So Yeyue and Utiluya went back to the road, and sure enough, there were no more beasts on the next journey, and the journey was much easier.

The two quickly rushed towards the center of the forest, avoiding the attacks of many beasts along the way, so this greatly increased their speed.

The two quickly came to the middle of the forest because they were on their way at full speed.

"It's finally here. You see, it's the Lulu tree."

After a long journey, she finally found the Lulu tree, Utiluya excitedly pointed to the Lulu tree in the middle of the forest and said to Yeyue.

Yeyue finally smiled when she looked at Lulushu in front of her.

There is indeed a Lulu tree in the middle of the forest. This Lulu tree is a big tree in the sky, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and it looks very lush.

The leaves are green.The oval-shaped leaves have zigzag patterns on the edges. Under each leaf, there is a small pearl-shaped ring connecting the branches, so that each leaf can fully absorb nutrients.

If you look at the sunlight on the leaves, you can clearly see the veins and tiny lines on each leaf.

The Lulu tree will bear a kind of fruit called Lulu fruit, which is exactly what Yeyue and Utiluya need. It can be seen that this tree is full of Lulu fruit.

Each Luluguo is the size of a fist, and you can smell the fragrance of Luluguo from a distance and see her smooth and flat appearance from a distance.

But if you want to get Lulu Fruit, you must get the consent of Lulu Tree, otherwise you will not be able to get it.

The Lulu tree is very thick, and its trunk needs three people to hold it. Its roots seem to have been rooted for a long time. It can be seen beside the tree that some roots have rolled to the ground next to it. , so that the ground protrudes a part.

This tree is a special existence in the middle of the forest. The Lulu tree grows in the middle of the forest. It is the center of the entire forest that absorbs the entire forest.Sufficient nutrients, so the Lulu fruit sectioned by the Lulu tree is of high value.

Every fruit is crystal clear, and it can be seen that it is full of sweetness, and the lulu fruit on the tree attracts Yeyue and Utilua's attention.

"See? That's the Lulufruit we need. We must convince Lulushu to give us five Lulufruits anyway."

After seeing the Lulu fruit on the Lulu tree in the distance, Utiluya was very excited and excited, she turned her head and said to Yeyue.

"I don't think Lulushu will give us Luluguo so easily."

Night Moon said.

"I have long thought that we can make a deal with him. There is no free lunch in the world. We can ask him to make a request. If we can do it, we will try our best to do it."

Utilua comforted Yeyue and said that he seemed a little disapproving.

Both of them wiped the sweat on their foreheads from the journey, and after taking a breath, they walked towards Lulushu.

"Hello, Lulushu."

Lulushu, who seemed to be resting, opened her eyes and looked at Yeyue and Utilua in front of her.

"What are you doing here?"

"We are here to find you, my name is Utila, he is Yeyue, we are here to ask you to give us five Lulu fruits."

Utilua said sincerely to the Lulu tree in front of her.

"Why should I give it to you, what can you give me?"

Chapter 334

Obviously, the progress of Utiluya's request for Luluguo like the Lulu tree did not go so smoothly.

Lulushu did not readily agree to Utila's request.

Utiluya couldn't help being silent, he thought for a while, and said to Lulushu, "Then what are your requirements now? If we can do it, we will definitely satisfy you, why don't we make a deal, we promise you One asks you to give us five Lulufruit, how about that?"

Utilua said to the Lulu tree in front of her.

"Will you agree to anything I ask?"

Lulushu couldn't help sneering.

In the face of Lulushu's attitude, Utiluya and Yeyue were not angry, because they knew that if they wanted to get the five Lulufruits, they had to get the consent of Lulushu, so they had to agree to Lulushu no matter what. requirements.

"If we can do it, we'll do our best to do it for you."

Yeyue, who had been silent at this time, stepped forward and said to Lulushu seriously, his tone was full of firmness and sincerity.

Lulushu couldn't help but cast her gaze to Yeyue in front of her, and looked at Yeyue carefully.

Lulushu's eyes are full of critical, if ordinary people are timid under his gaze, but Yeyue's attitude is neither humble nor arrogant, Yeyue holds her head high, looks at Lulushu in front of her, and accepts. Watching his eyes.

"Very good. You look like you're eligible for five Lulufruits."

Lulushu came to a sincere evaluation after observing Yeyue.

"Then what is your request?"

Yeyue asked Lulushu and said.

"It's very simple, as long as you help me get rid of the humming rat, the humming rat always erodes me, if you can drive them away, then I agree to give you five lulu fruit, how can you do it? "

Lulushu made a request of her own.

"no problem."

Yeyue and Utilua replied, Yeyue and Utilua could only reluctantly agree.

So the deal was successfully concluded.

After agreeing to Lulushu, the two could only look for the footprints of the humming rat around Lulushu.

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