Children are curious. He has never tried to get in touch with humans at such a close distance. In the past, he could only watch from a distance, or they were all dead people.

So even if he is hungry now, he still chooses to observe his prey first.

"You, what do you want? Let me go, okay? Please!"

The child's silence undoubtedly made the girl even more frightened, pleading with tears in her eyes.

The old house in the wilderness, the child who can't speak, the organs unique to ghouls, no matter how unbelievable the girl is, she has to be sure that this quiet little boy standing in front of her is a ghoul, one who will eat his own. Ghoul!

The child still didn't speak, but tilted his head and set his eyes on the girl's exposed neck. The smooth skin was full of temptation for him.

Of course, that temptation comes only from a craving for food, not...

"Please, don't, let me go, I don't want to be eaten, I don't want to die!"

Seeing the red light flashing in the child's eyes, the girl was even more frightened. Her body, which was weakened by fear, kept backing away, trying to stay away from the child.

She had just made a boyfriend and lived a happy life, how could she be willing to be eaten by the ghouls and die so miserably?

But here, except for children, there are no other people or ghouls at all, only a few crows that fly by occasionally, where can the girl who is helpless escape to?


The helpless girl smashed the bag in her hand at the child, but the child didn't even bother to hide. Such a weak attack would have no effect on the child.

The girl's fate was doomed from the moment she was caught by the child.

Finally, after observing for a long time, the child did not see anything special about human beings. After losing curiosity, the red light in the child's eyes became brighter and brighter. He slowly walked towards the girl, opened his mouth slightly, and his mouth was full of saliva. !

"Ah "

A scream resounded through the sky, but stopped abruptly. …

Chapter Twelve The Three Ghoul Brothers

"Hey, more and more people have disappeared recently, but they haven't found the slightest clue. It's really weird!"

"Even if it is hunting, it will leave some traces! What's more, the number of missing people has suddenly started to increase suddenly! Which ghoul group started to hunt a lot of food?"

In the CCG branch of District [-], the newly appointed commander Ueda Shower received the following statistical report and suddenly had a headache.


For some reason, a young figure suddenly flashed across Ueda's mind, and when he recalled the solemn exhortation from Shinohara before he left, his eyes suddenly filled with horror!

"Could it be him? Yes, that's right, only the child's speed can make the investigators unaware, and only he can hunt a large amount of food unscrupulously! Unexpectedly, he has already set his target on human beings? "

After talking to himself, Ueda finally cleared his mind and deduced the culprit who caused the large number of missing people recently, that ghoul child!

Ueda's reasoning is not wrong. Ever since the ghouls in the nine districts started to form a group to prevent them from being hunted by children, and even formed a team to search for the whereabouts of the children, the children have set their hunting targets on humans!

And since the last time he tasted fresh human flesh, the child could not extricate himself from being infatuated with it, as if addicted, and began to hunt humans frantically, even if he was not hungry at all!

It's like when a child eats something delicious, he wants to eat it all the time, and he can't stop!And it just so happens that children have the ability to prey on their own!

As a result, the number of missing persons in the nine districts began to increase significantly. From the first three or two days, there were only one or two people, and now there is an average of one missing person every day!

You must know that under the strict patrol of the search officer, the number of missing persons in the nine districts is basically stable at two or three every day. After all, there are also a lot of ghouls in the nine districts. when.

Therefore, the number of missing persons increases by one every day. For CCG, it is already a huge change. This usually means that a certain ghoul group has taken action, and it will increase its prey to make its own. The combat power remains at its best, even stronger than usual!

"Starting today, we will increase the inspection efforts of the investigators, focus on searching for news about the evil ghost children, and immediately implement arrest operations when there is a chance!"

After thinking for a while, Ueda finally gave an order and took corresponding actions against the child.

It's just a pity that Ueda never saw the horror of the child growing up like Shinohara did, and never caused him to not pay too much attention to the existence of the child. In the end, the child escaped and eventually became the one that made the nine district branch unable to do so. A powerful presence to deal with!

The ghouls in the nine districts have also already started their actions against children, but because there is no ghoul command, the ghouls' search for children is even more scattered, and it is surprising that they can easily find children!

But if there are too many people looking for it, the blind cat will always kill the mouse. No, the three ghouls had nothing to do today, but they found the child's hiding place by accident!

"I said eldest brother, there's not even a ghost here, why is that devil child here? Don't waste your time?"

A carefree voice came from a distance, and three tall figures were walking slowly. Judging from the titles of the three, they should be three brothers, and the person who spoke was the second.

The second child wears a mushroom head, looks a bit funny, and speaks in a loud voice, making people feel that he is a little silly, and the person next to him is the boss.

The boss is short-headed, with a serious and serious face, and there is an ugly black scar on the brow of his right eye, which is very strange!

It stands to reason that with the regeneration ability of ghouls, no matter what scars are left on the body, they can fully recover in the end, and it is impossible to leave scars at all!I think this ghoul must have had some special experience!

The guy on the other side who has been silent all the time is the third child, with long black shoulder-length hair, long bangs covering his left eye, and the only exposed right eye is indifferent. It exudes a terrifying aura like a viper.

"What do you know! So many people can't find that child, he must be hiding somewhere we can't find him! Maybe this is his hiding place?"

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the tempting reward offered by the devourer, I wouldn't be interested in that little brat! A mere child can scare them into panic, and it's not even worse than garbage!"

The boss was obviously indignant, and his tone was full of disdain for children and contempt for the rest of the ghouls. In his opinion, it was impossible for the devil child to be as powerful as the rumors, and at most it would have a level comparable to A-level. The strength is only, although it is already amazing.

And those A-rank ghouls who were killed in the past were all unknown guys, and their strength was nothing at all, at least they were not in the eyes of the boss.

But it was precisely because the boss was underestimated that this led to the consequences that he could not bear!

"Huh? This breath!"

Suddenly, the third child, who had been silent for a long time, stopped abruptly, his nose twitched, and he sniffed the remaining breath in the air, his delicate face was filled with awe.

"What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

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