Unsurprisingly, the news of the Star Pirates' destruction of the Don Quixote family spread across the sea with lightning speed, from the new world to all over the world!

People couldn't help exclaiming, not only feeling sorry for Doflamingo's unpredictable disaster, but also shocked by the horror of the stars!That's the Don Quixote family!He was famous in the new world, but in the blink of an eye, he was wiped out by the stars!

But it's not over yet!

After the fall of the Don Quixote family, the dark side of Dressrosa also surfaced. The underground arms trade, all kinds of inhuman toys and slaves, and the hidden secrets of the destruction of the Liku royal family have all come to light one after another!

After Doflamingo's death, the Don Quixote family no longer exists, and the cadre Xingtang tried to disguise as a poor little girl to approach Yeyue's group, and then turned them into toys to take revenge on Fanxing. Yeyue's Xinwang saw through it and killed it mercilessly!

As soon as the sugar died, the ability of the toy fruit failed, the toys all over the city returned to human form, and their memories reappeared in the minds of their relatives. middle!

At this time, King Liku also stood up. While stabilizing the people's hearts, he also explained the tragedy eight years ago. With the support of many toys who knew the truth, the people chose to believe in King Liku!After all, King Liku has ruled for decades and has always been benevolent. Eight years ago, he suddenly became brutal.

So, about Doflamingo's manipulation of King Liku and his army to slaughter civilians to seize power. For many years, he used Dressrosa as a stronghold, slave toys, and secretly conducted arms deals with major dark powers through news. And rumors spread all over the sea!

Of course, only the people at the bottom will care about these news, will angrily accuse Doflamingo and Don Quixote, and will scold their behavior!

As long as there are powerful people, they don't care what Doflamingo does, because... these dark sides are too many in this world!Whether it is a pirate, a navy, or a world government, it can never be clean!

What the pirates of the new world really care about is the deep meaning of this Don Quixote destruction incident!Almost everyone understands that this is just a declaration made by Fanxing, and the Fanxing Pirates have come to the new world!

In today's new world, the situation is extremely complicated!The weakening of the Whitebeard Pirates has made a large tract of resources become unowned, and has become the target of countless pirates!

Wars are happening almost all the time!The new world has turned into a bloody battlefield!At this time, the appearance of the Star Pirates undoubtedly made many pirates extremely vigilant!Such a monster came to the new world at this time, and no one would foolishly think that Fanxing would quietly watch the battle without any action.

no doubt!Fanxing will definitely join in the competition for resources!

After the battle of the top, the evil ghost Yeyue became famous in the battle, and everyone knew that his strength was comparable to that of the Four Emperors!And the demise of Don Quixote also means that the women under the evil spirits also have terrifying strength!How many people can resist such a young but terrifying pirate group?

The Don Quixote family has business dealings with many forces in the New World. Don Quixote is gone, and many people's money has been lost, of course they will not be happy!If it were someone else, they would have already joined forces to fight, but the other party is Fanxing, which makes everyone hesitate!

That's the devil!The Battle of the Top has already shown the world his terrifying strength. Even though many people still don't want to believe it, Doflamingo's death is a fact!Not strong enough to kill the cunning and terrifying joker?

But no matter what the pirates of the new world think or how vigilant they are in their hearts, the arrival of Fanxing has become a reality!After the destruction of the Don Quixote family, the king of Dressrosa was gone.The so-called state cannot be without a king for a day, and Yeyue certainly will not be thankless to become a king.

King Liku!This is the new king of Dressrosa that Nightmoon agreed to!

Don Quixote is the annihilation of the stars, and Dressrosa rightfully belongs to the territory of the night moon!But Yeyue didn't want to be the king, so she had to find someone else to be the king.

Violet, the bridge between Yeyue and King Riku!

In battle, Violet's opponent is Shizuka!Shizuka is a doctor with a kind heart and a cute personality. She is not good at killing people. At the last moment, Violet's confession won her a chance to live.

With Violet's confession, Yeyue and the others learned of the grievance between King Liku and the Don Quixote family. In the end, Yeyue negotiated with King Liku and finally agreed to return Dressrosa to King Liku's family. !

Of course, Yeyue is not stupid and will not give up her own territory in vain!The condition for King Riku to rule this country again is Dressrosa's ownership!

In other words, King Liku is just a puppet on the bright side, in fact, Yeyue is the king here!King Liku must not disobey any order from Yeyue.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for King Liku to accept such harsh conditions!But helpless, they have no choice!For eight years, King Liku has been burdened with the blame of the year and has been reviled by thousands of people. In order to return his innocence, he can only accept Yeyue's conditions!

What's more, the Tang Quixote family was destroyed by Yeyue, and has nothing to do with King Liku. Wouldn't it be a fool's dream to get this country for nothing?

Although Yeyue is young, she is not a fool!With absolute strength and legitimate reasons, Yeyue will not give in an inch!How could King Liku get any benefit?

In the end, King Liku still compromised. With the support of the Star Pirates, the King Liku family became the royal family of Dressrosa again, and clarified the truth of the tragedy that year, and was once again loved by thousands of people!

(One more update today~~ Let me think about what to write later~~ Pirates should be over soon, what should I write in the next world?)…

Chapter 284 Resurrection (please customize)

"Emperor! There's something wrong with the animal fruit plan! The Don Quixote family was wiped out by the evil ghost Yeyue!"

On an unknown island, in a dark place, a burly man was reporting with a phone bug.His long golden hair is draped behind his head, his pale yellow coat is paired with dark brown trousers, his bare abdomen is covered with eight solid muscles, his voice is low, but he has a murderous aura!

"Ugh...that's a headache!"

There was a distressed voice from the other end of the phone, and the man couldn't help shaking his whole body, and immediately said in a hurry, "Huang, I'll let someone solve it..."

But before the man's words were finished, the voice on the other end continued to sound, "Why can't you still die? Failed to commit suicide again! It's so boring! Tagus, you say, what else can I do to die?"

This is an unbelievable word in the ears of uninformed people. The man called Taigus was not surprised. Instead, he looked helpless. Obviously, this is not the first time he has encountered such a person. situation.

"Emperor, with your greatness, you can't die no matter what! No one in this world can kill you!"

Tigers replied respectfully, but before he knew it, the topic had deviated from the direction.

"Ah! This is what troubles me the most! No one can kill me! Not even myself! However, I heard that there is a place called the Sky Island on the Great Route, which is [-] meters away from the sea. High in the sky! If you jump from there, you might die!"

The phone bug seemed to have a headache, but suddenly it seemed like he had remembered something, with a little anticipation in his tone, he hurriedly hung up the phone bug, and there was no more text.


Hearing the silent phone bug, Tigers was speechless.He knows a lot about their emperor!No doubt, he definitely went to that empty island to commit suicide!

It's just that he knew that his emperor was going to commit suicide, but he didn't worry at all, and he didn't stop him. First, he knew he couldn't stop it, and secondly, he had absolute confidence in the emperor!Over the decades, the emperor has committed suicide countless times, but he has always lived well!

The emperor is the emperor he deserves in his heart!Is the invincible powerhouse in the sea!In terms of heads-up, no one can beat him!Because he... is the beast Kaido!The existence known as the strongest creature!The body is so strong that it is almost immortal, no matter what kind of injury it is, it cannot be fatal!

"Taggs, what did the emperor say?"

Just when Taigus was a little stunned, there was a heavy voice behind him. Taigus came back to his senses and turned to look, but there was no expression on his face.

"It's still the same, I ignored it at all, and found a new way to try to commit suicide!"

After being asked this question, Taigus finally reacted. He specially contacted the emperor in order to report the destruction of the Tang Ji Kede family and ask how to deal with it!But in the end, Kaido took him off topic!Tigers couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Of course! It's enough for us to handle this kind of trivial matter by ourselves, we don't need to disturb the emperor at all! Taigus, I'll take over this matter! Let me meet that daring boy!"

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