Utilua sat there and closed her eyes and enjoyed the nature, and suddenly felt that it would be good to live a good life here.Thinking of this, she actually felt that she was a little refined, and she immediately opened her eyes with a look of panic.

Looking around nervously, I found that the snake girl was still in that small corner, and the others didn't see anyone, so I breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a low voice, "Oh my God, what am I thinking, there is still a refined temperament. Now, be clear! Am I stupid, how could I have that kind of thing, hurry up and wake up quickly." After speaking, he patted his face.

Yeyue woke up after resting all morning. After tidying up the room, she went out. Utilua, who was about to make lunch, found him coming out, and immediately came to him and asked : "Why don't you take a good rest, it's only noon now."

Yeyue said helplessly after hearing this: "I've had a rest for noon and it's not enough, I'm not like someone." After that, she laughed out loud.She pouted and looked aggrieved. He patted Utilua's head and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. When he found that the ingredients were ready, he looked at her in surprise and said: " Oh my god, you're going to prepare lunch."

Utiloa ignored him and walked out pretending to be angry. He smiled when he saw the back and prepared to make lunch.After a while, he cooked the food and put it on the table, and the snake girl came up immediately after smelling it.

Utilua didn't help when she saw her, so she sat there eating by herself, and the two began to fight again.Yeyue shook her head helplessly when she saw this scene, didn't care about them anymore, and sat down to eat by herself. The two saw that he was eating with relish, so they didn't wait any longer, afraid that he would finish the meal.

In the process of eating, Yeyue thought about the current situation, and said seriously: "The most important thing now is to discuss the next route. I think those people will come soon."

Hearing what he said, the grinning expression on Utiloa's face immediately became serious, as if she was not the same person just now, she nodded seriously and said, "I also think that we should hurry up and discuss the next plan. I can't stay here any longer, the pursuit order should be here soon, and I'm afraid I won't be able to escape if I run away at that time."

Ye Yue thought about it for a while, nodded and said.

"I'm also thinking about this issue. The pursuit order will come here soon, and there will definitely be no turning back if we run away." "I also thought a lot in the room just now. Where are we going next? After thinking about it, it's still not right. Those places have already had their eyeliners. As long as we go to that place, we will be noticed soon. These people seem to be determined to catch us. "

When Utiloa heard what he said, she became very angry and said, "If I were stronger than them, they wouldn't... ah ah ah, but what are we going to do next?" Ye Yue didn't answer either. Knowing what to do, the two fell into deep thought.

Chapter [-]: Teleportation Array

The Snake Girl frowned at both of them, and after thinking for a long time, she opened her mouth: "Actually, you have other options!" Both of them turned their heads in confusion when they heard these words.

It was even more stressful to see Snake Girl like this. She thought about it for a while and said, "There is a teleportation array in Qingcheng, which can teleport people to far, far places." When the snake girl was shocked, she said with a look of surprise: "Really? Is there really a teleportation formation? Will there be any conditions or yes?"

Snake Girl shook her head: "Qingcheng is a place I often go to, so I can say that I understand it, and I have used the teleportation array a few times, and I know how to use this teleportation array, you can rest assured."

After she finished speaking, she looked at the two nervously, because she was afraid that the two of them would not believe in herself. They had only been together for a few days, and there was no reason for the two of them to believe her without reservation, and it was life-threatening. related matters must be taken seriously.

Utilua was still in a state of excitement, while Yeyue had a serious face. He turned his head and saw that Utilua was still excitedly thinking about what to do after using the Legendary Formation. Helplessly sighed.

Since the Snake Woman was there, he couldn't say it clearly, so he turned his head and stared at Utiloa with his mind: "Do you think it's credible?" She was in the midst of excitement when she suddenly heard this heavy and heavy sentence. Serious voice, was startled, but soon it was like nothing.

She turned her head over and found that Yeyue was looking at her with a dark face, thinking of what she looked like just now, and the words of the snake girl, she began to think seriously about what the snake girl said just now.

At this time, she couldn't be sure whether the snake girl was helping her, so she was very happy. She completely believed it stupidly, and didn't think about the consequences at all. When she thought of how happy she looked just now, she really wanted to slap herself, why couldn't she be more serious Woolen cloth?

Utilua turned her head over and found that Snake Girl was bowing her head, as if she had guessed that they would be like this. After a morning of getting along, she actually became less wary of Snake Girl, and found that she was not that hateful. , but that kind of flattering.

Utiloa turned to look at him and said seriously: "Actually, you can consider the choice she just said, because we didn't put constraints on her in the morning? Snake girl can't lie, if she speaks, it will definitely make a difference. Punished, won't sit there with nothing like now."

Utiloa felt that she must calm down now and not act on her anger. Even if she felt that Snake Girl did not have any hostility towards them, but now this situation must not be angered and must be handled rationally.

After hearing this, Lu Chuanxian nodded silently, and after adding restrictions, he couldn't lie.But he still had a doubt, why did the snake girl help them for no reason?Is it conditional or for what purpose?

Utilua, who was beside Yeyue, had also considered this question, and gave him a look, indicating that she was going to ask, to find out.Ye Yue didn't stop him either, and he also wanted to know why Snake wanted to help them.

Utiloa leaned on the back of the chair and made a lazy voice: "Snake Girl, what have we done for you to help me?" Suddenly the quiet atmosphere was broken by her words, Snake Girl nervously She looked at it and opened her mouth, but still didn't say anything.

Yeyue saw the situation and said, "Snake Girl, you have a reason to help us." Snake Girl looked at the two of them and finally lowered her head and fell silent.

Seeing that Snake Girl didn't speak, Utiloa told him again with her mind: "What should we do now, Snake Girl doesn't seem like the kind of person who would harm us."

Yeyue is not as nervous as she is, so she told her cautiously: "You said it looks like it, you think she will not harm you, but often people like this are more terrifying and catch you by surprise. "Utiloa didn't argue any more after hearing this, knowing that she was acting out of her temper just now, and she couldn't say anything more, and continued to look at Snake Girl.

After a long time, Snake Girl remained silent, Utiloa couldn't bear it, she struggled for a long time before opening her mouth: "Snake Girl, in fact, you have a purpose to say it, if we can do it, we will definitely help You are here, you helped us, and we will naturally help you too."

Seeing that Utilua's attitude softened, Snake raised her head and looked at her with a grateful look.Yeyue looked at the Snake Girl and looked over, and the two looked at each other, which made Yeyue inexplicably feel that the Snake Girl had a good heart, Yeyue felt that she must be crazy, and quickly staggered her eyeliner to look elsewhere place.

Seeing Snake Girl's grateful eyes, Yeyue was sure that she must have a condition, and that condition was very important to her, so she said again: "You don't have to worry that we will lie to you. Once we say it, we will definitely You can rest assured, but once you lie to us..."

After that, she gave Snake Girl a look, she knew what he meant and said quickly: "You can rest assured, I never lied to you, didn't you restrict me? This is absolutely not a lie, once you tell me You will be struck by lightning, and you should know that our snake tribe is the most afraid of lightning, and once I am struck, I will definitely be left with no bones."

Utilua turned around to meet the Snake Woman's words, and asked him again.

"Then, do you really have a purpose or a condition to help us?" It's the same sentence just now, if you have the condition, just say it, we will see the situation, and you are still Free body, we didn't think about taking you as a slave or anything, we always treat you as a free body, you are not bound."

After the Snake Girl heard it, she raised her head quickly, and tears of surprise and joy flowed out unconsciously.Seeing this, Utila hurriedly said, "I, I didn't bully you, why did you suddenly cry? Don't scare me."

The Snake Woman cried even more fiercely after Utiloa said that, and the tears couldn't stop like a waterfall.When she saw this, she told Yeyue with her mind: "I am in trouble? What's the situation? I don't seem to have said anything wrong, what should I do?"

After Yeyue heard it, she directly shook her shoulders, as if telling her you were watching.Seeing his actions, Utiloa scratched her head, bewildered.

Chapter [-]: The Underground Prison

After crying for a while, the snake girl still didn't want to stop. Utiloa really didn't know what to do, and quickly said, "We, we..." She said several times and we didn't hold back anything else. what word.

Yeyue was a little dizzy when she was crying, and she also said, "Well, don't cry, why are you crying? Did I just ask you a few questions? The famous Snake Girl was so scared that she cried?" Yeyue is an incentive method, to stimulate Snake Girl so that he doesn't cry anymore.

Sure enough, this method worked for Snake Girl, she immediately let go of her hand and said angrily: "I was scared to cry, do you understand human feelings? I was so happy that I cried, really a little bit. There is no human touch, how can anyone still like a person like you?"

After she finished speaking, the Snake Woman looked at Utilua, and she quickly lowered her head after being told that by the Snake Woman.Snake girl knew that she was joking too much, so she quickly said, "It's okay, it's just a joke, just kidding, what are you doing so seriously?"

Utilua quickly raised her head when she heard Snake Girl's words, and said helplessly, "What a joke, really, I'm asking you a question now."

Hearing Utila's words, Snake Woman also became serious. She coughed once or twice and said, "Actually, Qingcheng's teleportation array can actually teleport people to our clan."

Utilua seemed to be surprised, and hurriedly asked: "Then where is your clan, is it far?" The snake girl smiled gracefully after hearing this: "Did you say the desert country is far? Our snake clan's land is far away? The station is in the desert country."

She was very happy when she heard it, but instead of spitting out all her words like last time, she said in her heart, "Oh my god, I heard that the desert country is far away, and it's still a long way to go. It's especially dangerous, those guys shouldn't stretch their claws into that place, we can rest for a while and think about how to go next, hee hee hee, just think about it and be happy."

Yeyue naturally knew what she was thinking, so she gave her a roll of eyes, and Utiloa said helplessly when she saw his action: "What do you mean? Really." Yeyue didn't pay any attention to it. She had no choice but to go to the Snake Girl and say, "Keep talking, keep talking, hee hee hee." The Snake Girl saw Utiloa's smirk and suddenly felt that it would be nice if she had such a friend. .

After being silent for a while, Snake said again: "As you all know, the desert country is indeed very far away. And our desert country is still very dangerous, even if you go to the border of the desert country without stopping, but It's hard to get in, even if it's you, there's no way to get in." After speaking, he pointed at Yeyue who was sitting beside him drinking tea.

Seeing such a casual person, Utiloa said in her heart, "Really, after discussing important matters, drinking tea in such a casual manner is a joke?" She dared not speak in front of Yeyue. She said it out of her face, didn't she want to die?Say this to Night Moon.

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