Seeing that the boy agreed, the city lord of Qingcheng turned to the girl again: "What about you? Are you willing to marry him and never abandon him?"

The girl looked at her parents, then saw the boy's firm eyes, and said with a little twist: "I do."

After finishing speaking, the girl's face turned red, which was very cute.

Hearing that both of them said they were willing to be with each other, the city lord of Qingcheng seemed very happy: "Since you both love each other and are willing to be together, today I will be a matchmaker and arrange this marriage for the two of you."

The parents of the two children were a little reluctant when they heard the words of the Qingcheng City Lord, and seemed to want to say something.

However, the city owner of Qingcheng spoke first: "The ancients said, 'When is the time for retribution?', your ancestors have known each other for hundreds of years, and you are very familiar with each other. Well, today, since the children of your two families already love each other, why not turn dry silk into jade, isn't it beautiful?"

After listening to the words of the Qingcheng City Lord, the two families originally wanted to refute them. They looked at their children and exchanged eye contact with each other.

Colleague: "Okay."

Because there were a lot of people there at the time, after this incident came out, everyone praised the Qingcheng City Lord, saying that he did a good job.

After hearing this, Utilua narrowed her eyes: "Interesting."

Then he began to drink the wine that Xiao Er didn't know when to serve, while listening to the people around him.

After drinking a jar of wine, Utilua got a lot of news.

But what Utiloa couldn't understand was that the people around were only talking about the city lord of Qingcheng.

At first, Utiloa thought they were pretending, but after looking at their expressions and eyes, she realized that it was all from their hearts.

This made Utiloa even more difficult to understand. He and Yeyue came here because they suspected that the city lord of Qingcheng had a shady deed in private.

But he did not expect that the people of Qingcheng would love this city lord so much.

"It's getting late, I'd better go back and discuss with Yeyue what to do next." After drinking a jar of wine, Utilua looked at the sky outside and muttered softly.

Afterwards, Utiloa called Xiao Er, paid for the drink, and left.

However, what Utiloa didn't know was that when he left the door of the tavern, there was a person in a corner who kept staring at him and smiled strangely.

But because this corner is so dark, and this person deliberately hides himself, it is impossible to see whether this person is male or female.

Chapter 406

After leaving the tavern, Utiloa did not choose to continue shopping, but returned directly to He Yeyue's residence.

"Luya, you're back, how are you, did you find any useful information?" Yeyue, who had been waiting in the residence for a day, saw that Utiloa finally came back, and asked.

"Well, I got a lot of useful information." Utiloa nodded.

"Oh? Let's talk slowly." Ye Yue was also very surprised to hear that Utilua really got a lot of useful news after going out.

After Utilua found a seat and sat down, she didn't give a shit, and told what she saw and heard when she went out today.

"Well, I didn't expect that the city lord of Qingcheng would be so loved by the people." After listening to Utila's words, Yeyue fell into deep thought.

"Yeah, if I hadn't heard it with my own ears, I wouldn't have believed it." Utiloa nodded deeply.

"But if that's the case, why would he build such an underground prison? I can't figure this out." Ye Yue struggled to figure out why.

"This... I don't understand this point. From what I see now, it is clearly contradicting the information we have received." Utiloa thought for a while and then said.

"Indeed, according to the information we have now, it seems that there are only two possibilities. The first is that the information we got before is wrong, that we have misunderstood him, and the second is that the main city of Qingcheng is very deep." Ye After taking a sip of tea, Yue narrowed her eyes.

"According to the current situation, it is true, but if the news we got before is true, the city's palace of the Qingcheng City Lord is not generally deep."

Hearing Yeyue's words, Utilua was taken aback and couldn't sit still any longer, standing up and pacing back and forth.

"By the way, should we ask Snake Girl, maybe she will have news that we don't know."

After walking back and forth, Utiloa suddenly remembered that Snake Girl had contact with this Qingcheng City Lord before.

"Snake girl? Well, let's go ask." After hearing Utiloa's proposal, Yeyue thought about it and didn't reject it.

"Snake Girl, can you open the door?" The two came to Snake Girl's room, and Utiloa went up and knocked on the door.

"Huh? Utilua, what's the matter with coming to see me so late?" The snake girl in the house was a little puzzled when she heard Utilua's voice.

I don't know why Utilua came to look for him so late.

"I want to ask you some questions, could you please open the door?" Utila asked.

"Okay, please wait a moment." Although the Snake Girl didn't know what Utiloa did to find her so late, she thought it was a very important thing, so she didn't refuse, and quickly opened the door.

"Huh? Yeyue are you here too?" Snake opened the door and saw that Yeyue was also there.

This made her even more puzzled. She couldn't understand why the two of them came to find her together so late.

"Hello Snake Girl, I came to disturb you this time, I just want to know something about you, so don't be nervous." Yeyue said softly as if she could see Snake Girl's nervousness and worry.

"It's alright, let's talk about something." Snake girl shook her head, indicating that she didn't care, and opened the door to let the two in.

"I don't know why the two of you came to find the little girl so late?" Seeing that the two of them had already found a seat and sat down, the Snake Girl asked straight to the point.

"Since the Snake Girl has already asked, let's not talk more politely. The two of us are here this time mainly to get to know you, the City Lord of Qingcheng." Utilua and Yeyue glanced at each other. , Utiloa said.

"Qingcheng City Lord?" The Snake Girl looked very surprised when she heard Utilua's words.

"Yes, it is the City Lord of Qingcheng. We understand that you have been in contact with the City Lord of Qingcheng before, so I would like to get some news about the City Lord of Qingcheng from you." Utila nodded.

"I'm sorry, although I have met him, but there is no in-depth communication, so I don't know what kind of person he is. You may have to go for nothing."

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