Yeyue didn't pick up Snake Girl's words, but instead asked: "Look at you so sworn, presumably that teleportation array is the exclusive thing of your Snake Clan?" Snake Girl heard what he said, and said with a chuckle. : "As expected of a big man, you have guessed it all."

"Why does this sentence sound so unpleasant to me? Is the snake girl mocking me?" Utiloa raised her eyebrows and asked the two of them.The Snake Girl shrugged helplessly and said, "I didn't say anything like that. You were the one who took the seat yourself." Utiloa patted her head after hearing it, and secretly said she was in a hole!

The snake girl didn't joke any more, and said seriously: "The teleportation array is exclusive to our clan, and the teleportation array can only be opened by people from our snake clan. If other people force it to open, the teleportation array will automatically explode. People within a radius of five miles will be accidentally injured by it."

Utiloa was frightened by the goddess's words, and asked in surprise: "Oh my god, is this teleportation array so powerful?" The snake girl said helplessly: "Stupid isn't it stupid, the place where your teleportation array teleports is Our clan, if anyone can use it, will our clan be in chaos?"

After hearing this, Utilua looked suddenly enlightened: "Yeah, that's how it is." After speaking, he laughed and saw that the two of them had a dark expression on their faces.Yeyue and the two looked at each other in a similar way, and she asked suspiciously, "Then what is your background? And why did you come to Qingcheng? Can you tell me easily?"

Snake girl knew that if she didn't say it, the two of them would not be as calm as they appeared, and they would definitely ask the question to the end, but she couldn't say it yet.Yeyue asked again: "You just said that we already know that you are from the Snake Clan. Why did you come to Qingcheng but for what purpose?"

The Snake Girl didn't answer him, only shook her head. The two of them kept their eyes on the Snake Girl. The Snake Girl got goosebumps when they saw it. She was very helpless and could only say: "It's really The two of you are defeated, don't worry, I will tell you clearly before going to the teleportation array, don't be such a bastard, trust me, I will tell you."

Utiloa rolled her eyes and said, "Who's an idiot? You really talk about an idiot at every turn. In fact, you look more like an idiot than anyone else." The Snake Girl ignored him and slowly After taking a bite of the meal, he said, "Why don't you eat it, let's eat it soon. But don't say that your food is really delicious, a woman who can cook better than me, really convinced you. "

Yeyue didn't care about anything. After getting along for a while, she probably knew Snake Girl's character, and she continued eating without saying anything.At this time, Utila said, "Hey, you seem to have forgotten something very important." The Snake Girl asked suspiciously, "Have you explained all the important things to you?"

Yeyue also reacted and said, "You haven't said the location of the teleportation array!" After the Snake Girl heard it, she suddenly realized that she patted her head and said, "Yes, I haven't told you about this yet. Well, in fact, you all know the location of the teleportation formation."

The two of them were even more confused. Lu Chuan asked, "We know everything, is this place in a crowded place?" The Snake Girl mysteriously shook her head and said, "Actually, the coordinates of the teleportation array are located in the underground of Qingcheng City Lord. Prison, that place is not easy to enter."

Chapter 405 Incomprehensible

In order to find out what the image of the city lord of Qingcheng is like among the people.

After discussing with Yeyue, Utilua came to the streets of Qingcheng alone.

There are all kinds of shops on the street, and Qingcheng guards patrol from time to time.

On the surface, Qingcheng is a prosperous, harmonious and stable city.

This made Utiloa, who came out to inquire about the situation, a little puzzled. He wondered whether it was just a superficial phenomenon or what it was.

In order to know more about the situation here, Utilua found a tavern at random and sat down.

"Little Er, serve the wine." Utilua shouted.

"Come on." The tavern's second heard Utiloa's voice and responded quickly.

Soon a person dressed as a second child walked in front of Utilua.

"Guest officer, what do you need?" The second asked.

"What kind of wine do you have?" Utilua asked boldly.

"We have a lot of good wines. We have daughter Hong for [-] years, peach blossom wine for [-] years, and pear blossom wine for [-] years. I don't know what the guest officer wants?" look.

Knowing that Utiloa is not bad for money, she didn't mention those inferior liquors, and directly said all the good wines used in the town store.

"Oh? You still have peach blossom stuffing here? Not bad, then let's have a jar of peach blossom stuffed, a plate of beef, and a plate of peanuts, hurry up, sir, I'm hungry." Utilua thought about it after a while. road.

"Okay, I'll serve wine for the guest officer right away." Seeing that Utila was so forthright, Little Er was very happy, and hurried to get the wine.

Because every time he sells this kind of good wine, he will get a lot of money, so Xiao Er especially likes to entertain big men like Utilua.

After all, these are his parents.

Utilua began to look at the tavern while Xiao Er went to get the wine.

The decoration of this tavern is ordinary, but the scale is not small. After Utilya strolled around the city, she saw that this tavern was already one of the best in the entire Qingcheng, so Utilua chose to come in here to check the news. .

You must know that teahouses, taverns, and these places are populated by people from the three religions and nine-rates. This kind of place is the best place to investigate news.

Utiloa silently listened to the people around her, trying to get some information she wanted from them.

Not to mention, maybe it's because the Qingcheng City Lord's reputation in this Qingcheng is too great.

There are actually several tables discussing the Qingcheng City Lord.

However, these tables are praising the Qingcheng City Lord without exception.

Utiloa didn't believe it at first, but looking at the expressions of these people, she found that when they mentioned the name of the city lord of Qingcheng, they all became very respectful.

What interests Utiloa the most is that there is a table discussing what happened to the Qingcheng City Lord these days.

It is said that the city owner of Qingcheng was patrolling the city one day and encountered two people arguing.

The City Lord of Qingcheng hurried up to persuade him, and only after some inquiries did he understand the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out to be because one of the two families had a boy and the other had a girl. Because of their ancestral relations, the two families often quarreled.

But what the two families did not expect was that their children actually fell in love and were together.

This made the two families very angry, and one family thought it was a girl from another family who was seducing their children.

Another family thinks that their child is shameless to provoke their precious daughter.

After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, the Qingcheng City Lord immediately started to solve the matter.

He called the children of both families over.

He first asked the boy: "Do you love her, are you willing to marry her, and live with her."

Hearing this, the boy looked at the girl first, and was about to say yes, but then he saw his parents staring at him, and he suddenly became hesitant.

Seeing this scene, the city lord of Qingcheng smiled and said: "Don't panic, even if you say what you think, I will call the shots for you."

Hearing the promise of the City Lord of Qingcheng, the boy answered without hesitation: "I love her, and I want to marry her as my wife."

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