After all, he had no intention of killing these people in the first place.

Just like what they said before, many of these people are innocent and don't know what their leader did, so Yeyue has no intention of killing these people.

It is not good for those who practice cultivation, and God is ruthless, and one day there will be punishment.

Because Yeyue didn't put too heavy hands before, Hualien didn't faint for long, and quickly woke up.

Hualien, who had just woken up, looked at the people in this place and was frightened for a while.

After a while, after thinking about the cause and effect of this incident, Hualien began to regret again.

She didn't expect to make such a big commotion because she couldn't control her emotions.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that I would do such a thing. Why don't you ride out of here, I killed everyone, it has nothing to do with you." Looking at Yeyue and Utiloya, Hualien felt very guilty. .

It was because of him that Yeyue and Utiloa were arrested, but now that he did such a thing, Hualien didn't want to hurt Yeyue and them.

Yeyue also knew that Hualien didn't want to hurt herself, so she said this, so she shook her head and said, "We are friends."

A word is worth more than a lot of words.

Hualien's eyes turned red when she heard this.

What a pity to meet such a friend in one's life.

Utilua, who was beside her, smiled slightly when she saw this scene.

"Okay, let's hurry up." Ye Yue smiled.

"Hurry up? Where are you going?" Hualien was a little puzzled after hearing Ye Yue's words.

After all, she didn't know where Ye Yue and Utiloa were going.

"The Kingdom of Sand." Yeyue glanced at Fang Xiangdao where the Kingdom of Sand was.

Hearing Yeyue saying she was going to the Land of Sand, Hualien was stunned for a while, but didn't ask any further questions.

Although she didn't know what Yeyue and Utiloa were going to do in the Land of Sand, they had suffered together, and Hualien felt very guilty towards Yeyue and the others.

Therefore, Hualien now chose to trust Yeyue and the others.

The few people ignored the caravan and set off towards the Land of Sand.

After the three left the caravan, they groped their way in the desert.

For Yeyue and Utilua, this boundless desert was quite difficult.

Although their strength is very strong, they used to survive in some harsh places, but this is a desert, and sometimes you can't encounter a water source even if you walk for several days.

Not to mention meeting other people in the desert.

Although the three of them took a lot of water when they left the caravan, they were almost consumed after a few days.

And this is also because Hualien belongs to the snake family. It is much easier to survive in the desert than humans, and they drink less water.

Otherwise, the water they brought with them would have been consumed long ago.

"This desert is really not something that ordinary people can traverse." After walking for several days, Utilua was tanned.

From a distance, some people might think he was a piece of charcoal.

"This is also the reason why our strength is not enough. I heard that someone in ancient times traversed this desert in one day. It can be said to be extremely terrifying." Hearing Utiloa's words, Yeyue nodded deeply.

After a few days of walking in the desert, Yeyue can be regarded as getting some exercise, but generally speaking, Yeyue does not want to experience this kind of torture.

Hualien, who was on the side, couldn't bear to see the two of them like this.

After a while, Hualien seemed to have made up her mind as if she had made up her mind. She whispered very seriously, "Please forgive me for what I did. This is my friend, and I can't watch them suffer like this."

"Yeyue, Luya, come here, I will teach you some secret techniques." Hualien said to the two of them.

Although they didn't know what secret method Hualien was going to teach, the two of them came over.

Perhaps feeling something, the young snake that was sleeping in Hualien's arms crawled out.

Hualien, who has the same mind as the young snake, told the young snake what happened while he was sleeping.

After hearing this, the young snake was very moved, and climbed onto Yeyue and Utilua and licked their cheeks with a snake letter.

What makes people strange is that the young snake did not return to Hualien's arms, but chose to climb on Yeyue's shoulders.

Chapter 429 Leaving Hualien

Just after the hard journey for the past few days, Yeyue and Utiloa finally came to the capital.

This country is indeed full of traffic, and there are shouts everywhere.Small businesses of all kinds fill the streets of this capital.

On this street, all kinds of commodities are really dazzling, and these commodities are dazzling.There are also all kinds of delicacies. These delicacies are fragrant. For a while, after just smelling them, a lot of saliva flowed out immediately.Ye Yue and Utiloa both want to taste this ecstasy.

It's just that the night moon at this time, their group did not have time to delay here.After all, they still want to flee quickly, if they delay time here, then they are very likely to be caught.

But in this busy country, although there are many people coming and going, and almost all of them are strangers.

But Yeyue and the others could not guarantee that among all the people who came and went, no one recognized them.

Therefore, for a while, his Yeyues had to disguise, and everyone took out all kinds of clothes to disguise themselves.

"Hahaha, are you Yeyue? You are so dressed that I don't even recognize you!"

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