The six scales stabbed out in unison, and smashed through the throne under Enilu in an instant, but Enilu disappeared into a thunderbolt.

"Sure enough! Is it Lei's natural ability? It seems a little troublesome!"

Although Enilu's speed was extremely fast, Yeyue still captured the moment when Enilu turned into lightning, and immediately came to a conclusion in her heart.

Thunderbolt has extremely strong attack power and penetrating power. As an offensive ability, it is definitely one of the strongest abilities!

In addition, it is a natural system, and it has its own elemental ability. Anyone would find such an opponent extremely difficult to deal with!

Thunder symbolizes speed and attack. The speed reaches the speed of light, and the attack power is even more amazing. It can easily turn a person into coke, which is extremely terrifying!

If there is no domineering, it is almost impossible to deal with those with the ability of the Thunder Fruit!Must die! !Ye Yue thought so in her heart.

It's just that Yeyue didn't know that in the original development trajectory of this world, the straw hat boy Luffy who he hadn't noticed before, successfully defeated this Anilu, just because he had a rubber physique.

If Yeyue found out, she would definitely be shocked!What are you kidding me, the mere rubber can also deal with the thunder fruit?Although Yeyue hasn't read many books, she can't deceive him like that!

It is true that rubber is an insulator, but there is a limit to insulation, right?Too strong current, even rubber can't be absolutely non-conductive!

What's more, the strong thunder and lightning will generate high temperature, enough to melt this little rubber into mud!What is even more unscientific is that even if rubber can insulate lightning, even if rubber is not afraid of high temperature, how did rubber hit Anilu?

In the absence of domineering, it is almost impossible to hit the natural fruit ability, right?Unless you find a weakness!What are the weaknesses of Keri?No weakness!There is no way that rubber can hit a mine!

Fortunately, Yeyue didn't know that there would be such an unscientific scene, otherwise I'm afraid that even his worldview will collapse because of this, right?

And now, in the face of such a person who has almost no weaknesses at all, Yeyue is having a headache!

In terms of speed, although Yeyue's speed can exceed the speed of sound, it is still much worse than the speed of light of Lei. In terms of attack power, Lei's attack power seems to be more flexible and stronger!

At first glance, Yeyue seems to have no chance of winning, but looking at Yeyue, there is no panic, obviously there is a countermeasure!

"It's useless! Qinghai Monkey, under the net of God's heart, your every move can be seen by the god in advance, but the judgment of the god, you can't dodge!"

Ai Nilu's figure returned to the throne, and the height of two meters was looking down at Yeyue, his words were full of arrogance. Although he was arrogant, he was not without capital!

The strength of the Thunder Fruit is naturally not necessary, and his heart net, that is, the domineering and domineering, is also extremely powerful. The entire sky island is shrouded in his heart net, and Yeyue's attack naturally cannot escape him. Xinwang, no matter which angle Yeyue attacks from, he can easily predict it!

Speed, attack power, and anticipation, the three powerful abilities made Enilu invincible. With his right hand stretched back, Enilu grabbed the golden long stick that had fallen beside the throne, and slammed it on the back. Round drum, a huge thunderbird flapped its wings like a flash of lightning, and slammed into the night moon with a swoosh!

crackle! !

Yeyue stomped under her feet, and the sound of a sonic boom sounded. Kankan left the place when the thunderbird hit her. A big pit was blown out by the thunderbird under her feet, and the gravel flew, but Yeyue leaped into the air again. Stepping on the air, with the power of the shock, it strikes Anilu like a sharp arrow!

"Ignorant Qinghai monkey!"

Anilu looked at Yeyue with contempt, stretched his finger forward, a lightning bolt flew out of his fingertips, and stabbed Yeyue with a slap!

(The third update~~~ I have to go out for something, come back at night and continue to update~~)…

Chapter 112 (Chapter [-])

Chi! !

A flash of lightning flashed, and the thunder with the thickness of the finger flashed towards the incoming night moon, touching Linhe in mid-air, but the result was unexpected, but it seemed to be expected!

The two did not collide at all. In Yeyue's astonished eyes, that flash of lightning instantly disappeared into the scales, and flowed around Yeyue's body along the scales. The slight tingling sensation made Yeyue's body have So stiff for a moment.

"The mere Qinghai monkeys dare to be presumptuous in front of the gods, they really don't know whether to live or die!"

Anilu disdainfully looked at Yeyue who was hit by the thunder and lightning he made at random, with contempt from head to toe, since he got the Thunder Fruit, he has never put anyone in his eyes!

Yeyue directly ignored Enilu's contempt, thinking about Enilu's fruit ability quickly in her mind. Lightning has almost no substance, a pure energy attack. Once touched, the lightning will be transmitted to the whole body, and it is inevitable!

Thinking of this, Yeyue still has to admire, the Thunder Fruit is indeed so powerful that it is unreasonable!There is hardly even an obvious weakness!

Compared with the natural ability that Yeyue has encountered before, although Smog's smoke fruit has no obvious weaknesses, its attack power is not worth mentioning, and its defense power is also very average!The rustling fruit of Crockdale is obviously afraid of water, and its attack power is not strong, but its weathering ability is very unique.

And the frozen fruit of the green pheasant is not outstanding in terms of attack power alone, but its powerful freezing ability is enough to kill most of the powerhouses!Although the weakness is also obvious, enough heat can melt the ice, but there are not many people who can do this.

In comparison, the Thunder Fruit seems to have excellent abilities in all aspects!Thinking of this, Yeyue's eyes flashed, as if she had made a decision!

Twisted his body to remove the numbness in his body, Yeyue's eyes could not help but become serious, although Anilu's ability was difficult to deal with, but Yeyue was not a soft persimmon!


Yeyue stomped again, and just remembered the sound of the sonic boom, Yeyue's figure appeared in front of Ainilu, her clenched right fist slammed hard at Ainilu, but Ainilu seemed to have expected it. Dodging one step ahead of time to avoid, the lightning flashed on his body, and he was away from Yeyue in an instant.

"I can't believe that you still have the courage to challenge this god! Is it because this god is so kind to you that you dare to challenge the majesty of this god again and again? In this case, this god can't You can continue to be presumptuous!"

Anilu's indifferent eyes fell on Yeyue, and he pronounced the judgment with a high attitude. This kind of tone made people very uncomfortable, but most people have only fear for him, who can resist?

"Thirty million volts, Thunder Beast!!"

Ai Nilu waved the golden long stick in his hand and slammed it on the drum surface behind him. As the lightning flashed, three wolf-shaped lightning bolts were running in the air, hitting the Yeyue in the shape of a pin at an extremely fast speed. Thirty million volts of current is enough to turn an ordinary person into coke!

Although [-] million volts for a person with a strong physique like Yeyue, at most, the electric focus is only on the surface of the skin, causing certain injuries, but Yeyue dare not take her own body to bear it easily, otherwise the strong current It will paralyze his body, and once he can't move, he can only be slaughtered by Anilu!

Bang! !

The sonic boom sounded, the floor on Yeyue's feet burst, and then it exploded again, and a big hole was blown out directly, and the whole palace was shaken!

The first explosion was caused by Yeyue's foot hitting the ground, and the second time it was bombed by the thunder beast hitting the ground. It can be seen that the [-] million volts of Enilu's attack power is quite terrifying!

Fortunately, Yeyue also has a good sense of sight. Although it is not as advanced as Enilu, it is enough to deal with the lightning attack from Enilu. As long as it can be predicted in advance, with Yeyue's reaction speed and body speed , enough to instantly dodge all attacks!

Anilu and Yeyue both have a sense of sight, and if they want to hit each other, they must make the attack speed so that the other party can't react!

From this point of view, although Anilu's sense of seeing and hearing is stronger than Yeyue's, his own reaction speed is far less than Yeyue's. From his attack to the process of attacking, it is enough for Yeyue to have enough energy. Time to react!

And although Yeyue is not as good as Anilu, and her attack speed is not as fast as him, but Yeyue's neural response and body speed are far higher than Anilu. When her mind moves, her body can instantly make corresponding actions, almost no Delay!

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