After sitting up from the ground, Yeyue and Utiluya stretched their hands and legs, and moved their meridians.After the event, Utilua saw Desimo who fainted on the ground.

You know what I know about Desimo, so what are we going to do now?We can't keep Desimo knocked out!We can only really solve this problem if we find a way to rescue Desimo, otherwise, we will be in a passive state all the time.

After listening to Utiluya's words, Yeyue spread her hands helplessly and said, "I also want to rescue Desimo, but I can't think of a way now, I have already taken out my Grillo to wake up Desimo. Yes, but Grillo has absolutely no effect on Desimo. So in the current situation, we can only knock Desimo unconscious, bind him so that he cannot do anything, and slowly try to wake up. Desimo."

"Hey," Utilua also sighed, who knew that things could develop to this state?I thought it would be possible to deal with Kerry Duo smoothly, but I didn't expect Corrido to come up with a new solution and let Desimo deal with him and Yeyue.Corrido is so mean.

After thinking of this, Utilua clenched her fists and hit the tree hard, and the tree soon responded.From this, it can be seen how powerful Utilua's palm is.How angry Utilua was feeling!

After seeing Utilua like this, Yeyue walked to Utilua's side, patted Utilua on the shoulder, comforted Utilua and said, "You don't need to worry about this matter, the two of us will definitely Find a way to wake Desimo. You don't have to blame yourself for this and it's not your fault."

Without waiting for Utiloya to defend herself, Yeyue continued, "Okay, let's tie Desimo now. It's better to tie him up if he wakes up soon according to his current condition." Yeyue spoke directly Walking to Desimo's side, he took out the hemp rope from his bag to tie Desimo.

After seeing Yeyue's actions, Utilua came out of her thoughts and helped Yeyue bind Desimo.After the two tied Desimo with twine, Yeyue thought that it would be better for Desimo to wake up Desimo, which would be more beneficial to Desimo.Yeyue and Utiluya know more about Desimo's state, which is convenient for Yeyue and Utiluya to wake up Desimo.

Yeyue took out the kettle and poured the water directly into Desimo's face. Desimo's face was stimulated by cold water, and Desimo soon woke up.The sobered Desimo was still so manic, roaring "Aah" in his mouth, and struggling with the hemp rope to break free and attack Yeyue and Utiloya.

As Desimo was approaching, Yeyue and Utiloa thought that they should wake up Desimo as soon as possible.Then Yeyue and Utiloa began to try all the methods they could think of to wake up Desimo.

Yeyue took out Grillo again. This time Yeyue dripped more blood on Grillo and tried to switch to Desimo. Unfortunately, this method still did not work. Desimo was still in such a manic state. .

And Utiluya also tried to solve the mystery in Desimo, but unfortunately this method was useless.Desimo didn't fall into a psychedelic array at all, but into an illusion.Utilua can only decipher the formation, not the realm.

After trying so many methods, Desimo Yeyue and Utiluya still felt very frustrated.Turning to look at Desimo next to him, he was still in such a manic state, Yeyue and Utiluya could only sigh at the same time and continue to think of ways to wake Desimo.

After that, the two tried several methods and still failed to wake Desimo.At this time, Yeyue once again thought of the skills of Grillo and Utilua.

Yeyue wondered, if she used Grillo's and Utilua's breaking skills to combine these two methods, would she wake up Desimo?After thinking of this, Yeyue couldn't wait to share her thoughts with Utilua.

Now Utilua doesn't have any ideas anymore, so she can only follow Ye Yue's advice.Then the two of them figured out a way to unite, thinking of Desimo in unison.

With Utilua's help, this time Grillo glowed deeper and redder than before.Afterwards, these lights slowly enveloped Desimo, who soon regained consciousness.Yeyue and Utiluya really had to use up their strength to wake up Desimo.

Chapter 355 Forcibly Erase Memories

Yeyue and Utiluya finally waited for Desimo to wake up, but they didn't expect that Desimo's state of waking up would still make Yeyue and Utiluya feel very surprised.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Desimo looked terrified when he woke up at this time. He didn't know Yeyue and Utilua at all.

At this time, Yeyue was very much looking forward to Desimo waking up, but Desimo woke up and was in this state again.This Utiluya is also very disappointed, they don't know how to get Desimo back to him.

"Don't get excited, we don't have any malice towards you. Just relax." At this time, Yeyue was afraid that Desimo would be too excited, so he extremely controlled Desimo's emotions here.

At this time, Utiluya also told Desimo that the two of them had no ill will towards him, so that he could stay here with peace of mind.

Unexpectedly, Desimo was very frightened at first. After asking Yeyue and their identities, he was so frightened that he couldn't speak at all. He felt very surprised. It will be a little better than the beginning.

"What should I do? I found that Desimo is still the same now. He hasn't responded to his consciousness at all, and he doesn't seem to be able to speak now, and we can't communicate with him." At this time, Utilua also felt very troubled , so he said to Yeyue.

At this time, Yeyue felt that Desimo couldn't be allowed to go crazy like this, and he couldn't be allowed to be afraid here. It wouldn't do him any good, so Yeyue thought of a way.

"Let's ask him first to see if we can get something out of his mouth. If we can't play something, we'll erase his memory. What do you think?" Yeyue came up with this idea at this time. After the solution, he asked Utilua for his opinion.

Utilua didn't have a good solution for the time being. After Yeyue said this, she felt it was very good, so Utilua very much agreed with Yeyue's idea, and the two of them would implement it immediately.

"I agree that we don't know what to do now. If so, erasing her memory is also a good choice. Now let's ask him first and see if we can ask something useful." Tilua said to Yeyue.

At this time, Utiluya asked carefully about the relationship. He also asked about everything that happened in the dungeon before, but Desimo seemed to have amnesia and couldn't remember anything at all.

Utiluya and Yeyue have been asking for a long time, but they haven't gotten anything useful out of him. Even Desimo can't tell what Desimo has experienced before. He looks at it now. There was nothing but fear in the eyes of Yeyue and Utilua.

At this time, Yeyue and Utiluya just wanted to ask Desimo why he was the city lord at first, but he was locked in the dungeon, and how did the new city lord Corrido come to power ?What is his identity?But Desimo now seems to be in a huge fright. He can't say anything at all, only fear.

Yeyue and Utiluya couldn't see anything and asked Desimo, so Yeyue shook her head at Utiluya, and the two decided to erase the memory in Desimo's mind , so that at least he won't be as scared as he is now.

Just when Yeyue and the others were about to implement it, Utilua suddenly stopped Yeyue. "Yeyue wait a minute, I think there is a better way. Now erase her memory, we can't know anything. If we enter his memory, wouldn't we be able to know everything that happened?"

Utiluya stopped Yeyue, which surprised Yeyue, but after he heard Utiluya's opinion, he felt that this was indeed a good way. If Desimo's memory was erased like this, what would they do? It is impossible to know, but if you enter his memory, you can know the ins and outs of this matter.For example, why did the city lord change people, and why he appeared in the dungeon.

"Utiloa is fortunate that you stopped me in time, if it weren't for you stopping me in time, I really don't know what to do, erase his memory, we can't know anything, now your suggestion Very good, let's start implementing it immediately." After Yeyue finished speaking, she nodded to Utilua, so he prepared to enter Desimo's memory to see what happened before.

But Desimo was very vigilant at this time, neither of Yeyue and Utilua could approach him easily. Once they got close to him, he was very frightened and refused to approach Yeyue and Utilua.

So Yeyue and Utiluya can only temporarily appease Utiluya for a while, and after Desimo's state stabilizes, they will enter Utiluya's memory to check.

"Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you. Are you hungry? Let's go get you something to eat." At this time, Utiluya and the man tried their best to approach Desimo to talk to him and ask him Let your guard down.

After slowly waiting for Desimo's state to stabilize for a while, Yeyue slowly approached Desimo, so he entered Desimo's memory while he was not paying attention to check what happened in the past.

Yeyue forcibly broke into Desimo's memory, and he discovered a shocking big secret.In Desimo's memory, Yeyue discovered that the new city lord was the cousin of the old city lord, and the two were related.

One day, Corrido inexplicably approached Desimo and got close to him. At first, Desimo didn't feel anything unusual, but slowly he found that Corrido seemed to be planning something. One day, Corrido The planned incident was accidentally discovered by Desimo.Desimod only wanted Corrido to try to usurp the throne.

After Desimo knew about this, he was very angry. He wanted to deal with Corrido, but he did not expect that Corrido had already subdued Desimo before he had dealt with Corrido.

In order to seize the position of the old city lord, the new city lord will frantically murder the old city lord.

and.When he planned to take the position of the city lord more often, he really struggled. Not only did he want to seize the position of the old city lord, but he also had to take a medicine from Desimo.

This medicine is to prevent Desimo from remembering the past in the future, so now Desimo has become what he is in front of him.Desimo's memory was in chaos after that.

Chapter 356 Desimo restores his memory

Yeyue and Utiluya couldn't help sighing when they learned about Desimo's previous experience. They didn't expect Corrido to be so powerful. so many means.

After getting the position of the city lord, he didn't give up, and he did such despicable things to Desimo, which made Desimo's life miserable from now on.

Yeyue and Utiluya both felt that Corrido was too vicious, even his own relatives were spared, and he worked hard to win the position of the city lord, which was really unexpected.

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