Even unpopular ghouls are afraid of children. After all, although it is said that children only hunt down A-rank ghouls, who knows if he will kill them when he is extremely hungry?

The S-rank ghouls are not worried that children will come to hunt them, but they are very afraid!Because repeated ghouls will quickly improve their strength, so there are so many ghouls secretly sharing ghouls.

And children are sharing such a high frequency, they are afraid that if they don't stop it in time, I am afraid that it will not take long for the children to grow up to the height of their side. At that time, even if they are S-rank, I am afraid they will not be able to escape being hunted. destiny!

Common ghouls are much stronger than ordinary ghouls, this is common sense!

Quietly, an action against the devil child began.

(New book for collection~~)…

Chapter [-] Preying on Humans

District [-], CCG branch.

"Jun Shinohara, there is news about what you told me earlier. This is the information you want."

In the office, Shinohara looked at a file sent by his subordinate investigator, frowning tightly, with a look of fear on his face.

on the file,

Name: Ominous.

Codename: Evil.

Age: About ten years old.

Hezi Type: Scale He.

Combat Strength: A rank.

Detailed introduction: Once lured the investigator into the ogre territory, which led to a war between the two sides.Afterwards, they went on a frantic hunt. At present, they have hunted and killed nearly twenty A-level ghouls, and they have not found any signs of becoming half-hearted.

CCG's intelligence capabilities are also not covered. All the information on the child has been collected almost completely, but looking at this information, Shinohara is a little worried.

The speed of strength growth is astonishing. If you let it go, I am afraid that it will not be long before that child will become a powerful existence that will make the Nine District Branch helpless!

However, looking at the order next to him, Shinohara was also very helpless.

Although he really wanted to take measures against the child, he was helpless, and the headquarters had already started urging him to return very early, and he was officially promoted to a special investigator.

It has been nearly two months since he saw the child last time, but now that he has just found the child's information, he can no longer delay it, and he will go to the headquarters in the afternoon.

"There's no other way, I can only leave it to Ueda~"

With a helpless sigh, Shinohara slowly closed the child's information, and carefully confessed that Ueda Shower must take action against the child as soon as possible, otherwise it will become a serious problem in the future.

However, will things really go as smoothly as Shinohara imagined?

Outside the nine districts, children are wandering aimlessly.

Hunting has become more and more difficult in recent days. For some reason, his prey are all staying together in groups of three or five, and almost no one is left alone, which makes it difficult for him to have a chance to start.

The child who has learned to think a little understands that his prey is guarding against him and resisting his hunting.

It's just that the child doesn't have any special thoughts about this. The prey here can't be killed temporarily, so let's find other prey.

Children's ideas are always simple and pure.

Thus, the child's goal falls on the human habitation.

Hunting ghouls is because of the proximity, and secondly, because it can enhance one's own strength, but the child has not forgotten the taste of human beings, which is completely different from the taste of ghouls!

The taste of ghouls is like expired pork-flavored ham sausage. Although it still smells like pork, it tastes bitter and a little rotten. If it wasn't for children with good teeth and not picky eaters at all, I'm afraid they would have been a long time ago. It's hard to swallow the ghouls.

The taste of human beings is very different. It seems to be a dish carefully cooked by a five-star chef. After eating it once, it can make people deeply infatuated. Like a drug addiction, it can never be quit!

Thinking of the taste of human beings, even a child who is as simple as paper can't help swallowing, his eyes are full of desire.

The ghouls are born to eat humans.

The hunger in the abdomen became clearer and clearer, and the child had to speed up the pace and rush towards the destination.

The sun was setting, and it was just off-duty time. The streets were crowded with people. CCG had to send more investigators to patrol the streets, but it was still difficult to guard against the elusive ghouls. Every once in a while, they would see a Team Baijiu nervously chased into the streets.

In one of the alleys, the child stood quietly in the shadows, his big black eyes staring at the crowd on the street indifferently, his eyes wandering, looking for his own goal.

Soon, the child found his goal, a girl walking alone.

It was a pretty girl with long blue hair, big twinkling eyes, a happy smile on her face, holding a mobile phone in her hand and quickly pressing it. There was no doubt that she was Text the people you love.


A gust of wind blew, and the girl's figure suddenly disappeared.

On the street, the inspectors who were patrolling around did not find the slightest abnormality. The speed of the child was too fast!


The child casually threw the girl rolled up by Linhe on the ground and stared at her so quietly.

"You, are you a ghoul?"

The girl was extremely flustered, because she happened to be walking on the street and was taken to this abandoned house in a blink of an eye, and she also saw the child's scale.

The girl is not stupid, she knows very well that it is an organ only for ghouls, but she can't believe it, she can't imagine that such a beautiful little boy is actually a cannibal ghoul!

The child didn't answer, just stared at the girl quietly.

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