At the same time, Hualien was not surprised at all, only to see Hualien standing there calmly.There was no hint of surprise on his face.

"Your Majesty, it is not difficult for me to stay, but I want my friends to leave here safely!"

Just a moment later, Hualien finally spoke slowly at this time.He said this directly to His Majesty the King, and he actually asked His Majesty to let his two friends leave here safely.

"What? Hua Lian, how can you do this?"

For a moment, Utiloa was surprised at this time.Utilua never imagined that Hualien asked His Majesty the King to ask for this.

It's just that before Utilua's words were spoken, Ye Yue interrupted Utilua immediately.Yeyue knew that this was the only chance they could leave here, and that Hualien had worked so hard to win for the two of them.

"As long as you can stay, the two of them are of no use to me at all! Since they are your friends, let them go!"

At this time, His Majesty the King focused all his energy on Hualien.In his opinion, as long as Hualien can stay, it would not be a big deal to let Yeyue and Utilua leave.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, but my two friends don't have food and water, so I also ask His Majesty to prepare a simple carriage and some clean water and food for my two friends!"

It has to be said that Hualien was really doing it for Yeyue and Utilua at this time, and the two of them thought very thoughtfully.Even Yeyue and Hualien have thought about what they will use on the road, and they also hope that His Majesty the King can provide them.

And at this time, His Majesty the King simply glanced at Yeyue and Utiloa, the two of them glanced at each other, and finally nodded in agreement without saying anything.

And he immediately ordered the guards around him to prepare the things that Hualien just said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, but I have one more request! I hope His Majesty can grant it. Only in this way can I stay in peace!"

When Hualien saw that His Majesty the King ordered the things around him like this, Hualien was overjoyed for a while.Thinking that my two friends can leave here safely, that is the best thing.

But suddenly, Hualien seemed to think of one thing again, so he spoke to His Majesty the King again.

"Hua Lian, I beg you not to do this. The three of us should have left together. How can you be left here alone?"

Utilua Hualien discussed with His Majesty the King like this, Utilua was very anxious at this time, and his heart was very uncomfortable.He thought that these three people should leave here safely together, how could Hualien be allowed to stay here alone?

But Hua Lian didn't have the slightest bit of Dali Utilua at this time.He still did not change his face and heart, looked at His Majesty the King, and saw that Hua Lian's eyes were always on His Majesty's body.I hope His Majesty the King can agree to his request.

But Yeyue was quite clear at this time that this was the condition that Hualien had won for them, so no matter what, they must not fail Hualien's good intentions.

"What else do you want to ask for? For me, the two of them really have no role in the slightest. Just leave, there is no pity at all!"

However, the king didn't pay any attention to Yeyue and Utiloa at all.He thought that Utilua and Yeyue were of no use to him, so it was not worthwhile to send them away.

"Your Majesty, I would like to ask you to send your guards to send these two friends of mine to a safe place. After all, they are not familiar with this place at all!"

When Hualien saw His Majesty the King said this, Hualien's heart was suddenly overwhelmed with surprise.I thought that this time Yeyue and Utiloa could finally leave here safely.

But Utiloa was still unwilling at this time, and still didn't want Hualien to stay here alone.It's just that Yeyue kept stopping Utiloa, so for a while, Utiloa's words hadn't been said.

And just after that, Hualien, she personally sent Yeyue and Utilua, and the two of them left this place, the king's palace below.

Chapter 431 Qingcheng

With Hualien's meticulous help, Yeyue and Utilua finally got away from the city.For a while, Yeyue and Utiloa were finally in a safe state at this time.

"This time is really too thrilling. If it wasn't for Hualien, the two of us would definitely not be able to escape!"

Just after Yeyue and Utilua were finally safe, Yeyue dared to relax a little.It's just that Yeyue still has lingering fears at this time. Yeyue knows that the reason why he and Utilua can escape safely is entirely thanks to Hualien's help.

Otherwise, Yeyue and the three of them would definitely be trapped in the palace at this time, and they didn't know when they would be able to reach such a safe place.

"Yes, this time is indeed thanks to Hua Lian, but the three of us had agreed to come out together, but now we have left her alone! My heart is indeed very uncomfortable!"

Even though at this time, Utilua and Yeyue were already in a safe place, Utilua's heart was still hurt.Because this time, Hualien could not be brought out with them.

The reason why Yeyue and the others were able to come out was because they took Hualien as a hostage.Therefore, Utilua's heart was still very sad.

"Okay, let's not talk about this now, we still have something important to do! That is, at this time, we must hurry to the territory of the Snake Race, and only there is the most important thing. safe place!"

Although Yeyue and Utilua were relatively safe at this time, it didn't mean that the two of them were absolutely safe here.

Because it is very likely that there will be unknown dangers, but Yeyue believes that the safest place at this time is the territory of the snake clan.Therefore, no matter what, you must hurry up and rush to the territory of the Snake Clan!

Because Yeyue and Utiloa had a teleportation formation in their bodies, it was only a blink of an eye, and Yeyue and Utiloa relied on the teleportation formation and instantly came to the clan of the Snake Clan.

However, what Ling Yeyue and the others did not expect was that the territory of this snake clan was empty at this time.For a while, Ye Yue and Utiloa were both surprised.

"This place of the Snake Clan turned out to be empty. What is going on here?"

Yeyue was very vigilant at this time, and he closely observed every move around him.But just after a stick of incense, Yeyue found that there was really no one around him.Therefore, Yeyue should not think that she has to leave here immediately and go to the next destination, which is Qingcheng.

"We must go to Qingcheng now!"

"Qingcheng? How do we get there? Our teleportation formation can't reach Qingcheng?"

Utilua was immediately surprised when she heard it, because Utilua knew that the teleportation formation of the two of them would not be able to reach Qingcheng smoothly, so Utilua was very confused at this time.

"What you said is true, our teleportation array seems to be unreachable, but we can rely on the anti-teleportation array, so that we can reach it!"

For a while, Yeyue suddenly remembered the anti-teleportation array that Hualien gave them. As long as they relied on the anti-transportation array, they would naturally be able to reach Qingcheng.

Sure enough, with the efforts of Yeyue and Utilua, it only took an hour for Yeyue and Utilua to arrive at Qingcheng.

But when Yeyue and Utilua arrived at Qingcheng, the two of them immediately went to look for the blue bird.After all, in this Qingcheng, the one who has the best relationship with Yeyue and Utilua is the blue bird.

Therefore, after Yeyue and Utilua came to Qingcheng, the first person to look for must be Blue Bird.Moreover, this blue bird has lived in Qingcheng for a long time, and he is quite clear about the things in Qingcheng.

So in this Qingcheng, no matter what, if you can get the help of the blue bird, then Yeyue and Utiloa will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

So Yeyue and Utilua searched all the way until they came to the blue bird's land.But the blue bird at this time is very different from the past.

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