The person who spoke was also burly, with bulging muscles all over his body, thick hair on his body, and a high-pitched voice, but with a disdainful tone.

"Jack! Don't mess around! The evil ghost Yeyue is not so easy to mess with! Don't make trouble for the emperor!"

Tigers frowned and immediately opened his mouth to dissuade him, but Jack refuted his words without hesitation!

"Trouble? Does the emperor mind the trouble? We Kaido pirates, are you afraid of trouble? Taigus, don't forget! The animal fruit plan was proposed by the emperor, and now the plan has been destroyed by that kid Yeyue. If we don’t find our way back, how should outsiders treat the emperor and us? Don’t they think we are afraid of the Star Pirates?”

Jack eloquently said a lot, but Taigus had no way to refute!Indeed, the pirate group is too famous and its status is too high, so it is inevitable that there will be troubles!Always be in the evaluation of unexpected people!

The Kaido Pirates have a cooperation with Doflamingo, and Doflamingo provides Kaido with a large number of artificial animal-type devil fruits!Because Kaido intends to build an army of all animal fruit powers!But the cooperation has just begun, and Brother Doflamingo has been wiped out. Of course, the cooperation has not been completed, and the deposit paid has also been in vain.

Although the Kaido Pirates don't care about the money, but their partner was killed, the Kaido Pirates have always been a little hard on face!

If it was an ordinary pirate group, it would be fine. Although the loss is painful, who would dare to provoke the Star Pirates?But Kaido is different!As the Four Sovereigns, the sovereigns of the sea, if even they swallowed their anger and made big things small, wouldn't outsiders think they were timid?

This is the price of fame and status!Many times, an unnecessary battle is launched for the so-called face!


Sure enough, Tigers was silent, apparently thinking that what Jack said was not unreasonable, but he was extremely loyal to Kaido and was reluctant to act without authorization, especially when it came to fighting the Star Pirates!

If the other party is just a small pirate group, it will be destroyed if it is destroyed, but the other party is Fan Xing, and the captain is that devil boy!No ordinary pirate group!If you are not careful, you are likely to capsize in the gutter!

But unfortunately, Kaido didn't want to pay attention to it at all, and the Kaido Pirates' face must be preserved. In this case, they can only act according to what Jack said!

"Jack, bring some more people, don't be weak!"

In the end, Tigers still agreed with Jack's action, but he warned him.Taigus has a more delicate mind. He knows his partner very well. He has a somewhat arrogant personality. He despises the Star Pirates in his heart, so he specially asked him to bring more men to prevent any accidents.

But Jack is not an obedient person, except for Kaido's orders, no one listens!That's why Tigers used the reason not to lose his momentum, so that he could obediently bring more people there.


Jack left without looking back, and hurriedly left the island with a few subordinates, heading towards Dressrosa!

"Oh... just don't let anything happen!"

Tigers looked at the direction where Jack was leaving, and sighed after a long time.As one of the three major cadres under Kaido, he is deeply trusted by Kaido, and has the most delicate mind. He knows his own pirates well and knows that the reason why Kaido pirates are strong is because Kaido is the most powerful pirate. The existence of strong creatures!

In fact, the Kaido Pirates, with only three high-ranking officers, is actually a bit weaker in overall strength than the other four emperors!Jack had a bad premonition in his heart for the evil ghost who met the stars...

(The first update~~~ I thought about it for a long time and planned to end the pirates as soon as possible. The rhythm of this world is not very well written, so I need to plan carefully when entering a new world!)…

Chapter 285: Ability Fusion Seeking Customization)


The light wind blows on the sea, stirring up waves, rolling in. On the vast and boundless sea in the new world, the Starry Night is breaking through the waves, and the flag of the evil spirit is fluttering in the wind, scaring many timid pirates from a distance. Running away in a hurry, I didn't even have the courage to face the Star Pirates!

Yeyue and his party, who had left Dressrosa long ago, are heading for their next goal on the Starry Night!Although Dressrosa handed it over to King Liku, both King Liku and Yeyue knew very well that the true master of Dressrosa was Yeyue!

Dressrosa is the first territory Yeyue conquered in the New World, and it will also become the base camp of the Star Pirates in the future!But for now, what Yeyue has to do is to keep plundering!

The new world is bloody and bloody, and there are constant secret battles between the major forces, of course Yeyue will not be watching!Yeyue is not a fool!In the ghoul world Yeyue knows how to form her own power, and of course in the pirate world is no exception!

From Crockdale in the Kingdom of Abalstadt to CP9 in Judiciary Island, Yeyue has already started to form forces!It's just that it hasn't been exposed yet, so the world thinks that the stars are just a few people.

Of course, if you want to control the world and climb to the highest peak, just relying on such a little power is far from enough!And more!More!Whether it is staff or resources!

Therefore, Yeyue is going to launch a crazy plunder!Wherever you go, it's yours!Disobedient, kill!Dressrosa was the first stepping stone, and Don Quixote had accumulated fortunes for decades, all of which were cheaper than Night Moon.

Yeyue of course knew that doing so would attract hatred and hostility from countless people, but what was there to be afraid of?With Yeyue's current strength, other than the Four Emperors, who else can threaten him?Even if the four emperors fight alone, Fanxing may not necessarily be the one who loses!

What's more, pirates are all selfish people, how many people would be willing to join forces to deal with Fanxing?

This is why Yeyue is unscrupulous!

"Captain, there will be an isolated island ahead, stop and rest first! The storm is coming, which is not conducive to continuing sailing."

As a star-filled navigator, Nami can take full control of the voyage, but she wants to find Yeyue to report it, firstly, to respect Yeyue, and secondly, to have more opportunities to get close to Yeyue.

No way, of course Nami knows her admiration for Yeyue, I'm afraid she can't change it in this life!But Yeyue was slow, and she didn't realize it, so she could only find a way by herself, and use various reasons to sway in front of Yeyue.

"Well! Then let's get to the shore!"

Yeyue, who was closing his eyes in deep thought, suddenly opened his eyes, a light flashed in his eyes, and then nodded lightly, allowing Nami's suggestion.

What Yeyue is thinking about at the moment is her own strength!Fighting against Doflamingo, Yeyue saw the terrifying potential of the Devil Fruit, but at the same time, he also realized his own inadequacies!

The strength of Ye Yueyi lies in two points, one is the ability of the thunder fruit, and the other is the fighting skills of the ghouls.Yeyue didn't notice it before, but after this stop, Yeyue suddenly found that her abilities seemed a little mixed.

The so-called more than fine!In the battle, Yeyue often uses different abilities according to the situation!Sometimes it uses thunder fruit, sometimes it uses ghoul physical skills.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, there is no problem with this, but only at the level of Yeyue can you find out that this is not a good thing!

In the past, Yeyue only had a strong physical skill, and with Linhe, Yeyue could adapt to close combat and mid-range combat, but was not good at long-range!With the Thunder Fruit, Yeyue made up for the shortcoming of long-range attack.

But with the improvement of strength, Yeyue gradually found out, why can't she combine the two abilities?Thunderbolt has unparalleled speed, as well as terrifying attack power and penetration!

But in the battle before Yeyue, the ability of the Thunder Fruit was only reflected in the lightning discharge!Why not integrate thunder and lightning into physical skills?You must know that Yeyue is best at melee combat!

If the speed and penetration of thunder and lightning can be integrated into physical skills, won't Yeyue's strength be improved to a higher level and become more terrifying?

In fact, the fusion of fruit ability with one's own physical skills is the most suitable application for fruit ability!Regarding this, the powerhouses of this world have done a good job!For example, generals such as Aokiji, Akainu, etc., all use the fusion of fruit ability and physical skills in every gesture!

Even Doflamingo combines the fruit of the thread with the physical skills, regardless of you and me!Facts have proved that the most correct choice is to combine fruit ability with physical skills!Before Yeyue, the two have never been integrated, and they are often used separately and alternately!

And Yeyue's newly awakened ability, Overlord!The influence of domineering on the battle is too great!The use of three-color domineering can often determine the outcome of a battle!

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