Ulutia was very happy to see the deer, and she was about to touch the deer herd.Yeyue couldn't stop it if she wanted to.However, when Ulutia was about to touch them, she discovered that they had penetrated.Just like the soul, it has no substance, like a wisp of smoke, ethereal.

From a distance, you can't see anything out of the ordinary, just as beautiful as an ordinary deer, but when you look up close, you'll notice the difference.

Chapter 317 The tragic encounter of the deer

Ulutia's hand penetrated the herd of deer, as if it were in the air, without touching the entity, and could not experience the feeling of touch.She withdrew her hand in fright.

Yeyue was also very surprised to see it, which was completely unexpected.He originally thought that these deer herds might be like a mirage, just a projected shadow, not a real one.It appears only to confuse those who arrive in the forest.

Or, they are poisonous animals, after all, I have never seen such a beautiful deer.However, he never imagined that something so ethereal could actually pass through its body.

Ulutia's jaw dropped in surprise, and at the same time, mixed with fear, it was fear of a rare, unknown creature, not knowing what would happen to it next.

Ulutiya ran back to Yeyue's side and hid behind him, only showing her small head on Yeyue's shoulders, staring at the deer herd with wide eyes.

Yeyue teased, why, didn't they say they were beautiful?I was so excited just now, why are you hiding behind me now?Go and touch them!Hahaha……

Ulutiya couldn't help pinching Yeyue's shoulder, her strength was like tickling, and it was polite to say that she was powerless.Ulutia is like this. If she doesn't use martial arts, she is a delicate girl, and she never uses martial arts on her friends.So, of course she is not very strong now!

Ulutia was obviously dissatisfied with Yeyue's teasing, and countered, didn't I just touch it?Are you blind or blind?If you're blind, I don't mind consecrating you again.It's easy.While talking, he smirked.

Yeyue said, my eyesight is very good, I don't need you to consecrate me.Just reminded you that you are water over the duck's back, one ear goes in and one ear goes out.Just can't hear it.Alright now, be afraid!

Ulutia made a very angry look and put her hands on her hips, ready to start cursing.Seeing that the momentum was not right, Yeyue started joking, and this little girl was about to get angry.It's better not to mess with her, otherwise it's you who will suffer.Coax her.

So, Yeyue said, don't be angry.It's all my fault, I shouldn't be so long-winded, it's not that you didn't listen, it's that I didn't make it clear.Did you get it?Are you satisfied?

For Ye Yue's soft clothes, Ulutia was very useful, and the grim expression just disappeared instantly.Instead, he put on a grinning expression and said, "It's pretty much the same."good performance!Add points!

Yeyue is helpless, he is not afraid of her.Although she just looked very bad.He thought, if Ulutia's eyes could kill, he didn't know how many times he had died.

At this time, Ulutia wondered, Yeyue, what exactly are you talking about?Isn't it a deer?How can my hands go through their bodies?

Yeyue observed it carefully for a while and found that they were all soul bodies.That is to say, they are actually dead, but their souls have not disappeared.However, their bodies no longer exist.

Therefore, there is no suitable host, so the soul naturally has nowhere to put it.They are not entities, but only a wisp of soul, so Ulutia's hand can pass through their bodies.

After Yeyue got the answer, she replied to Ulutia, they are soul bodies, and in layman's terms, they are actually dead.Do you understand it?

Ulutia understood, but she still didn't understand, why could they see these soul bodies?And, why haven't these deer herds disappeared?Since he is already dead, shouldn't the soul disappear with the body?It shouldn't exist!

Ye Yue couldn't understand why.So, said, why don't we go up and ask them?We have been here for so long.And you just touched them and you don't see them resisting.It can be seen that they are not aggressive and should not harm us.So, let's go and ask.

Ulutia also agreed, okay.

Yeyue stepped forward and asked these deer herds, saying, since you have already become a soul body, why are you still here?What are you here for?Also, you all look weak, what happened?

A deer whose soul body does not seem too serious appeared in the deer herd. It said, I believe you can also see that we are actually dead.The reason why our soul body can survive is entirely because of our ancestors.This is a long story, and it has to start a long time ago.

Ulutia saw that these deer herds were not aggressive and looked quite gentle, so she was no longer afraid.Said, then you speak slowly, do not rush.We are listening.

The deer continued to preach that long ago, generations of our herd lived in this beautiful forest.Hunting during the day, resting at night, life is very happy.Until one day, the arrival of a group of invaders broke this calm and brought us a huge disaster.

It was a group of hunters.They were brutal, bloody, and unwilling.As soon as they entered the forest, they began to slaughter, as if this was their slaughterhouse.They slaughtered recklessly, as if the blood splashing around could stimulate their animal desires.

They are like Shura from hell, everywhere they go, there is blood.We thought about struggling and resisting, but we were no match for them and could only flee.They ended up killing us all.That's how we die.

After the two heard it, they all felt that the group of hunters were hateful.They are really cruel and utterly conscienceless, such a lovely herd of deer are willing to kill.It's really abominable.

Ulutia was very angry.

Yeyue raised a question at this time, since you are dead, why is the soul body still here?

The deer replied, fortunately, our ancestors kept our souls for us so that we would not disappear.

The cause and effect are now clear.If it was just a surprise, then the anger now is not enough to express Ye Yue's current mood.He really had never seen such a cold-blooded hunter before.

If you slaughter snakes, you can understand, but it doesn't matter, but deer, this is too hateful.Yeyue said that these hunters are really inhuman.You have now become a soul body, so what is your next plan?

These deer herds are really pitiful, so Yeyue involuntarily began to worry and sympathize with them.

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This group of hunters exposed their cruel nature as soon as they arrived at this place.Immediately after they set up camp here, they started their hunting operations.

The hunters of the entire deer herd came unprepared. When the deer were still playing and eating freely and carefree, the danger had slowly approached them, and the hunters had come to this place long before. A detailed hunting plan has been drawn up.

At first, these hunters didn't know what the real combat effectiveness of the deer herd was, so they just found a small army, and the younger deer herds seemed to start hunting.

The young deer are very lively and will not listen to the older ones.The little deer broke away from the big herd while they were playing.

There were two naughty little deer, and the two deer started fighting as they talked.Press your horn against the other's horn.The duel started.Those hunters were waiting for this moment when their two fawns were about to get tired from fighting.

The hunters walked up to them without hesitation, wrapped their ropes around their necks without hesitation, and quickly pulled them to the ground.The two deer that fell to the ground soon lost their fighting power and were easily pulled away by the hunters.

This is the hunter's first action.For the first time, they were very concealed and very careful, and did not disturb the large herd of deer. These two deer were their own trophies.

The hunters cheered and cheered, and these two lively, cute and innocent deer could only lie on the ground and shed tears in despair.It is estimated that these two little deers will regret very much in their hearts at this moment, regret not listening to the deer.That's why today's situation arises.

I hope that the deer will be alert in the future, and I hope that the whole deer herd will know that a group of very powerful hunters has come to their habitat and is about to harvest their lives.

At night, the entire herd of deer returned to their habitat. When counting the number of people, the leader discovered that there was a deer missing.The leader was very angry. "What's the matter? What about the deer who is in charge of looking after these fawns?"

At this time, a young and strong deer came up from the deer herd and said, "Where have the two deer gone? Maybe they went to play? Haven't they come back yet?"

This reason can't convince the leader at all, "Our little deer know the rules very well, how can they not come back at this time? They must be in danger, why don't you pay attention to their every move during the day? Up to now They can't find it, and you are still shirking responsibility. Are you disregarding our entire herd of deer like this?"

The person guarding the fawn immediately knelt down.Reverently said to the leader, "Leader, I know I'm wrong, and now I'm going to look for those deer." After speaking, the caretaker immediately flew out and embarked on a journey to find the deer alone.

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