"Dad~~" Shaye murmured, but didn't know what to say.

Seeing Yeyue and the others leaving, Shaye felt a lot of reluctance in her heart, but she was helpless!If there is no Yeyue, she may be able to leave with Saeko and the others, but if there is no Yeyue, maybe they would have died on the way to escape, not to mention she can return to her home safely?

It's just that Saya has a strong premonition that following Yeyue and the others may be the best choice!Because her own home seems safe, but in fact it seems like a storm is coming!

Maybe in a few days, her family will usher in countless zombie frenzy. At that time, no matter how many humans there are in her family, they will only be eaten to pieces in front of the zombies!

Saya and Soichiro are actually very clear that sticking to one place won't work, but they don't have the ability to leave, because they can't leave with these hundreds of survivors!Maybe Soichiro is not a good person, but he regards the responsibility of the leader as something more important than life, and in any case, he will never run away with his family!

It is no longer necessary to pay attention to what the Gaocheng family is about to usher in, and Yeyue's plan is not going well!

The Humvee drove fast on the road, hitting countless zombies blocking the road again and again. Although there was Miyamoto Rei to guide the way, there were too many zombies on many roads. Even if they had a Humvee, they could not rush through, so they had to choose detours. !

I have been going around, but I have never been able to find a breakthrough, as if there are too many zombies around the police station!And seeing such a situation, even if Saeko and the others didn't say anything, Miyamoto Rei could sense that even if they arrived at the police station smoothly, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to see her father.

It's just that Miyamoto Rei has extraordinary trust in her father. Even if the situation is not optimistic, she still firmly believes that her father is still alive. As long as she doesn't see it with her own eyes, she will never give up like this!

Bang bang bang! !

The gunshots sounded, and there was no way. If you want to break through the siege of zombies and get close to the police station, you can only use guns to clean up some of the zombies first, so that the Hummer can forcefully rush in!

Under Yeyue's precise marksmanship, the zombies on the road fell one by one, leading the Hummer to gallop wildly, leaving behind zombies and bloodstains along the way.

Boom~~~ The engine of the Hummer is roaring, the wheels run over the bodies of countless zombies, the body is swaying and running wildly, the night moon itself stretches out from the skylight, and the sniper rifle in his hand continuously shoots the zombies in front.

With the help of Yeyue, Shizuka was finally able to drive a Hummer into the zombie encirclement, and quickly drove towards the police station, and what would be waiting for them in front?

(The fifth update!! To be honest, Xiao Fei originally thought that it would take about a week to finish Xuemo, but today I was writing and writing and suddenly realized that it was going to be finished! In other words, Xuemo will end tomorrow, which is a bit too sudden. .But tomorrow is also the day of Xiaofei's defense. Kengbi's school has done a lot of annoying things. I originally planned to stay up all night to code two chapters and the update will not be interrupted, but now it seems that the update may be interrupted on weekends. Everyone, prepare yourself mentally first. But Xiao Fei also needs to take some time to think about the plot of the pirate world, and write as wonderfully as possible! Please look forward to Xiaofei's pirate world!)…

Chapter 074 Desperate Miyamoto

Squeak! !

The Hummer, which was driving at high speed, was suddenly braked by Shizuka, and the four wheels rubbed four bright sparks on the cement road. The harsh friction caused the zombies to roar!

Bang bang bang! !

Shizuka slammed the steering wheel, the body of the Hummer fluttered, and after hitting several zombies, the wheels rolled again and rushed forward!

I don't know if there is no traffic police control, Shizuka's driving skills have been honed, and she can drive as she wants, and now she can even use drift easily!The ninety-degree sharp turn just now was easily accomplished without even thinking about it!

Squeak~~~ Not long after, the Hummer stopped at an intersection, Yeyue and his group quickly got out of the car and left the Humvee. Yeyue and Saeko took the lead. The autumn wind swept away the leaves as easily as the zombies in front were blown away. Shizuka and the others turned into another road, and the police station was right in front of you!

Because they no longer use firearms, and Yeyue and Saeko's strength is very light, as long as they lighten their footsteps, they will no longer attract the attention of zombies.

After all, they have been dealing with zombies for several days, and it is natural to know what level of noise will not attract zombies.

Carefully avoiding the zombies along the way, and occasionally killing a few unavoidable ones, Yeyue and his group arrived at the gate of the police station smoothly.

It's just that when they saw the scene in the police station, the other people's reactions were nothing, but Miyamoto Rei was shocked and pale.

Looking at Yeyue and the others, there are also many zombies roaming at the gate of the police station, and the density is higher than that near Saya's house!

And the signboards of the police station are all tattered, looking at the messy scene inside, you can see that these policemen have not been able to escape the outbreak of zombies!And many police officers were infected and turned into zombies, lounging around the police station in tattered police uniforms.

"No! Impossible! Father will not have an accident!" Miyamoto Rei muttered, with a look of disbelief on her face, and in her urgency, she rushed directly into the police station!

Roar! !How can the emotional Miyamoto Rei still pay attention to light footsteps?The hurried footsteps immediately attracted the attention of the nearby zombies, and the zombies roared and slowly surrounded them!

not good! !Yeyue's expression froze slightly when she saw this, and she quickly dragged Alice and followed Miyamoto Rei into the police station, followed by the three daughters. With a sudden close, there was a muffled bang, the door was closed, and the zombies outside were blocked from the outside.

But the zombies inside rushed towards the girls without any hindrance. Yeyue snorted coldly, waving the baseball bat in her hand quickly, and a series of muffled noises came. With the cooperation of Yeyue and Saeko, All the police zombies in the house were rescued.

Yeyue and Saeko looked at each other, nodded slightly, and each chased Shizuka and Mami towards Miyamoto Rei. When they chased into an office, they immediately saw Miyamoto Rei's stunned figure.

Looking at Miyamoto Rei's gaze, a long-cold corpse was sitting on the back chair, and the eyes that had not been closed still had a resolute look. There was a thumb-sized blood hole at the temple, hanging naturally from him. It can be seen from the pistol still held in his right hand that he committed suicide.

"Dad..." Miyamoto Rei's mouth was slightly opened and closed, but there was only mouth shape, no sound, two lines of tears silently slipped down her cheeks and hit the ground ticking.

Although she had been mentally prepared before, when Miyamoto Rei actually saw her father's body, the sadness in her heart was still unstoppable like a tide!

One step, two steps!Miyamoto Rei slowly walked to the corpse, trembling | she stretched out her right hand to help her father close his eyes, but his eyes fell on a piece of paper on the table.

A piece of letter paper was pressed under a black pen, and the handwriting was strong and powerful. Miyamoto Rei could recognize at a glance that it was his father's handwriting. The letter paper was not folded, so Miyamoto Rei could see the contents of the letter at a glance.

"Li, if you can read this letter, Dad will be relieved, it means that you are still safe for the time being, and at least you have the power to protect yourself. Forgive Dad's selfishness, Dad can't wait for you to come to me. What I teach you is to have a righteous heart in life, no matter what the environment is, even if the world has changed, because I hope Li can never forget her original intention."

"As a police officer, Dad can't leave his duties as a police officer and live alone, so Dad must stay and fight side by side with his colleagues. It's just that there are too many of these monsters. Colleagues fell one by one, and they became infected. Monster, Dad knew there was no hope of victory, and he didn’t want to become such a man-eating monster, so Dad chose to kill himself in this way.”

"Li, Dad is going one step ahead, and you will be able to meet your mother in the sky, so you don't need to worry about us, you have to live strong, you know? Remember, you must have a righteous and brave heart at all times! Father! , absolutely."

The content of the letter is very simple, perhaps the situation is critical, so it is only a general description of the situation at the time, mainly to persuade Miyamoto Rei to live well, which is his only wish before death.

But, will his wish really come true?

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Miyamoto Li covered her mouth and cried bitterly in a low voice. The tears couldn't stop like an open faucet, and fell to the ground ticking.

Miyamoto Rei reached out and hugged her father's body, even ignoring the rotten smell on the body.At this time, Miyamoto Rei was extremely desperate!My heart is almost broken!

Since the outbreak of zombies, she has experienced her boyfriend dying in front of her. If Xiao Shi Xiao hadn't comforted her, I'm afraid she would have collapsed at that time!Afterwards, she followed Komuro Takaya all the way, and she almost regarded Komuro Takaya as her own support, but the next day Komuro Takaya suddenly went crazy, killed Hirano and wanted to blame Yeyue, but was killed by Yeyue instead!

At that time, Miyamoto Rei was on the verge of collapse again. No matter what Komuro did, he was Miyamoto Rei's back then!But Xiao Shi Xiao was still dead, and she didn't even dare to stop Ye Yue, because she knew that Ye Yue would kill her mercilessly!

After that, Miyamoto Rei was dead like a walking corpse, and basically just stayed alone in silence, the only hope left in her heart was her father, the man she admired the most!

But now, even this man has become a cold corpse, and will no longer wipe away his tears as gently as before~

No more... all reliance is gone... all hope is gone...

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