
The child will not let Deken continue to be in a daze. After he missed a hit, the two linhes quickly enlarged in Deken's pupils again!

(The new book is for collection~~ I will not disappoint you later!)…

Chapter [-] Public Enemy in District [-]


In an open space outside the Ninth District, Deken tried his best to dodge the storm-like offensive from the front, and cold sweat couldn't stop falling from his forehead.

Durken never thought that there would be such a ghoul child, who would have the ability to suppress himself as a Grade A ghoul!

Although the strength of A-rank is too weak in the world of ghouls, compared to underage children, it is also an insurmountable powerful existence!

But now, Deken is being watched by a child. The ghostly speed and the unstoppable offensive force Deken to deal with it with all his strength, and he does not dare to be distracted. where did it go.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Durken has three sturdy looking scales, but in front of the child's two slender scales, he looks sluggish, completely unable to keep up with the child's offensive, let alone organize an effective counterattack!

Deken was miserable in his heart, not because he didn't want to fight back, but because he couldn't keep up with the child's speed at all!

The child's two seemingly slender scales not only have the speed of lightning, but also are much tougher than they appear on the outside. With the hardness of Deken's scales, they can't be broken!

Suddenly, Deken, who had been staring at the child, seemed to have discovered something, his eyes lit up suddenly, and while controlling Linhe behind him to block the child's offensive, he stretched out his big hand to the child's neck!

"Hey, I can't think of it! Children are children after all, and their physical disadvantages are obvious! My hand can easily attack you, and you can't do anything but avoid it!"

Deken couldn't help thinking proudly in his heart.

Indeed, Durken is tall, and the length of one right arm is half the height of a child. Durken's hand can easily touch the child, but the child cannot do this!

Soon, soon!

"Let me crush your head, boy!"

Deken roared excitedly, opened his palm and grabbed the child's head violently.

However, the child's face did not have the panicked look that Durken had imagined, nor did he retreat and dodge as he imagined, but instead rushed towards his palm, as if he had thrown himself into a snare!

But are children really self-inflicted?

Deken didn't have time to think about it, but when his big hand was about to hold the child's head, he was horrified to find that he had lost the child in front of him!

Where?Where? !

Deken is a little flustered!


The severe pain spread from Deken's heart to his whole body. He lowered his head. Deken and the child looked at each other. He saw it, and he saw the indifferent eyes under the mask like a demon.

For some reason, at that moment, the memory of the past vaguely rippled in Durken's mind.

"Hey, Durken, I heard from those guys, a very evil kid appeared in our ninth district recently. He was only nine years old, but he had hunted down several ghouls. Those guys killed by him were all powerful. Not weak!"

"Yeah, I heard that the child wears a mask like a ghost. He is cold-blooded and cruel in battle, very ferocious!"

In the face of his companion's words, Deken was dismissive, and instead laughed at his companion, "Che, what a child, what a ghost, just a joke made up by those guys when they are bored? A mere child can do it. It frightens you all, and the more you live, the more you go back!"

But at this moment, isn't the child in front of him wearing the mask of an evil ghost?His eyes showed indifference, and his fighting style was as ferocious as a beast. Maybe it was the child they were talking about?

"If I had known it earlier, I should have listened to them, and be careful!"

This is the last thought in Durken's mind. It's a pity that the world didn't know it earlier. What's more, even if he knew earlier, Durken would not be able to escape the hunting of children. This is a gap in strength that cannot be filled.


Deken's body fell heavily to the ground. The child silently looked at the blood on his hands, stuck out his tongue and licked it, and the red light in his eyes kept flashing.

Reaching out, he dug out the heart that was no longer beating. The child opened his mouth and bit down without hesitation.

After a long time, the full child slowly stood up, regained his black eyes and looked towards the west, where the sun was about to set, where is also the place where humans live, and where is the child's next hunting destination.

I don't know since when, an incredible news began to circulate among the ghouls in the nine districts.

A child wearing a demon mask, with a powerful strength that is extremely unsuitable for his age, specializes in hunting down A-rank ghouls.

This piece of information is constantly being spread, even the ghouls who have heard it before but don't believe it at all, can't help but believe it at this time.

After all, quite a few A-rank ghouls were hunted, it was a fact!

Every three or five days, a Grade A ghoul dies. From the point of view of the techniques, they all come from the same ghoul, so they can't believe it!

As a result, the A-level ghouls in the ninth district began to panic. After all, there are quite a few A-level ghouls in the ninth district. Judging from the hunting frequency of evil ghost children, I am afraid that it will not be long before the ninth district's A-level ghouls will be killed Kill the ghouls!

No one wants to die, let alone wait for death to come, that kind of suffering is unbearable!

As a result, the A-level ghouls in the nine districts began to unite one after another, forming a team of three or five, almost never leaving alone, and not giving children a chance to hunt again.

And the leaders of those powerful ghoul groups also issued the same order to search for the whereabouts of the evil ghost children, and then besiege them.

Although the nine districts are not taboo about sharing ghouls, there has never been a ghoul that would engage in sharing ghouls so blatantly and frequently, because doing so would become the public enemy of the ghouls!

Who would wish there was a guy who could eat him at any time?

So, without knowing it, the child stood on the opposite side of all the ghouls in the nine districts and became the public enemy of all the ghouls!

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