So Utiluya said to Yeyue, "This Corrido is so hateful. This is his cousin and they are relatives. How could he treat him like this?"

At this time, Utilua of Night Moon said. "I didn't expect him to do such a despicable thing, it's so embarrassing. But I just learned in Desimo's memory what medicine Corrido gave her, so I Now we need to study it to see if we can develop an antidote to this drug."

At this time, Utiluya nodded, how he hoped Yeyue could develop an antidote to rescue Desimo, who was born in dire straits.They all felt that Desimo was too pitiful, even if his cousin took the city lord's position, and he was also harmed by him to be what he is now.

So Yeyue carefully recalled what he wanted when he entered Desimo's memory, Yeyue wrote hard and thought about how to configure this antidote.

When Yeyue had a little thought, he slowly wrote all the ingredients of the antidote on a piece of paper, so he took the piece of paper and read it carefully several times, repeatedly confirming the medicinal materials on the piece of paper After being able to make an antidote for that kind of medicine, he and Utilua went to find the medicinal materials needed for this antidote.

This antidote needs a lot of medicinal materials. Yeyue and Utiluya went to find them in two separate ways. At this time, Yeyue and the others blocked this place, for fear of Desimo running around.

After Yeyue and the others were sure that Desimo could not escape from here, they went down to look for the medicinal herbs for the antidote in peace.

After getting them together, Yeyue quickly twisted these medicinal materials into pills for Desimo to take.At the beginning, Desimo didn't believe Yeyue and the others, and he didn't dare to take what Yeyue gave easily, so Yeyue inadvertently put the pill directly into Desimo's mouth.

At this time, after Desimo took the antidote, Yeyue also helped Desimo to restore his manhood.

Yeyue and Utiluya quietly waited for Desimo's state after taking the antidote.Yeyue is not sure if she knows whether this medicine can successfully cure Desimo, but Yeyue and Utiloa have already tried their best to rescue Desimo. If the final result is still not good, Yeyue There is no other way for the two of them to be together with Utilua for the time being.

"I feel a little nervous now. I don't know if your antidote will work or not, and if it can make Desimo completely sober up, but now that you have recovered his manhood, you can help him solve a very big difficulty. ." This is what Utilua said to Yeyue.

"I don't know whether it will work or not. Now we can only wait for Desimo to come over. I hope that when she wakes up, everything will be better." At this time, Yeyue was waiting for Desimo to wake up with hope. .

After Yeyue fed Desimo the antidote, Desimo fell asleep there for a long time. Yeyue and Utiloya stayed by Desimo's side for a long time, but Desimo didn't wake up. Yue and Utilua slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, Desimo woke up first, but when he woke up, Desimo had no idea what was going on. His brain was in a mess, and he had a headache. He saw Yeyue and Utilo. The two of them lay beside Ya, still a little surprised.

At this time, Yeyue also came over. Yeyue was very happy when she saw that Desimo was gone, but Desimo couldn’t remember anything, so he asked Yeyue what happened.

So Yeyue told Desimo everything again, and Desimo completely remembered all the things he had experienced before, but he fell into this field and did not think of Yeyue and Utiloya. Even trying his best to save himself, the current Desimo is very grateful to Yeyue and Utilua.

"Yeyue Utiluya, I am so grateful to the two of you. If it weren't for you two, I would still be in dire straits. You saved me, and I was speechless in return." At this time, Desi Mo was full of excitement and thanked Yeyue and Utilua.

At this time, Yeyue and Utiluya were also very embarrassed, but Desimo's successful awakening still made Yeyue very happy, because his efforts were not in vain, and he was worried about his antidote at first. Desimo cannot be saved.

"Desimo, we are so happy that you can wake up. You don't know how long we have been worrying for you here, and Yeyue has been here for a long time for you." Don't say.

So Desimo thanked Yeyue and Utilua and asked them why they came to the city.Yeyue and Utilua told Desimo the purpose of coming here.

Desimo was very happy because he knew the map of the city, so he could help Yeyue and the others to do one thing, and that was to give Yeyue and Utilua the map of the city.

In this way, Desimo can also feel at ease in his heart, after all, Yeyue and Utilua have tried their best to save him, and it is not easy.

If Desimo gave Yeyue and the others the map of the city and it would help them, Desimo would be very balanced.

"Well, Yeyue, I'll give you the map of the city. But I still have a small request I don't know if you can agree." Desimo said to Yeyue at this time.

"Desimo, you have already said that no matter what, I can do my best to help you complete it. As long as it is within my ability, I will do it." At this time, Yeyue said to Desimo calmly. Say.

So Desimo said that he would take the initiative to provide Yeyue and Utilua, the maps of their two cities, but he only had one small request, that is, he wanted to kill Corrido.

At this time, after Yeyue heard Desimo's idea, he readily agreed. Yeyue told Desimo that he would definitely help Desimo to kill Corrido, because he also disliked this despicable shame. the little man.

Corrido was horrified when he saw Desimo regained his sanity.

Chapter 357 to Chapter 359 The formation has not been repaired

Now Desimo and Yeyue must race against time to repair the formation, because the beast tide is coming, they must repair the formation before the beast tide comes, otherwise, they will They will be attacked by the beast tide. If such a thing really happens, the consequences will be disastrous.

But once people are very impatient, then various mistakes are very likely to occur. Although Desimo and Banana are racing against time to repair the formation, they did not expect that there will be problems at the most critical moment.

Yeyue was so anxious that she started jumping up and down, how could he think such a thing could happen?Everything is ready, and they have overcome many difficulties. In the end, as long as the formation is repaired and perfected, they will be able to resist the attack of the beast tide.

Although they are relatively well prepared, there will still be various changes. Now that things have happened, it is useless for them to complain. All they can do is to continue to race against time to find a way to see if they can use other method to fix this array.

Desimo and Yeyue were so anxious, especially Desimo, who cursed angrily: "The more anxious, the more unacceptable things happen. We have paid so much, but in the end, we still meet very unacceptable things. Tricky things, I'm really angry and I want to scold people!"

Yeyue can understand Desimo's current mood very well, because he is also very anxious in his heart and doesn't know what to do. In fact, if Yeyue was in normal times, he would never be helpless because of such a thing, but now is a pinch.It's only half a month since the beast swarm came. If they don't hurry up to repair it, it is very likely that more people will be attacked, and all people will be in danger. Yeyue doesn't want such a thing to happen, so Yeyue Yue is so anxious that there is no other way to deal with this problem now.

Yeyue saw Desimo so anxious, and he also thought in his heart that he must never pass on his negative emotions to Desimo. If both of them acted very uncool, then no one could guide them to move on. And also can not give each other the spirit of encouragement.

So Yeyue kept calm on the surface, then walked to Desimo's side, put her hand on Desimo's shoulder and said to Desimo: "Desimo, I know you are very anxious in your heart, in fact, I am also a little bit worried. Worry, but since there are very difficult problems now, we must seize the time to continue to organize our mood, and then think of a better way to solve this problem, we can't complain here now, all we can do is concentrate on Continue to think about what to do next?"

After Desimo heard Yeyue say this, he also felt that he was too restless. They encountered so many winds and waves before, and they all survived with tenacious perseverance. How can he be so impatient now? ?He felt that it was too out of line with his own style. They were invincible people, and they absolutely couldn't give up because of this little setback.

So Desimo took a deep breath and felt that the pressure was relieved a lot in an instant, so he smiled and said to Yeyue: "Yeyue, you are so right, maybe I have not controlled my emotions, and then we will concentrate on it. Let’s continue to study how to repair this formation? This is also our only way out. If we don’t repair the formation, then there will be no huge ability to resist the beast tide.”

Yeyue can feel that Desimo is trying his best to hide his emotions. Since Desimo has said so, they must hurry up and continue to study this formation in order to find a better way to repair this formation. Then resist the attack of the beast tide.

One day or two days, the last week and two weeks have passed, Yeyue and Desimo, they still haven't found any useful method to repair this formation, and suddenly Desimo and Yeyue are a little discouraged, they feel themselves The ability is too low, and they have not been able to repair this formation. Is it possible that their previous ingenuity is false?They can't believe that they are who they are now.

Half a month has passed in a blink of an eye, the beast swarm is coming on time, they have no way to resist the attack of the beast swarm, because they have not successfully repaired the formation, so what Yeyue and Desimo can do now is Trying to deal with the beast tide.

Although they didn't believe in their abilities at first, but now it's time to burn their eyebrows, they can't stand idly by, after all, the attack of the beast horde is unmatched.Yeyue and Desimo are still people with strong martial arts and very strong mana, so only the two of them can hope to resist the beast tide.

When Yeyue found out that the beast tide had come, Yeyue immediately said to Desimo: "Desimo now we have no way to fix the politics and law, and the beast tide has attacked us, what we can do now is to divide our efforts. To deal with the beast tide."

Desimo agrees with Yeyue very much, they cannot ignore the beast tide, and even if you ignore the beast tide, the beast tide will also hurt Yeyue and Desimo, so they continue to study the formation method at the same time. , but also to separate their own psychology to deal with the beast tide.

Desimo responded to Yeyue very firmly: "Don't worry, Yeyue Formation, we will never give up, but now we must try our best to deal with the beast tide, otherwise, all of us will Everyone will suffer.”

So Yeyue and Desimo devote most of their efforts to deal with the beast horde, and at the same time Utilua felt that she should have the possibility of being useful.Yeyue and Desimo had been telling Utiloa not to get involved in this matter before, but now at such a critical juncture, how could Utilua keep hiding behind Yeyue and Desimo?

Utilua felt that she had to contribute her own strength, so Utilua proposed to see the formation.At first, Yeyue tried her best to stop Utilua, and said to Utilua very sternly: "Utilua, you can't take this risk, you don't know how powerful the burst is, you are a weak woman. , just stay well!"

But she didn't expect Utilua's will to be so firm, so Yeyue had no choice but to agree.

Yeyue never thought that Utilua would see the formation. It only took a short time for Utilua to say that she could complete the formation, but the only condition was that she needed help.

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