"Encircle them and let me catch them." At this time, Yeyue heard only one person calling out, so these people surrounded Yeyue and the others heavily.

At this time, Yeyue and Utilua were back to back.Get ready for the next challenge.

Although these people are not Yeyue, and there are opponents like the two of them, if the two of them face so many people, it will definitely consume a huge amount of physical strength.After a while, Ye Yue felt exhausted.

At this time, Yeyue and Utiluya discussed about breaking out of the siege and escaping from here, to get rid of the pursuit of these individuals, so that they would not have to play physical combat with them.

At this time, Yeyue and Utiluya opened a gap in the encirclement after they talked, and then rushed out. When these people saw that they had escaped, they immediately ordered to pursue them.

At this time, Yeyue and Utilua, the two of them knew that they couldn't escape very far, so they found a relatively sturdy tree, Yeyue and Thinking, the two of them immediately ran to the top of the tree.

At this time, those people happened to pass by this tree, but Yeyue and the others went up early, and this tree did not show any traces, so these people who chased Yeyue and them did not find that Yeyue and them were in this tree. superior.

At this time, Yeyue let out a long sigh, and the two finally had to pass another level.

Unexpectedly, Yeyue and Utiluya fell into a trap as soon as they came down from the top. These people had already laid a lot of traps on the road, and they were waiting for Yeyue and the others to fall in voluntarily. .

At this time, after Yeyue and the others fell in, they heard a bell ringing. It turned out that in order to prevent them from being discovered after they fell in, they placed leaders outside the organization. As long as someone fell in, the bell would ring. nonstop.

At this time, Yeyue and the others were very nervous, because if it continued like this, those chasing Yeyue, their people would definitely return and hear the bell, and they would definitely rush over.

Sure enough, Yeyue and Utilua just found out that they had fallen into this trap, and a large number of people came to surround Yeyue, and Utilua, the two of them. At this time, Yeyue was still there. There was Utilua, who pretended to surrender in order for these people to rescue the two of them from that dungeon.

So these people took Yeyue and Utilua. After the two of them were rescued from the dungeon, Yeyue and Utilua began to resist.These people were no match for Yeyue and Utilua at all, and Yeyue knocked them down in three strokes.

At this time, Yeyue was afraid of attracting other people, so he quickly pulled Utilua and ran to another place. After a while, he knew the bell here when he approached the people who were murmuring them. place to come.

I didn't expect that when those people rushed over, Yeyue and two others had already disappeared, leaving only those people who had just left the dungeon with Yeyue and passed out.

This road is really full of dangers, Yeyue and the others cannot easily escape so many patrolling people.

Yeyue and the two of them just wanted to rest for a while, when suddenly someone found them sitting by the roadside, so they took the initiative to ask them who they were.

Before Yeyue could say it, it suddenly came out. A person who had seen Yeyue and knew the face of Yeyue, so they shouted and wanted to catch Yeyue. At this time, Yeyue and Uti Luya and the others started running away before they could rest.

"The two of us are getting closer. Otherwise, I really don't know if they will continue like this. Where did the old city lord move to? They can't just wait for us to successfully rescue the old city lord." At this time, Yeyue said to Utilua.

At this time, Yeyue and the others will slowly finish the dungeon.But suddenly, they found that there were so many ways to the dungeon that they didn't know which one to choose.

So at this time Utila suggested Yeyue to take a prisoner back first, and let the prisoner lead the two of them to the dungeon, otherwise, if the two of them walked like this, there must be a path full of ambush.Impossible to get there easily.

Yeyue and Utiluya discussed it and went there to find out if there were any patrollers, so Yeyue and the others saw a group of patrollers just passing by, Yeyue walked to the pair's place. At the end, he directly covered the mouth of the last person, and dragged the last person aside.

"Don't make a sound. If you make a sound, I will be rude to you. You can answer me a few questions, and I can let you go." At this time, Yeyue threatened that person with his life.

So that person didn't dare to make a sound at all, and was scared enough by Yeyue and the others.

At this time, Yeyue asked this person which way is the safest among so many roads leading to the dungeon. At this time, the person was thinking of letting Yeyue and the others take a more dangerous road, so that they would not expose themselves. Men's football has been told what the right way is.

So he told Yeyue the wrong way. He didn't expect Yeyue to throw the man on the road. The man was afraid, and immediately told Yeyue which is the right way.

So after the man finished speaking, Yeyue knocked him unconscious.Yeyue and Utilua, after the two of them knew the right path, they followed the right path and headed towards the dungeon.

Along the way, there were dangers and dangers, and the two went through hardships and obstacles before finally reaching the dungeon where the old city lord was imprisoned.Unexpectedly, the door opened when they arrived. The two suspected that they were deceitful and refused to go forward, but at this time, the old city lord slowly walked out of the dungeon.

Chapter 352 The old city owner admits the wrong person

At this time, Yeyue and Utiluya were very happy when they saw the old city lord. "The old city lord is so happy to see you. The two of us have come to save you. Let's get out of here." At this time Yeyue said to the old city lord.

"Yeah, the old city lord and the two of us have gone through untold hardships to come here, but fortunately, seeing you and us at this time is not in vain." At this time, Utiluya looked at Yeyue and smiled. Smiling, the two were very happy to see the old city owner.

The two people's hard work was finally not in vain. They did their best to meet the old city lord. No matter what, the two of them would do their best to escort the old city lord out.

"Old City Lord, you don't have to worry that the two of us have come here after all the hardships, just to save you, and we will go out in a while, but no matter what kind of difficulties we encounter, we will save you even if we die. Trust us, it's really nice to see you." Yeyue said to the old city lord at this time.

At this time, Yeyue and the others were a little farther away from the old city lord.So the two of them wanted to go up and talk to the old city lord, but they didn't expect that before Yeyue and the two of them finished speaking to the old city lord, the old city lord suddenly attacked Yeyue and the two of them.

"What's going on in Yeyue? Why didn't the old city master recognize us? Could it be that he's a fake? Why did he attack us all of a sudden." know what's going on.

At the beginning, when Yeyue and the others saw the old city lord, the old city lord still stared at Yeyue and the two of them for a long time, and suddenly launched an attack.

Ye Yuejue's old city residence cannot be fake, because just when the old city lord observed these two people, Yeyue carefully observed him, isn't this the real old city lord?Possibly it was being controlled.

At this time, only Utilua is there alone!It is suspected that the old city owner is fake.But Yeyue told him that the old city lord could not be fake, so Yeyue and the old city lord were only in the defensive stage and did not attack the old city lord.

At this time, I didn't expect that the old city lord's attack on Yeyue and the two of them became more and more violent, which made Yeyue and the two of them at a loss.

But if Yeyue and the others continue to defend like this, it will definitely be Yeyue and Utiluya who are injured, so in the end, when the old city lord's attack becomes more and more ruthless, Yeyue and the others have to fight back.

"Yeyue, we have to fight back now. The old city lord is attacking us more and more violently. If we continue to defend like this, we will soon die under his hands." Moon said.

At this time, Yeyue and Utilua seriously began to fight against the old city lord.

But at this time, Yeyue and Utiluya didn't want to hurt the old city lord, but the old city lord attacked them very violently. At this time, they said they had no choice but to talk to the old city. The Lord is real.

"Utilya must pay attention when attacking the old city lord, try to protect him and not hurt him, I think he is not targeting us, but being controlled, otherwise, he will not be like this. At this time, Yeyue said to Utilua, and after Yeyue finished speaking to Utilua, she turned her head and started talking to the old city lord. "Old City Lord, wake up, we are here to save you, what's wrong with you? Wake up, don't be controlled by others."

At this time, the old city lord seemed to be incapable of understanding people's words, and ignored what Yeyue said at all, and only knew how to attack Yeyue and Utilua.The more the old city lord behaved Yeyue like this, the more suspicious he felt.

At this time, the old city lord suddenly used a ruthless move against Utiluya. Yeyue was very shocked when she saw this scene, so Yeyue immediately ran over and pushed Utiluya aside. .

At this time, the old city lord immediately used that stunt on Yeyue, which made Yeyue fall to the ground with a thud.

"Yeyue, are you alright?" At this time, Utilua fell to the ground. He found that Yeyue was seriously injured. At this time, he was very anxious and screamed loudly at Yeyue.

In fact, Yeyue wasn't seriously injured at this time, he just fell down. At this time, Utila was very anxious, Yeyue told Utila that she was fine and reassured him.

This Utilua's dangling heart just fell.If Yeyue was seriously injured at this time, it would be impossible to save the old city lord. Now the old city lord doesn't recognize anyone at all. If he wants to save him, he must be subdued.This is really too difficult for Utilua.

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