Hearing Yeyue's words, Utilua was very dissatisfied, and Utilua roared loudly at Yeyue, "Am I so afraid of life and death? We came together, and so am I. If I can't leave you, how can I let you leave me, and I can't let you walk into this place alone.

None of us know who the new city lord is, nor how powerful this new city lord is, so it is helpless to be caught in this formation. kill. "

Perhaps Utila's words played a role, Yeyue was no longer decadent and no longer remorseful, and began to launch exercises to attack this formation, but unfortunately Yeyue hit the formation several times, but it did not cause any damage to this formation. A shred of damage.

Yeyue relentlessly unleashed all her strength to attack this formation.It's a pity that Yeyue's spiritual power hit this formation, but there was only a ripple, and nothing happened. This formation still trapped Yeyue and Utilua firmly.

When Yeyue kept attacking this formation, Utilua did not give up, nor was she idle, but attacked this formation together with Yeyue, but it was a pity that the two of them spent so long to no avail. Can helplessly sit in this formation and think of ways to break this formation.

It's a pity that Yeyue and Utiluya have spent a long time without breaking the Dharma, but Yeyue suddenly feels that her spiritual power is constantly weakening.

Yeyue was surprised to check her own strength, and found that her strength was really shrinking. This discovery shocked Yeyue. Yeyue said anxiously to Utila, Utila, you don't feel it. Your power has been suppressed, it has been lost, I have this feeling now, and my power is only three-quarters of what it was before."

After that, Utilua also carefully sensed her own strength, and found that her own strength was constantly weakening. This discovery made Yeyue and Utilua feel very terrifying.

Just when Yeyue and Utilua were still worried about what to do next, the new city lord suddenly came over and heard his voice without seeing him, "How is it, Yeyue, you and Utilua's relationship? I feel very hugged. This formation is specially designed for the two of you. I know that you are very good at Po Town, but you have nothing to do with this formation. I invited dozens of formation masters to develop it together. this array.

The two of you will definitely not be able to solve this formation, you will wait for this formation to eat away your strength, and you will have to wait to die in this formation when you can't get out, hahaha, let the two of you Convince me, this is what you will end up provoking me."

Before he could react with Utila, the new city lord Corrido said proudly again, "You two don't have to waste your efforts, no matter how good you are, you won't break the night moon of this political law, you are a very special person. Incompetent person, what else can you do? Every time you rely on Utiloa to be able to relax. If you don't have Utiloa, you are nothing."

The words of the new city lord, Jackie, made Yeyue and Utilua very angry.Utiluya directly defended Yeyue and said angrily to the new city lord Corrido, "What are you talking about? Yeyue is the most powerful person, you can't even compare to the tip of Yeyue's little finger, You still have the face to insult Yeyue, be careful, don't let us go out, we must kill you after we go out."

"Hey, Yeyue, you still said you're not a waste? Look at me, I've already scolded you to the point where you still don't have any expression. Instead, are you relying on Utilua? You're still not a man when you come back." The new city lord Corridor didn't care what Utilua said, and insulted Yeyue again.

These words made Utilya out of breath.Unexpectedly, the one who made Utiluya even more angry was still behind. The new city owner, Corrido, kept insulting Yeyue. After seeing Yeyue's unresponsiveness, he began to tease Utiroya, "Utilua, look at how tall you are. It's so beautiful, what are you doing with Yeyue? Yeyue doesn't know Lianxiangxiyu at all, she just relies on you to fight for him and kill the enemy for him.

Yeyue doesn't see you as a woman at all, how about that?Do you want to give up?Follow me Yeyue, then you will have endless glory and wealth with me. I will accept you as my thirteenth concubine. How about it, do you want to think about it? "

The words of the new city lord Corrido made Yeyue and Utilua very angry, but now even when Yeyue is angry, the most important thing is to find a way to break the formation.Get out of the formation, and then let this new city look better with Cory.

Yeyue didn't care about Corrido's insults at all, but was trying to find a way to extract some energy from this formation and give it to Utiluya to test it to see if she could detect how to crack this formation. .

There is still half of Yeyue's power, and Yeyue feels that she can't sit still. Yeyue launches the whole body's power to attack this earning method. Faris dropped some energy.

Ye Yue handed these energies to Utilua, and after Utilua absorbed these energies, her face was very ugly.

Chapter 350

Seeing Utila's performance, Yeyue was very worried, for fear that these powers would cause any damage to Utila, so Yeyue slowly approached Utila and began to protect her.

And the new owner, Corrido, was still insulting Yeyue, "Yeyue, I told you so much, did you really have no reaction? Are you not guilty? Are you really so thick-skinned? Let a girl protect you. If I were you, I would have killed myself by cutting my neck long ago. I have no face to live in this world, and only a cheeky person like you can live under the protection of a girl with peace of mind Bar."

This time, Yeyue decided not to be a ninja anymore, and said angrily to the new city lord Corrido, "You're so rude, no matter how much you insult me, you can't cure me. You can't beat me. There is such a good girl as Utiloya next to me. No one can envy me for helping me. If you have the ability, find one yourself. You cut eight pieces, and I am not Yeyue."

Yeyue's words made the new city lord Corridor very excited. He didn't expect that Yeyue could still insult herself at this point.The new city owner, Corrido, pointed to Yeyue's nose and said to Yeyue, "It's really infuriating. You've killed so many of my subordinates, and you're still insulting me. You kneel down for me now. I can spare your life, or I will let you die here in minutes."

It is a pity that Yeyue did not answer the words of the new city lord Corrido, nor did he make any response, because now Utilua has initially detected this formation.

Utiluya said Yeyue to Yeyue in frustration, I have already tested it, and this formation does not have any shortcomings, which surprised me very much, what should we do? "

When it was detected that this formation did not have any weaknesses, Utilua was also very shocked.Utiluya believes in her own strength very much. There is no formation in this world that Utiluya cannot detect. Now this formation does not have any weaknesses. It can only mean that this formation is too powerful. I am afraid that I and Yeyue will not be able to break this formation, and will only die here.

But Ye Yue didn't think so.Yeyue approached Utilua cautiously and said to Utilua, "Utilua, you are checking it carefully, since the itinerary is gradual, Romi said that there are dozens of people who are proficient in this formation. It is made of man, so he will definitely be stronger, but everything will have shortcomings, and it is impossible to have a completely invincible existence. Feel it carefully. I believe you can definitely feel the weakness of this formation. Whether the two of us can escape this formation depends on you."

Hearing Yeyue's words, Utilua felt very stressed, but even if the pressure was great, Utilua had to try again, otherwise, Utilua and Yeyue would really die here.

Yeyue and Utilua were still hurriedly thinking about how to break the formation, and the new city lord Corrido also saw Yeyue and Utilua's movements, and attacked Yeyue and Utilua again. "You two don't have to waste your efforts, this formation is really invincible. I have tried it. I have done countless experiments before.

Anyone who walks into this formation will be weakened by this formation, and will die unless they are turned off from the outside world.But if you think about it, I can open this and close this formation for you. Of course, it is impossible, so the two of you will just wait here to exhaust your strength and die. "

It is a pity that Yeyue and Utilua were unmoved by the words of the new city lord, Corrido. Yeyue alone supported the influence of this formation, and made a protective cover to protect Utilua. Can use its greatest power to feel this formation.

Utiluya was very moved by Yeyue's actions. Utiluya felt that she must use all her strength to experience this formation this time, so that she could be worthy of Yeyue's protection of herself.

Utilua once again exerted her own cracking ability.Seriously feel the boring, no good power from this formation.

At the beginning, Utilua really didn't perceive anything. It was exactly like the result of the previous appraisal. There was no weakness in this formation, but Utilua still did not give up, strengthened her strength, and tried her best to perceive this formation. .

The new city lord Corrido knew that Utilua was very powerful in cracking the formation. Seeing Utilua's movements, what else did Corrido not know?The new city lord Corrido immediately activated the mechanism outside to strengthen the power of the formation.This brought great difficulties to Yeyue and Utilua's actions.

Yeyue soon felt the ability of this formation to weaken the power, and continued to strengthen Yeyue to exert all her strength again to resist this formation.

The new city owner, Corridor, saw the male protagonist's actions and knew that the male protagonist couldn't hold it anymore. He happily said to the male protagonist, the male protagonist, don't hold back anymore, you should surrender quickly, maybe I will give it to you. Leave a corpse.You can't break this formation, so don't waste any more effort. "Unfortunately, Yeyue is still unmoved.

Yeyue is under a lot of pressure now. On the one hand, Yeyue has to defend against this formation, and on the other hand, she has to protect Utilua, buy more time for Utilua, and let Utilua perceive this formation. method, and come up with a better way to crack this array.

Utilua could also see that Yeyue was insisting, and Utilua felt very anxious in her heart.Utiluya forced herself to feel the power of this formation over and over again seriously, and finally the emperor paid off. Utiluya heard the doctor's voice from the system, congratulations on your cracking skill upgrade.

Hearing this sentence, Utilua was very excited. The upgrade of the cracking skill meant that Utilua could perceive this formation.

A smile appeared on Utiluya's face, and Utiluya happily told Yeyue, "Yeyue, my cracking skills have been upgraded, and we can crack this formation right away."

Utilua once again sensed the energy of this formation, and soon found the weakness of this formation, and Utilua told Yeyue about this weakness.

It turns out that the weakness of this formation lies in the center of the formation.Yeyue and Utilua used all their strength to start attacking the center of the formation. If they failed, try again. Slowly, the formation was finally cracked by Yeyue and Utilua. With the continuous attacks of Yue and Utilua, the crack gradually became larger, and soon it turned into a hole, and the formation broke.

Chapter 351 The old city lord walks out of the dungeon

At this time, Corrido, who lives in Xincheng, was very panicked and didn't know what to do, because he was afraid that Yeyue and Utilua would embarrass him.

But at this time Yeyue and Utiluya, the two of them didn't have time to take into account Corrido. Now both of them are not on the old city lord, and they want to get the old city lord out in time.

Yeyue and Utila, both of them knew that there would be many difficulties on the way to save the old city lord, so the two of them only focused on how to deal with the next difficulties and ignored the new city lord Corey. many.

At this time, seeing Yeyue and Utilua, the two of them continued on their way.Corrido let out a slow breath, and was about to frighten him to death.

Sure enough, as soon as they walked into a forest, Yeyue and Utiliya met an ambush. The two of them had just entered a place, and the place was surrounded by a lot of soldiers.

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