"Grumbull, where are they? You know what?"

Utilua asked Lulushu.

"I don't know that they must be settling down here and you can look for them."

After Lulushu said this, she closed her eyes again.

Yeyue and Utiluya knew that this conversation was over, and Lulushu would only take out five Lulufruits if the hummingbirds were successfully driven away.

So Yeyue and Utilua went straight to find the trace of the humming rat.

The two walked around the Lulu tree and found no trace of the humming rat.

Helpless, Yeyue and Utiluya reunited at Lulushu, discussing the hiding place of the humming rat.

Suddenly, out of the corner of Utiluya's eyes, she saw that there were holes in the bottom of the Lulu tree.

"Look at what that is?"

Utilua excitedly pointed to the hole at the bottom of the tree and said to Ye Yue.

Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere will not take much effort. Unexpectedly, the burrow of the humming rat, who has been looking for a long time nearby, is actually at the bottom of the Lulu tree.

So the two came to the bottom of the Lulu tree and stood in front of the cave.

The two began to observe and found that this was indeed the burrow of the humming rat.

So the two found Root, the patriarch of the humming rat.

The patriarch of the humming rat, Root, looks like a thin and frail humming rat. He is obviously old, his hair and beard are gray, and his skin is wrinkled like a human being. That smooth and shiny skin.He was also on crutches.He staggered out of the hole, adjusted the glasses in front of his eyes, and looked at Yeyue and Utilua.

"Who are you? What's the matter here?"

Root's voice sounded old and powerful.

"Hello, we are looking for the patriarch of the humming rat."

Utilua respectfully and politely spoke to the humming rat in front of her.

"I'm the patriarch of the humming rat, my name is Root, what's the matter with you coming here to find me?"

Unexpectedly, the person in front of him was Root, the leader of the humming rat clan.

"Hello, Root, we are here to discuss something with you."

Utilua said to Root.

"What's the matter?"

"That's right, we need five Lulu fruits from the Lulu tree, but what he asked us was to come to you, and hope that you can move out of here, so that we can get five Lulu fruits, these five Luluguo is very important to us, I hope you can understand, of course, if you move, we will definitely provide our own help, and we can agree to one of your conditions as compensation, I don’t know Patriarch Lut, what do you think?”

Utilua unwittingly explained her purpose and thoughts to the Root Patriarch with sincerity. Utilua did not know whether her request was reasonable or not, and whether it would arouse the hummingbird clan in front of her. The anger of the leader, Root, because of his sudden visit and his request for the other party to move, this obviously sounds unreasonable, but there is nothing that Utila can do. This is Lulushu's request. There is no way for Yue to get those five Lulu Fruits.

So Utilua was ready for the hummingbird leader Root to turn his face.

Utiluya thought that if she could not be soft, she would have to be hard. She and Yeyue must get the five Lulu fruits no matter what, but before using violence, Utiluya still hoped to be friendly. resolve this matter.

After the patriarch heard Utiluya's intention, he didn't seem to be angry, but he was very calm. He thought about it and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter where our family lives, because we can settle down as long as we make a hole, we live in This is because we need the leaves of the Lulu tree to live, so if our departure can get you what you want, we are actually happy to move, and for what you said to accept a request, I don't think it is necessary, if we Being able to get a leaf of the Lulu tree in a month, as long as this condition is met, let us survive, we don’t really care where we move.”

Utilua and Yeyuki said to Root after hearing the words of the patriarch Root.

"Okay, we will convey your request to Lulushu."

So the two said goodbye to the patriarch Root and came to Lulushu.

"The chief of the humming rat, Root, told us that they only need a lulu leaf in a month before they leave."

Utilua spoke to Lulushu.

"No, I won't agree to this impossible."

However, to the surprise of Utiluya and Yeyue, Lulushu decisively refused this request.

Chapter 335 Sprouts

Lulushu's refusal made the situation very stiff at this moment, and Yeyue thought that the demands of the hummingbirds were not excessive.

Besides, the Lulu tree has so many leaves, why don't you want to share some with the hummingbirds?Just one tablet per month.

Yeyue was walking back and forth under the Lulu tree, running fast in her brain, hoping to come up with countermeasures.

At this moment, Yeyue inadvertently looked up and found a discovery that surprised him.

"Great, great, I seem to have figured out a way." Yeyue said excitedly.

It turned out that on a twig on the Lulu tree, a small green bud suddenly appeared. It is not difficult to see that this is probably a small new bud...

Perhaps the emergence of a new sprout is not surprising to Lulushu, because he has not known how many sprouts have appeared for thousands of years, but in the current situation, it is the most Good turnaround.

"Lulushu, since you don't agree to share a leaf with the prawns every month, then I have a suggestion that you can consider." Yeyue looked at Lulushu with a sincere face and put her own thoughts on it. Say it.

Lulushu looked at Yeyue, who suddenly changed her attitude, and suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Seeing that Lulushu didn't speak, Yeyue continued following what he said just now, "Maybe I can also guess some of your troubles, so. In fact, you don't have to give the purr a leaf every month, and A better way is that you just give them a sprout. That way we're both. No?"

All it takes is one sprout, and one sprout will be buried in the ground and grow new leaves, new branches.In the end, it became a towering tree and another Lulu tree.

Yeyue thought that she had made this condition and had already made a lot of concessions.

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