Saying that, the city lord handed over another cup of tea. He took it without hesitation, and took the tea from his disciple and sipped it lightly.

"You sent so many maids to block me outside the hall just to keep me from coming in, but the moment I approached your door, you were not surprised, but made tea here, as if from the very beginning It's like knowing I'll come in." Ye Yue put down the cup in her hand and looked at the city lord.

"Yes, I was afraid that they would block you, but I also know that with your skills, they are not your opponents at all. It's just a matter of time for you to break in. It's just that I didn't expect you to find me so quickly. ."

"So when I pushed open the door, you were actually a little surprised, but I didn't find it, right?"

"I was a little surprised. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. It was only for a few minutes, so you avoided my maid, found my room, and broke in."

Listening to the city lord's words, Yeyue did not refuse.Just nodded slightly.

"You asked me to help you protect this city just now, so can you tell me about the city's situation now? Tell me about the latest situation and let me analyze it."

Hearing Ye Yue's words, the city lord sighed inaudibly, and then drank the tea in his hand.

"Actually, my honesty has fallen into an extremely critical situation. The protective cover outside him has been slowly being swallowed up. But we didn't dare to evacuate him easily."

Yeyue nodded lightly when she heard the city lord's words, she already knew the general situation now.In other words, the entire city is now completely protected by a very dangerous protective cover. Once the function of this protective cover completely disappears, the city will collapse.

"Since the protective cover of the city is slowly failing and its functions are getting smaller and smaller, why not just remove this protective cover and start a new one?"

After listening to Yeyue's words, the city lord shook his head gently, and then filled the teacup in front of the two with tea again.

"It's not that we haven't thought about this method, but it doesn't work at all, because there are a large number of beasts outside this city that are eyeing the people in this city. Once the city's protective cover is fully equipped, even if it is only for a few seconds. At the time of the clock, the beasts outside will rush in and threaten the lives of the people in the city."

Yeyue picked up the tea that the city lord put in front of her, and began to sip it gently again, then sat quietly in front of Chengzhu and listened to him continue to speak.

"The thing that makes us dare not act lightly is that most people in this city have no ability to protect themselves at all, and once we remove the protective cover, they will have to cooperate with us to repair it, and they will be even more dangerous at this time. It was also deadly for them."

Yeyue nodded after listening to the city lord's words. Now he has fully understood that although the function of the protective cover is slowly disappearing, the protective cover cannot be removed.That is to say, if you want to protect the residents of this city, you must restore his functions on the basis of this protection.

"So you came up with the method of repairing the protective cover, right?"

The city lord gently put down the teacup in his hand, then turned his eyes to Yeyue and nodded slowly.

"That's right, so I thought of repairing this protective cover by paying homage, so that's why I caught your friend, because we need a woman with powerful mana."

"But you clearly know that this method will not work. It is very selfish to sacrifice other people's lives in order to protect this city."

"I also know that this behavior is very selfish, but as long as the protective cover can be repaired, we can protect the residents of this city and exchange the life of one person for the lives of thousands of people. I think it is worth it. of."

"Human life is not a commodity and cannot be measured in equivalent terms. How do you know that one person's life cannot be worth the lives of millions of people? Maybe the value of this person's life is greater than the value of the lives of people in the world!"

Listening to Yeyue's words, the city lord did not refute, and he also knew that his idea was too selfish, which is why he would ask Yeyue to help him at this time, instead of using his friends again to repair it by paying homage protective cover.

"So now I give up this decision, so I desperately need your help to help me protect this city. As long as you can assist me, I can give up everything I have."

"Of course I know this, but now I don't know what else I have the ability to write that you protect the city's residents from harm, other than the method you just said."

The city owner closed the lid of the teapot and began to shake his head gently. He didn't know there was any way to repair the protective cover without paying homage.

"Isn't there any other way to pass it down? After all, this protective cover can't be this strong from the beginning, it must have been repaired."

"It's been restored, but..."

The city lord stopped before he finished speaking. Yeyue looked at him to see his hesitant expression. In fact, the city lord didn't say anything, he already knew it.What is this one behind it?It must be that they have always repaired the protective cover by paying homage. It is worthwhile to think about one person's life to protect thousands of people.

But now their presence has forced them to break with this tradition and find a new way to repair the protective cover.

"I have already understood the situation, and I will try my best to find a way to write about you, but now I need to enter your library to check materials, and I hope to obtain your license."

"Of course we have the library here, you can come and go as you please? I can give you this privilege."

Yeyue listened to the city lord's words, nodded, got up and wanted to leave, but was stopped by the city lord again.

"My maids..."

"Don't worry, they are not life-threatening, I just clicked their acupuncture points."

After Yeyue dropped a sentence, she no longer hesitated, turned around and opened the door and walked out.

Chapter 315: Make a Decision

Yeyue turned around and gently closed the door of the city lord's room, and then set foot on the cobblestone path next to her room again.I still remember that the last time I walked on this path, I and Natsu were injured. When they healed here, they didn't understand this maturity at all.

And it's only been a few days now. Since so many things have happened, he has unknowingly turned from a hostile relationship with the city lord to a partner relationship.

Thinking of this, Yeyue shook her head mockingly, but what else could he have done?For the sake of his friends and the wish of the city owner, he must help the city owner to complete the restoration of the protective cover.

Soon, Yeyue walked along the Eluan trail to the pavilion where he and Natsu were chatting and resting.Liang Ting's appearance remained unchanged, and the apricot flowers that stretched into the pavilion were still blooming vigorously.Even the part where the corner was broken off by himself has healed, and the flower bones have re-opened.

But this time she took it out without him seeing the pavilion. She didn't have the leisure to sit there and admire the apricot blossoms. He still had more important tasks to do.Thinking about Yeyue, he turned around and decided to go to the library.But when he was halfway there, he turned back as if he suddenly thought of something.

Soon Yeyue came to the door of the main hall again.The maids were still standing there motionless.Their original expressions were very worried. They were probably worried about the safety of the city lord. The moment they saw Ye Yue come out, their expressions changed from worry to shock.

"What have you done to my city lord? You said that there are only some things that will not endanger her life, so you are right? If you dare to hurt our maturity, we will perish with you. "

"Together, you can't even use it when you stand here, what will you do to me?"

In fact, when Yeyue heard the words of the group of maids, he was very moved. It was already in this situation. They were still worried about the comfort of their city lord, but suddenly thought that he might be very busy in the next few days. Playing in the public service, they couldn't help but fight them.

"You... you are simply too despicable. Our city lord regards you as a hero, but you go back on your word and say nothing, you better be careful."

"Yes, you'd better be careful not to fall into our hands."

Yeyue just stood there and listened to them quietly, without saying a word.But he felt that he should just accept it as soon as he saw it, and he couldn't tease them like this any longer.

"Your city lord is fine. We have discussed it just now, and now we are looking for a way to repair the protective cover of this city." Yeyue said and stepped forward to solve the acupoints of the group of maids one by one.

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