underestimate him.

"You really didn't leave." Lu Wushuanghan said.

"Such a grand event, how can I be willing to go." Sun Laojiu stared at Lu Wushuang for a while, and said: "If you submit to me, the grievances between your masters and apprentices and our Kuzhuzhai will be wiped out, and I can still promise that Tongtian Tower will start from today. From the start, it’s yours."

As soon as this remark came out, the Fang family disciple changed color.

"Why should I believe you?"

"I am a saint! I am the elder of Kuzhuzhai!" Sun Laojiu said proudly.

"Is the saint great?" Lu Wushuang sneered.

"It's really amazing!"


Sun Laojiu's voice fell, and the aura on his body blended with the aura of Hunyuan Qiankun Ding, like a giant beast that came out of the predicament, swallowing heaven and earth, and instantly sucking the heaven and earth spirit in Zhongzhou City Do nothing.


Everyone was shocked.

Sun Laojiu is not tall, but at this moment, there are horrible fluctuations in his body, like a huge ocean throwing up a terrifying sea, and like a demon king coming out of the Jiuyou Hell. The huge breath makes everyone tremble. .


Lu Wushuang fearlessly urged Tongtian Tower with all his strength.

In an instant, a unicorn appeared on the Tongtian Pagoda again, huge and huge, straddling the void, roaring up to the sky, dispelling the aura from Sun Laojiu.

"It's no wonder you dare to challenge me, you really have some ability." Sun Laojiu coldly snorted, and said to his back: "You all come out too!"


Countless powerful auras came out, and dozens of masters of the god-passing realm appeared from all directions, and then gathered together.

The vast majority of these powerhouses came from Kuzhuzhai, and a few of them belonged to the Tiansha Sect.

They gathered together, without concealing the breath on their bodies, in a flash, the atmosphere between heaven and earth was full of murder.

The Fang family disciples panicked one by one.

"It's over, so many psychic realms, how to fight?"

"There is also a saint."

"If the three elders did not close life and death, who would dare to invade?"

Sun Laojiu stood in the void and ordered the gods through: "Go, catch Lu Wushuang for me!"


At the moment, the two masters of the God-Sound Realm walked towards Lu Wushuang.

"Come here if you want to die!" Lu Wushuang shouted coldly.

His voice was as if it came from the underworld, cold and merciless, and clear to everyone present.

Lu Yi was nervous, his eyes fixed on Lu Wushuang, his palms were sweating, and there were too many enemies. He was afraid that Lu Wushuang could not resist it.

"Don't worry. Senior Lu has the Tongtian Tower in his hands, and those powerhouses in the God-through-God Realm are not his opponents." Huang Wu comforted.

She had seen with her own eyes that even if there was no Tongtian Tower, Lu Wushuang would be able to kill the powerhouse of the God Realm, not to mention that Lu Wushuang still had the sacred artifact in his hand.


Two of Kuzhuzhai's powerhouses from the god-shaking realm slew towards Lu Wushuang.


Lu Wushuang let out a cold snort, the Tongtian Pagoda in his hand burst out with a dazzling divine light, illuminating the entire night, and the unicorn phantom appeared again, roaring up to the sky.

The huge voice shattered the sky, and the terrifying aura rushed out, and the two gods with the power of the gods were knocked out before they got close to Lu Wushuang.



The bodies of the two powers of the gods were transformed into a blood mist.

"it is good!"

"Senior Brother Lu killed well!"

Seeing Lu Wushuang kill two masters of the God-Sound Realm, the Fang family disciples applauded in unison, and their morale rose suddenly.

"Go again!" Sun Laojiu sent two more masters of the gods, staring at Lu Wushuang and said coldly: "It takes great power to activate the sacred artifact. You are only in the Dragon Gate Realm. I think you can support it. how long?"

"Do you think I only use sacred tools?" Lu Wushuang sneered, letting go of his palms, and let the Tongtian Pagoda sit in the air, resisting the aura of Hunyuan Qiankun Ding on Sun Laojiu's head.

Then with a "clang", Lu Wushuang drew out the long sword behind him and walked straight to the two powers of the gods.

"Idiot! Give up the sacred weapon, you have only a dead end!" Sun Laojiu laughed.

The two masters of the God-Through the God Realm originally had concerns, afraid that Lu Wushuang would use the sacred artifacts against them, but now seeing that Lu Wushuang had given up the sacred artifacts, they immediately let go of their concerns.


The two yelled at the same time and killed Lu Wushuang.


Lu Wushuang took out his sword and waved his arm. The blade drew an inexplicable trajectory, and the void shook as if time had frozen at this moment.

"What sword trick?" Sun Laojiu frowned: "Not good..."


As soon as Sun Laojiu felt something was wrong, he saw the body of one of the strong gods sent out into a cloud of blood, and the other also exploded with his body.

"I can kill without sacrificial artifacts!" Lu Wushuang stood in the air, dressed in white, moving into the wind.

Everyone was shocked.

You know, the gap in realm is insurmountable, even if it can kill the enemy beyond the level, only a few evildoers can do it.

But Lu Wushuang killed a few powerful gods, his face was not red or breathless, as if it were a breeze.

"It's incredible!"

"This Longmen Realm is not simple."

Sun Laojiu was also surprised, watching Lu Wushuang said: "Last chance, submit to me, I will spare you not to die!"

"Dreaming!" Lu Wushuang responded indifferently.

"Then you are ready to wait for death!" Sun Laojiu's eyes were full of murder, and he ordered all the powers of the gods: "Everyone go together!"

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