Yeyue could imagine the tragic situation at that time.

That is, in that war, he was forgotten, all the people were evacuated, but he was left in the magic spring.

He once asked for help, but no one paid attention. None of those former companions even found him. Maybe because too many people died in the war at that time, they thought he was one of them.

He was despairingly forgotten in the magic spring, and was eroded by the magic energy day after day.

He struggled in pain, trying to get rid of the magic fountain, but there was nothing he could do.

He had fantasized about having someone come to save him, but as time went by, he never saw a person come to save him.

He cursed, cursed those who abandoned him, and his heart was changing little by little.

A promising young man was eroded by demonic energy in this way, and eventually became a demon master.

Although the frescoes are cold, Yeyue's heart seems to be pulled by something.

He could have lived as a normal person, but after being abandoned by his companions, he became a demon master. If he had a choice, would the ending be different?

Chapter 561 The Origin of the Demon Lord

It turned out that the Demon Lord was actually a member of the guild before, but because the membrane completely eroded the Demon Lord, the Demon Lord lost consciousness and was controlled by the Demon Spring.

At this time, the night moon passed through the murals on the wall and already knew the origin of the demon master, and according to the murals on the wall, the rubbing tools were all based on this magic spring.

If people's willpower is not firm after passing through this magic spring, then it is easy to suffer the erosion of magic energy, and finally turn into monsters.

However, the floor at this time is also a little sad for the devil. After all, he has lived and died for the union for so many years, and finally was forgotten in the magic spring because of a war. This experience of being left behind is the final cause. The root cause of the magic spring invading the consciousness of the module.

Yeyue continued to walk down the surrounding walls, and he discovered that the fact was not so simple, because he discovered that the frescoes also told something else.

The more Ye Yue went down, the more frightened he felt, and he discovered something unknown.

The origin of the magic spring is also recorded above.

According to the instructions on the mural, Moquan does not belong to this continent, but comes from another planet.

The scientific and technological civilization of this planet is very developed. They have discovered this continent a long time ago, and their planet is an evil planet that is very cruel.Likes to rule other people's planets, and kills other people's planets for fun.

And the magic spring is a secret weapon they sent here, the purpose is to explore the level of civilization on this planet, and to find suitable candidates to act as their vanguard.

This has to be said that this is a very clever plan of theirs, because if they are not too aware of this planet, they will recklessly launch an attack like this planet, then once the civilization level of this planet is higher than theirs, it is very likely that they will eventually be attacked. This planet is wiped out.

So out of prudence, they sent the magic spring to this planet, in order to control some of them to serve them, and to rebel against them, causing civil strife among the people of this planet, so that they had no time to care about them.

Seeing the heart of Yeyue here, I couldn't help but sink. This planet is really terrible. If they really come to invade this continent, can I really resist them?

The answer is no, because according to the rubbing tools they sent from the magic spring, they already felt their scalps tingle. If they were really coming, they would definitely be unable to resist.

"It seems that I have to find a way to get rid of the magic spring and then go out and tell them the news, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable." He muttered to himself.

Now things can't be delayed. Judging from one of their actions, they know that they have lost the patience to wait and have begun to launch an attack impatiently.

If you can't solve this problem yourself, the consequences will be unbearable.

Yeyue continued to walk along the mural, because he hoped to find a solution to the magic spring, because she thought that if the diving was solved first, then they would definitely be afraid of losing the magic spring.

After all, my own continent has the ability to defeat this magic spring, so there must be a way to defeat the invaders of their planet.

The butt continued to move forward, and suddenly he came to a corner. He found that this mural was completely inconsistent with the previous mural.

The color of the previous mural showed dark red and black, giving the overall picture that it felt very depressing, and it was very easy to lose yourself if you looked at it often.

If it wasn't for Yeyue's willpower and she was very firm, then she would probably fall into this mural.

But the mural in front of me is full of bright and bright colors, giving people a positive attitude, and also changing the gloomy atmosphere before.

Yeyue continued to look down, and his eyes could not help but light up, because he found a good solution to the magic spring.

According to the above records, people in ancient times discovered the existence of the magic spring thousands of years ago, and the situation at that time was basically similar to the present, and even more serious than now.

The people at that time had nothing to do with the magic spring, but later people discovered that the water in another holy pond could actually combine the water in the magic spring, and greatly slowed down the magic qi overflowing from the magic spring, even the The magic is destroyed.

In the end, people relied on the water of this holy pond to temporarily seal the magic spring, and to a certain extent, the magic spring was damaged, otherwise the outbreak of the magic spring would not be so simple.

Seeing this, Ye Yue's heart couldn't help but become overjoyed, because he already knew how to solve the magic spring, but now the primary problem is how to find the holy pond.

After all, Shengchi is the primary and key problem to solve the magic spring. If there is no resignation, then there is no way to solve this incident.

Yeyue continued to look down, and he was surprised to find that the holy pond was also sealed here. In order to comprehensively adjust the magic spring, people obtained too much holy water in the holy pond, so the holy pond almost dried up. .

Yeyue walked to the end of this corridor according to the instructions on the mural, and then he saw a huge stone next to it. He continued to slap some fantasy on this big rock according to the method handed to him in the mural. gesture.

Suddenly, a rumbling sound suddenly sounded at the end of the corridor, and then the entire corridor began to shake.

A hole appeared at the end of the corridor, and a desolate atmosphere came from the front.

Yeyue left, and when he entered, he found a huge altar, and there was a huge holy pool on top of this machine, and on this holy pool, there were dense golden runes.

It seems that this one is the holy pool that can relieve the magic of the magic spring.

At this time, Yeyue found that there were also a large number of dense and exquisite murals beside the entrance of the cave.

Yeyue walked over to take a look and found that there is a record of how to unseal the holy pool, and it also records how to crack this secret realm.

Yeyue couldn't help but be overjoyed, the effort paid off, it seems that this crisis can be resolved.

Yeyue sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice according to the formula on the mural.I only know that he does not plan to break the seal immediately, he wants to study here, and then unseal the holy pool and go out.

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