(Sorry sorry~~ I went back to school for my defense, I was a little late for the reunion with my classmates, and now I just found a hotel to update! Then sadly I found that the manuscript was not enough, there were only two chapters, I woke up in the morning and went home to code in the afternoon, and the remaining three More generally tonight~~)…

Chapter 075 Blossoming Life


A gunshot rang out from the police station. Looking at the fallen figure in front of him, Yeyue and his group fell silent.

Miyamoto Rei committed suicide.

The people she can rely on are dying one by one, how can she, a high school student, bear such heavy grief?She was originally under great pressure and had always put her hope in her father, but her father's body completely made her desperate.

There is no family member, no one to rely on, and the world is no longer the world it used to be. If she obeys her father's wishes and lives well, what will she do in the future?

Continue to follow Yeyue and them?Obviously, Yeyue and the others didn't welcome her very much, not that Saeko and the others didn't like Miyamoto, but simply couldn't chat!Even if they were in the same team, they rarely communicated with each other, and Miyamoto couldn't integrate into Yeyue's small group at all.

leave alone?But there is no safe place in this huge world, where can a girl like her go?The consequences of acting alone are either being infected by zombies or being caught by other survivors. Maybe the Mitsui incident that escaped the disaster last time will be staged again next time. At that time, Miyamoto Rei will only be more desperate. !

Back to Saya's house?But Miyamoto Rei and Saya are not familiar with each other, so they stay in other people's homes and live a life of eating and waiting for death. Is this kind of life what Miyamoto Rei wants?

Maybe she used to accept it just to live, but when she read her father's suicide note, she no longer just wanted to live.Because she suddenly realized that if there is no one person to rely on in this world, what's the point of living?

Shaye has parents, Yeyue and the others rely on each other, but what about her?She has nothing left!At this time, she finally realized that when she was at school, when the girl saw that her boyfriend was killed by a zombie, why would she rush to her boyfriend regardless of her life.

As Shizuka said at the time, if the whole world has changed, it would be a blessing to die with the person you love!At this moment, Miyamoto Rei is like this, she can die with her father, she is not afraid!

Therefore, death is her best destination!She will no longer need to worry about the threat of zombies, no longer need to worry about her own situation, no need to think about more complicated things, she can freely pursue her parents!

With the sound of a gunshot, Miyamoto Rei committed suicide with her father's suicide pistol, and the body fell into her father's arms, with warm blood on the ground, Miyamoto Rei gradually died, and her face was full of It is the color of liberation.

Saeko and others did not stop Miyamoto's suicide, because they can understand Miyamoto Rei's feelings, but it is really regrettable that the disappearance of a young girl in bloom.

Yeyue looked at Miyamoto Rei a little higher, because in his opinion, suicide also requires courage!No matter what kind of intelligent life it is, it will instinctively fear death, even many strong people will inevitably show fear before dying!

A fragile human girl like Rei Miyamoto dared to face death and bravely chose her final destination. The courage she showed at the last moment of her life deserves Yeyue to look at her.

Life does not distinguish between high and low, and the brilliance of any life in death is worthy of the admiration of living beings!

Saeko and the daughters mourned for Miyamoto Rei for a while, then slowly packed up and left the room, locked the door, and gave the father and daughter a quiet space for them to rest in peace.

Boom! !Bang bang! !

When we arrived at the door, the iron gate was already pounding loudly by the swarming zombies outside. From the noisy roar outside, we could roughly estimate the huge number of zombies!

Facing the countless zombies outside, if Yeyue was alone, she would be fearless, but the problem was that Alice and Shizuka, two incompetent beings, were behind him, and although Mami was holding a rifle, But her marksmanship is not yet proficient, and she can't face so many zombies at all!

Saeko may only be able to barely protect himself, and Yeyue has to protect three people at the same time. Rao is Yeyue's amazing strength, and he doesn't dare to gamble. If something goes wrong accidentally, wouldn't it be bad?

Fortunately, Yeyue found the back door of the police station, and quickly walked around to the back door with a few people, and just after they left, the front door banged loudly, and the iron door was forcibly pushed open by the zombies, and a large group of zombies was like a tide. Pour into the police station and it fills up in an instant!

"Come on!!" Yeyue could naturally sense the situation at the front door, hurriedly pulled Alice, and urged Shizuka to speed up.Without Miyamoto Rei, I can only let Saeko break, Yeyue opened the way in front, and the group quickly rushed out from the back door!

Bang bang bang! !Yeyue quickly swung the stick in her hand, blowing strong winds on the zombies blocking the road, blowing all the zombies out of the back door, and clearing a path for Shizuka and the others to pass smoothly.

Most of the zombies were attracted to the front door, but there were a lot fewer zombies on the back door, which relieved Yeyue's pressure a lot. With his speed like the wind sweeping leaves, the group returned very smoothly. Where the Hummer is parked.

The zombies have no interest in dead objects, so the Hummer is still very safe. After hurriedly getting into the car, Shizuka skillfully started the Hummer, the wheels rolled, and the quiet Hummer suddenly woke up and ran wildly with a roar!

"Phew~~" After successfully leaving, both Yeyue and Saeko couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.The escape just now seemed easy, but in fact it was extremely thrilling!

If the police station didn't have a back door, they would be blocked inside the police station. Facing the hundreds of zombies outside, even Saeko was powerless for a while, and the only one he could rely on was Yeyue!But Yeyue is only one person after all, it is difficult to protect the four women from the zombies!

Fortunately, God destined them to be able to turn bad luck into good luck, and the police station that was successfully evacuated from the back door sat in a Humvee and drove away.

But, where should we go next?Shizuka, Saeko and Mami have no relatives anymore, so does Alice, that is to say, they have no next destination!

"Saozi, is there any place you want to go next?" The Hummer dashed aimlessly on the road, and Yeyue in the car turned to look at Saeko and asked.

"No~ But if we don't have a place to go, then finding a safe place to live is a good choice!" Saeko shook his head, and then made his own suggestion.

For Saeko, she has just established a relationship with Yeyue, and of course she doesn't want to run around anymore, just like a married woman yearns for stability, she just wants to live a stable life with Yeyue, although this may only be a luxury~

(Sorry for the late update tonight, I just had to defend myself at school, and then I had a party with my classmates. It was too late, and I was just about to enter the world of pirates. I was thinking about the plot, so the update has not been written yet. In the afternoon Go home and continue to code, probably at night to make up for the remaining three shifts today! I beg everyone for your understanding~~)…

About the update of the past two days~

I only updated two chapters on Friday. I originally wanted to come back to update at night, but I was tired and paralyzed, and I was still tired and sleepy after sleeping through the night~~~

So it's two more on Friday!However, Xiao Fei has already thought about the plot of the pirates, so it is guaranteed to be five on Saturday!Tomorrow, I will do my best to code and code out the fifth watch!I have something to do on Sunday, probably only around three o'clock~~~

Therefore, the problem of stopping the update mentioned earlier will not appear, but there are three less shifts on Friday and two less shifts on Sunday~~

Starting from next Monday, five chapters will be updated every day, and the world of pirates is hot! ! …

Chapter 076 Island Life


In the blue sky, the seagulls soared in the breeze under the white clouds, and the green sea complemented each other, forming a beautiful picture.

On the vast expanse of the sea, a small island looks very inconspicuous, but there are a few more guests on this island, and they have been here for a while!

Clap la la~~ The breeze rolled up the waves and gently patted the shore, leaving a shallow white line and then quietly retreated, washing the footprints on the beach clean~

Da Da Da ~ A pair of small feet ran quickly on the beach, leaving a series of crooked footprints again, followed by a white pet dog barking behind him, look closely, the pink short hair, cute Face, who else could it be if it wasn't Alice?

"Hehehe~~ Sister Mami, come and chase me! Why are you so slow! You can't catch up with Alice!" Alice looked back while running, but saw Mami chasing after her slightly clumsily Behind him, wearing a slightly conservative bikini~

Mami is a policeman, um, she used to be a policeman, so she is relatively conservative in her heart. She thinks she can't play in a revealing bikini on the beach, although there are some acquaintances on this beach. Some of them are women, but when she thinks that Yeyue's eyes will scan her body, she feels that her whole body is hot | hot, too shy!

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