What a terrible Qinghai people!Just like the devil!Compared to the god who judged with thunder, the Qinghai people's method looks much more terrifying!

At least God's thunder and punishment are still within their understanding, but Yeyue's ability, they simply can't understand!What is the ability to suck people dry? !

The thought that if something like that bright red tail pierced into his body, he would become like a corpse all over the ground, as if he had been sucked out of flesh and blood, the residents in the distance shuddered and subconsciously went to He retreated farther away, and he didn't even dare to look at Yeyue again, for fear that he would notice him!

It's just that Yeyue is not interested in these ordinary people. What he cares about is the ruler of this empty island, the guy who calls himself a god!

"冴子, stay here for yourself first, be careful, there should be enemies, I'm going to meet the guy who claims to be a god!"

Yeyue turned around and confessed to Saeko and the others, then jumped into the sky, stepping on the moon and flying into the distance.

"Husband, be careful!!"

Saeko looked at Yeyue's back and cried softly, although Yeyue might not be able to hear it.

"Sister Nami, is Lord Yeyue going to go to the gods? But... he will die! The power of gods is beyond what you can imagine, so let him come back! As long as you sincerely admit your mistakes, believing in gods will not kill you. of!"

Cornis watched Yeyue go away in a daze, and finally reacted, and hurriedly pulled Nami's sleeve and said eagerly.

The Sky Islanders are almost deeply rooted in the power of God, and no one has ever thought of rebelling against the rule of God, because everyone who had this idea is already dead!

This god has ruled the entire sky island with his absolute strength. Except for the former god and the Shandia people hidden in Yunyin Village, no one dares to challenge the majesty of the god!

And the reason why the former god is still alive is only because the gods are too lazy to take action against him. Those people from Shandia, the gods have not paid attention to them, so they will let them jump around, otherwise, with the strength of gods , wanting to destroy these mortals who oppose him, just wave his hand!

If the Sky Islanders called the previous gods gods just because of respect, then they called the current gods gods more because of fear, because of the absolute power of gods that cannot be resisted!

"Cornis, it's okay! Although you don't know how strong your god is, you can't underestimate our captain!" He returned safely despite the general's blocking!

Nami smiled slightly, but did not care about Cornis' nervousness. The last sentence didn't come out, but it sounded in her heart.

General!In Nami's concept, except for the four emperors, the generals are the strongest!To be able to return safely in the hands of the general, a god who rules the sky island, can it be possible to kill Yeyue?

Since Yeyue killed the giant sea king, Nami had a strong sense of trust in Yeyue, so even if Yeyue said later that she was going to challenge Qiwuhai, she did not stop her, because she believed that Yeyue would not will lose!

But until Yeyue returned safely from the hands of the general Qingzhi, her trust in Yeyue had reached an almost blind level!Even the generals can't do anything about Yeyue, as long as Yeyue is given a little more time to grow, who else can kill Yeyue in this world?

In Nami's heart, Yeyue's image is so tall that she is almost invincible!And Saeko and the others also trust Yeyue very much. Since Yeyue has already decided, they just need to wait quietly for Yeyue to return victoriously!

"Crazy! Are you all crazy? That's God! An existence that will never be defeated! No matter how powerful your captain is, he will be easily killed by God!"

Cornis looked at Nami and the others with the eyes of a lunatic, her heart was full of disbelief. In her opinion, this group of people was completely crazy. They even tried to challenge the majesty of God, and also believed that Yeyue could defeat God. What a ridiculous idea this is!

It's just that Nami and the others didn't continue arguing with Cornis, anyway, they'll see what the result is soon!

On Yeyue's side, he was walking fast in the air with moon steps under his feet, and his goal was the palace where the gods were!

Although God's knowledge seems to be more powerful than Yeyue's, so Yeyue can't find his trace, but Yeyue is not stupid. Since the other party is the ruler of the empty island and claims to be a god, then the place where he lives must also be very beautiful. Obviously, it is absolutely not wrong to say that you are heading towards that palace!

At the speed of Yeyue, he quickly arrived at the place designated by God as a sanctuary. This is the kingdom of God. Only gods and priests can enter here, and the rest will die once they enter!It can be seen how cruel the rule of this god is!


Ye Yue's figure gently landed in front of this gorgeous golden palace, and without hesitation, she raised her legs and walked in. At a glance, she saw a young man wearing a white turban sitting on a chair similar to a throne in the distance. Eating apples lazily.

The young man's dress is very strange, he is naked, wearing big yellow flared pants, he wears gold wristbands on all four limbs, two earlobes of nearly half a meter are placed on his chest, and he also wears gold ear studs. The most strange thing is his back. There are four drums on the back, and three hooks are painted on the drums. I don't know what the meaning is~

And this barefoot young man should be the ruler of the sky island, Anilu of God!Those with thunder fruit ability, known as the strongest natural devil fruit!

(Second update~~Please customize and ask for a reward!…

Chapter 111 The Powerful Thunder Fruit (Please Customize)

"It's a shame you found this place! But...you entered the realm of God without authorization, Qinghai Monkey, you have added a crime of mortal death! To be able to look at God's true face and die again, I have to say that you are the luckiest in the past few years. The Qinghai Monkey!"

Seeing Yeyue walking towards him, Anilu, who was half lying on the throne, glanced at Yeyue lazily. Those contemptuous eyes were like those of an aloof deity, looking down at an ant. The outside meaning is undisguised, showing that Anilu is disdainful of Yeyue.


Yeyue looked at Anilu quite speechlessly, not knowing what to say.From this sentence alone, it can be seen that this guy who claims to be a god is extremely arrogant and doesn't take anyone in his eyes. No matter what you say to him, it's like playing the piano to a cow, and it doesn't make any sense.

The best way for an arrogant middle-[-] youth like Anilu is to step on him under his feet and let him experience what it feels like to be humiliated!

Yeyue knew very well that for a terminally ill person like Anilu, dignity was something he regarded as his life, and he could not tolerate any violation. Just a mortal!

"Oh? Are you planning to offend the majesty of God? I warn you, the consequences of offending the gods are not just as simple as death!"

Seeing the swaying Linhe behind Yeyue, Anilu raised his brows, as if he was angry, and the reason for his anger was just because Yeyue planned to fight him!

"What a loud guy! If you're really a god, try and see if you can kill me! Trash!!"

Yeyue couldn't help but feel a little angry when she saw that Enilu opened and closed his mouth, but he couldn't be so arrogant, right?

Even Yeyue, who has a system and unlimited potential, does not dare to be so arrogant. It is ridiculous and ridiculous that a guy who is hiding in the empty island and showing off his might dare to be so arrogant!

"Hmph! You have successfully provoked the god! Qinghai Monkey, let you taste the judgment of the god!"

Yeyue's rubbish easily angered Ainilu, I saw Ainilu's expression was cold, his eyes were full of anger, he picked up his finger, and a lightning strike came at an unbelievable speed!

Clap! !

The lightning struck the ground, leaving a piece of charred blackness, but Yeyue charged towards Anilu unharmed!

Now that he has a general understanding of Anilu's abilities, how could Yeyue be unprepared?Although the speed of thunder and lightning is indeed fast, it takes time to launch an attack!

The moment Anilu raised her hand, Yeyue was ready to dodge. How could Anilu easily hit Yeyue again?

boom! !

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