Just after the disguise, Yeyue and the others couldn't even recognize themselves.

"Don't say it, Utiloa. I don't even recognize you in the clothes you're wearing!"

For a while, Yeyue and the others were joking with each other here.

"We should prepare some gifts now, enter the palace immediately, and dedicate all these gifts to the king!"

At this time, Ye Yue's brain has been on a high level of vigilance, and he knows that he must meet the king now.And also to give some gifts to the king.

In just a moment, Yeyue and the others prepared a lot of gifts.All these gifts were prepared for the king.

"This time, I think the three of us should enter the palace together. In this case, the three of us can take care of each other in the palace! We can help each other if we encounter anything!"

Yeyue knew that this time he entered the palace, although it was a gift for the king.But that doesn't mean that there is no danger in the slightest bit of offering gifts to the king.

Therefore, Yeyue suggested that this time, three people should go to the palace together and present gifts to the Bone King together.

"You're right. If the three of us go in together, we can take care of it. If only one person goes in, if something happens inside, the rest of us don't know how to deal with it!"

When Utiloa heard this, Ye Yue's words were very reasonable.So he agreed with Yeyue's proposal.Just after the three of them prepared for a while, the three of them walked into the palace together with a gift for the king.

It was just a stick of incense, and Yeyue and Utilua came with gifts and entered the palace.But in this palace, it is not something you can see if you want to see the king.

After all, the king is the king of a country, and he has all kinds of things to deal with.And there are countless master guards by his side, so Yeyue and the others have to wait here.

Unknowingly, I didn't know how long I waited, and finally the king finally agreed to meet Yeyue and the others.

For a while, Ye Yue and Utiloa came to the king with the gifts they had prepared in advance.

"Respected His Majesty, the three of us came to the capital of your country and admired His Majesty's prestige a long time ago! So we have prepared some gifts for His Majesty, and we also ask His Majesty to laugh at it!"

Yeyue held the gift in her hand at this time, walked forward very respectfully, and bowed deeply to His Majesty the King.Finally, he said to His Majesty the King with great respect.

However, at this time, His Majesty the King did not seem to be aware of Yeyue's existence, and he did not hear what Yeyue was saying at this time.

"What's wrong with this king? Why is he silent?"

Utilua was also very anxious at this time, after all, the time spent on a stick of incense was over.But His Majesty the King just kept silent, and His Majesty's eyes never fell on Ye Yue.

"Your Majesty, the three of us have prepared some gifts for you, His Majesty the King!"

Yeyue saw that His Majesty the King was ignoring him, so she spoke again.Said this to the king.

But His Majesty the King still ignored Yeyue at this time, as if he hadn't heard Yeyue's words at all.

It turned out that the king was looking at Hualien very proudly at this time. For a while, the king was attracted by the beautiful appearance of Hualien.

Inside the king's palace, it was splendid, and there was a very gentle light shining on Hualien's face, which made Hualien's already beautiful face look even more flawless at this time.Once again added a little more beauty.

Therefore, for a while, the king's attention was attracted by the beauty of Hualien.The king has been quietly observing the beauty of Hualien.

"Who is this woman standing under the stage? How can she have such a fascinating face?"

At this moment, His Majesty the King finally spoke up.But this time, it was Yeyue and Utiloa who were surprised.

After all, Yeyue and Utiloa never thought that the king had fallen in love with Hualien, and all the attention just now was on Hualien.

"Your Majesty, she is our companion, her name is Hualian!" Yeyue understood that at this time, there must be no intention of disobeying His Majesty the King.Therefore, he said to the king with such respect.

"In that case, you can leave him alone!"

"What? How is this possible?"

Hearing that the king said this, Utiloa immediately became anxious, and was very unhappy for a while.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I am willing to stay!"

But what Utiloa didn't expect was that Hualien agreed to stay at this time.For a while, Utilua and Yeyue never thought of it!

"How can this happen? The three of us agreed to go together? How can we leave Hualien alone?"

Utiloa was in a hurry at this time.But he also knew that in the king's palace, he must not disobey the king's intentions, so he discussed with Yeyue like this.

However, Hualien negotiated conditions with the king at this time.

Chapter 430

In fact, not only was Utiloa surprised at this time, Yeyue also did not expect that Hualien would take the initiative to promise the king and promise to stay.

It's just that Yeyue has always been very calm, and he carefully observed the situation here.And also observed every move of Hualien, as well as any subtle expressions on Hua's face.

Therefore, Yeyue did not act rashly at this time, and he also told Utilua, so that Utilua did not act rashly.After all, the three of them are in the palace of others at this time, no matter what, their lives can be said to be in the hands of the king.

"Your Majesty, it's okay for me to stay, but I have a few small conditions!"

I saw that Hualien didn't change her face at this time and her heart didn't beat, she walked up slowly.Moreover, neither humble nor arrogant, Hua Lian suddenly had the demeanor of a king on her body.

At this time, His Majesty the King kept his eyes on Hualien, and he kept looking at it from top to bottom, without stopping for a moment.

Everyone knew at a glance that the king must have taken a fancy to Hualien's appearance at this time.And I hope that Hua Lian can be her concubine, so Utilua is quite reluctant at this time.

It's just that Utiloa was helpless at this time. Although there were a hundred unwillingness in his heart, he couldn't say a word.After all, the lives of all of them were in the hands of His Majesty the King at this time.

"Oh, how many small conditions do you have? You said that as long as I can do it, I can do it for you!"

His Majesty the King heard Hualien say this, but he was not angry at all.And it seems that he is very happy. Since he opened his mouth like this, let Hualien mention his own conditions.

For a while, Ye Yue seemed to understand something.Therefore, he watched the development of the situation quietly, and Ye Yue didn't have the slightest wave in his heart.

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