Just when Ye Yue said these words, she helped the group of maids to clear the acupoints.He explained his conversation with the city lord just now and made it clear to them.

It was you who stood there staring at Yeyue with disbelief, but they didn't dare to act rashly, because if Yeyue's words were true, then now he is the great benefactor of their city. If the matter offends Yeyue, if he is unwilling to help, then I myself will become the sinner of this city.

So the other two maids next to the statue of the oldest maid made a look, and the two maids ran to the inner hall.And the rest of the people are still standing there, blocking Yeyue's way out.

Yeyue knew what they were thinking about at this time, but he still crossed his arms in a good mood, put them on his chest, and stood there quietly waiting for the return of the two maids.

After about a few minutes, the two maids changed back. They ran to the eldest one, whispered a few words into his ear, and left again.

After watching them leave, the older maid nodded slightly to Yeyue.

"Yeyue is that we misunderstood you, and we hereby apologize to you. The city lord has said just now that you can enter and exit the library at will. If you need anything, just tell us, and we will do our best to help you. ."

Yeyue did not leave immediately after hearing the maid's words, but nodded to her and smiled sweetly: "This time you believe what I said and decide not to stop me anymore?"

After hearing Ye Yue's words, the expressions of the maids became embarrassed, but they could only bow their heads slightly to show their apology.Yeyue felt that if he continued to tease them, it would be endless, so she turned and walked towards the library.

The city is huge, and the library is no exception.As soon as Yeyue stepped into the library, she was shocked by the collection of books here.I saw that the collection of books here are all neatly classified.Then the bookshelves leaned against the wall more than ten meters high, and each bookshelf was full of books.And the covers of these books are very positive and clean.But when you open this book, you will find that the pages inside are crumpled and you can't read it. It is obvious that people have turned it over many times, but you just cherish it.

After a small sigh, Yeyue began to look for a way to repair the protective cover of this city.He began to search slowly according to the classification of the books.Book by book, page by page, carefully and conscientiously.Finally, after more than an hour of searching, I found a method that seems to work.

This book introduces a method, that is, you can use high-strength mana, and then build a more powerful protective cover.Seeing this, Yeyue immediately ran to the city lord's room with the book, and decided to discuss with him.

"Which? Did you find a way to fix the shield?"

"Yes, I have found it, I just need to discuss it with you."

Yeyue said, put the book on the table, and then spread out a page containing the method.After that, he reached out to Yeyue and pointed to the place.

"You see here that we can use the law to build a stronger protective cover. We can repair this protective cover inside the previous protective cover, so that we can ensure that the original protective cover will not be removed. Protect this city."

When the city lord heard that there was another way to protect the city, he was overjoyed at first, and then suddenly sad.

"It is gratifying to have a way to build a more powerful protective cover, but now there is no such strong law in our city."

After listening to the city lord's words, Yeyue smiled lightly, and then shook her head gently.

"It just so happens that my mana has nowhere to go now, and I don't need it for nothing, what do you think?"

The city owner was overjoyed when he heard Yeyue's words. The two looked at each other and nodded, and then began to laugh.

Chapter 316 Departure to the Forest

If there is a better way, the city lord is also reluctant to use the method of paying homage to women with high mana. After all, her original intention was to repair the protective cover so that the people in the city would not be harmed.How could she protect other people in a way that hurts people?She was just cornered.

Now that Yeyue has found a stronger protective cover in the library materials, of course he will be happy to see it happen!

So Yeyue and the city lord began to build a protective cover.First of all, it is necessary to study and discuss, and understand the method and process of forming a protective cover. You cannot directly build it blindly.

Otherwise, it will be like a headless fly with no direction at all, and I don't know where to start.This is ineffective, it's just delaying time.The protective cover can't support it for long, and a stronger protective cover must be repaired as soon as possible.

After Yeyue told the city owner about this, the two of them soaked in the library.The city owner asked, Yeyue, you have been looking for information for so long, you should be very familiar with it, please explain to me how to set up this protective cover first?Is it complicated?How long will it take?

Yeyue replied that the construction of this protective cover is not very complicated, nor is it very difficult.The main problem is that the raw materials used for the protective cover are very expensive, not common in the market, and difficult to buy.Therefore, we need to obtain raw materials one by one.

There is no shortcut to this. It takes the longest time on this matter, but it is also a crucial step. We must not be sloppy.

The eyes of the city owner who were looking forward to it dimmed instantly. He originally thought that this was an opportunity, and they could get through this difficult time very smoothly.However, he was still too naive.The original protective cover is not so strong, and the repair method is to pay homage to the extreme method of women with high mana.

Now this is a more powerful protective cover, how can it be so easy to set up?If it was so easy, Grandpa would have set it up long ago, right?Will you wait until he comes?

The city owner said gloomily, although the raw materials are expensive, we are not without money. We still have some savings over the years, and I am not a person who likes to splurge.So, price is not an issue.As long as there is a way to find it, the trail is the main thing.

Yeyue heard the words of the city lord, and the big stone in her heart could be regarded as falling.Before, he was afraid that the city lord would not have the money and give up building a more powerful protective cover.Then, continue to use the previous method of memorial service, and put her mind on Ulutia again.This was what he was most worried about and what he least wanted to see.

If it was money, there was nothing he could do. After all, money was something outside his body, and he usually didn't pay much attention to it.If he needs strength, he can do his best to help.

To be honest, he also hopes that the protective cover can be repaired as soon as possible, because he has never been a ruthless, indifferent attitude towards everyone and everything, and he also has a warm heart.He also did not want these people in the city to be harmed, because then his conscience would be disturbed.Therefore, he must save them.

So, Yeyue said, so good.The first step now is to find all the materials. According to this information, there is a kind of raw material in a forest.The forest is very large and vast, and looking for raw materials is like looking for a needle in a haystack.Night Moon frowned.

The city owner was also a little surprised when he heard it. There are many strange species in the forest, and they only need one kind of medicinal material. It is really difficult to find it without purpose.

The city owner asked, does this material describe the appearance of this raw material?Or with pictures?

Yeyue replied, there is only a description of the appearance, no illustrations.This task is arduous, so we have to find a few people in a party, and we need some martial arts, so it will be easier to find.

Moreover, there are many difficulties in the forest, there are often wild beasts, and there are martial arts nearby, which can ensure safety.These raw materials are the key for us to build a strong protective cover. We must get them back, and the people who send them must ensure that there is a return, and there can be no return.

When the city lord heard it, his expression became serious, and he immediately rushed to take on the task, saying, in this case, let me find it.My martial arts are still good, and I can guarantee my own safety.In addition, I will bring another pair of soldiers to assist me, and I will definitely get the raw materials back.Moreover, I am the city owner, so I should do something for my people.

However, Yeyue is against it, because you are the city owner, so you can't leave.If you leave, the people here will be unstable, and there will be unforeseen changes that we cannot anticipate.

So, you stay here to appease them.With the backbone, they will have a sense of security.I think it's better for Ulutia and I to find the raw materials.Both of us are quite good in martial arts, and we are not ignorant of materials, so we should find them a little faster than others.

The city lord hesitated for a while, and said, since this is the case, then I will not be hypocritical, and I will not refuse.I would really appreciate if you could help.Then I look forward to your return.

Yeyue vowed to reply, don't worry!I will definitely bring the raw materials back.

So Yeyue and Ulutia went out to the forest to find raw materials.

They just went to the outer edge of the forest, and they found a lot of strange things before they went into the depths.For example, flowers and plants that have never been seen before, and whose names cannot be called, as well as strange-looking animals.

Before entering the forest, Yeyue had already reminded that if you see those kind of beautiful flowers and plants in the forest, it is best not to touch them, because you don't know what they are.Often the most beautiful things are also the most poisonous.They don't bring many antidote pills, and they should only be used in times of crisis.

At that time, Ulutia had already agreed, nodding straight, indicating that she had listened.However, when they encountered the herd of deer, she completely forgot about Yeyue's reminder.

After all, they are girls, they all have some playfulness and like to pursue beautiful things.

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