Chapter 562 The Silence of the Calculation

"You go to the whole trade union to issue a wanted notice for Yeyue, and say that Yeyue has defected from the guild. If you catch Yeyue, you will be rewarded heavily as the top ten elders in the guild." Said the subordinate.

After receiving the order, the subordinate quickly left the union and issued a wanted notice to the entire union.

Yeyue, although you and I are masters and apprentices, I cannot keep you at this critical juncture, otherwise you will be a great hidden danger.

The current Jikong has exposed his true nature. He will eliminate all those who oppose him in the guild, and reuse those who support him.

At this time, Feng Lin is constantly searching for people who oppose the Great Elder with people everywhere. Now the entire guild has become agitated. People are hiding in their homes, or taking missions outside, in the name of taking missions. Avoid the limelight this time.

"Feng Lin, we found the former Great Elder Blue Bird. He has been trapped in a house by us, and he is seriously injured now." A soldier ran over and said to Feng Lin.

"Where? Hurry up and take me there." Feng Lin said happily.

You must know that the blue bird was caught, but it was a great achievement. Before the blue bird was rescued by Yeyue and the others, Jikong was very angry.

When Feng Lin walked to the private house, he found that a large group of soldiers had surrounded the private house, and the blue bird was giving resistance inside.

"Blue Bird, I advise you not to stubbornly resist here, otherwise, you will just ask for trouble." The purple Feng Lin walked into the private house and said to the Blue Bird who was still giving her stubborn resistance.

"Feng Lin, you are being controlled by Jikong, hurry up and wake up!" Jade Bird persuaded Feng Lin in front of him.

"Control me and see that you are being controlled by Yeyue. Since you are unwilling to surrender, let me catch you personally." Feng Lin laughed loudly.

Jade Bird only felt that a figure in front of him flashed a palm and hit his chest, and then Jade Bird shoved a mouthful of blood on the wall and spit it out.

"You." What did the blue bird want to say?But his head suddenly became very heavy, and then he passed out.

If it was said that Jade Bird was not seriously injured by Ji Kong before, then with Jade Bird's profound cultivation, Feng Lin was no match for Jade Bird at all.

"Tie her up and we'll take her back to the guild." Feng Lin instructed the surrounding men and then he took the lead and walked back to the guild.

At this time, in the interrogation room of the guild, Jade Bird was trapped in one, and the people around were standing by to watch over Jade Bird.

Suddenly, a basin of cold water came on his head and woke the blue bird, who was still in a coma.

Jade Bird slowly woke up, he found that Ji Kong was standing in front of him, and beside her, was Feng Lin who caught her.

"Blue Bird, I didn't expect your vitality to be so tenacious. That time I severely injured you, thinking that you would die, but I didn't expect you to die." Jikong walked to the blue bird.

"Hehe, you haven't died yet, how can I die? I misjudged you before, I didn't expect you to be an undercover agent sent by the Demon Race, because I believed you too much before." Blue Bird said bitterly.

"What's the use of you talking about this now? I ask you where Yeyue went? You hand him over to me quickly, otherwise, I can still give you a good time." Jikong asked the blue bird road.

But Jade Bird didn't answer Jikong's question, but turned his head to the side.

"Okay, if you don't say yes, then I'll show you some color."

After Jikong finished speaking, he picked up a whip from the torture tool next to him, and then slapped the blue bird fiercely.

The blue bird was unmoved, and instead began to mock Jikong more and more.

And Ji Kong heard that she was being ridiculed constantly, and the whip in her hand began to use force continuously, only to see that scars began to appear on Jade Bird's body, and blood was still oozing out.

After a long time, Jikong was finally tired, and he saw that Jade Bird was so hard-mouthed.

"I didn't expect your mouth to be so hard, let me see how long you can hold on?" Immediately, Ji Kong ordered the surrounding soldiers to start to torture Jade Bird constantly.

Then he went out by himself.

After Jingkong left, he did not expect that there was someone around who was constantly watching their actions.And this person was Chi Mo, who had just entered the guild.

After Chi Mo saw Jongkong leave, he was then used by you to use his ability to travel through space to enter the cell.

When Chi Mo quietly entered the cell, he found that the soldiers around him did not notice him, and then he knocked the surrounding soldiers unconscious and rescued the blue bird.

Then the surrounding space began to fluctuate continuously, and slowly, a wormhole was formed. When the spatial structure of the wormhole stabilized, Chi Mo took the blue bird into the wormhole and disappeared in the guild .

At this time, after Jonekong was busy with his own affairs, he wanted to enter the cell again and continue to interrogate the blue bird. After all, the top priority was to find Yeyue and come out.

But when Jikong came to the cell, he found that the soldiers around him had been knocked unconscious and the blue bird, bound on the cross, had been rescued by others.

"Bastard, the cooked duck actually let it fly? Feng Lin, give me the whole process and find the blue bird." Jikong said angrily.

After Feng Lin received the order, he took the soldiers and began to capture them all over the city.

After Feng Lin left, Ji Kong wanted to find Chi Mo and help Feng Lin to find the blue bird, but he searched for a long time and couldn't find any trace of Chi Mo.

So Ji Kong wanted to sense Chi Mo's trace through the demon seed on his body, but he couldn't sense Chi Mo's location through some kind of thing.

This is unbelievable for Jikong, because he planted it with his own hands. If someone else is placed on something, then it will definitely be perceived by himself, unless he has already been taken down by someone else. .

As soon as he thought about this possibility, he immediately realized that he had been playing around in the dark by Chi Mo.

"Bastard." Jikong cursed secretly.

At this time, Jade Bird and Chi Mo, who had just escaped from the union prison, were constantly avoiding the pursuit of soldiers in the city.

Otherwise, a team of pursuers found their traces.

"They are here, everyone, come quickly!"

When Qingniao and Chi Mo were found, they ran away quickly, and suddenly they found a forbidden area beside them, so they hurriedly jumped into this forbidden area and escaped the arrest of the pursuers.

Chapter 563 Epiphany

After landing, the blue bird groaned.Although the voice was small, it was still heard by the keen Chi Mo.

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