Looking at the report of the death of a large stack of navy due to the slaughter between pirates, the angry Akainu punched the desk, and the desk suddenly shattered.

Outside the door, the sailor who heard the noise quickly moved a new table, and then cleaned up the broken wood. Judging from his skilled appearance, he knew that this was not a matter of a day or two.

The new world is extremely chaotic, and pirates are rampant. As a naval marshal, especially Akainu, who hates evil, he certainly did not hesitate to send the navy to exterminate the pirates, but obviously, the results were minimal!Few of the navy sent out were able to come back alive, and most of them died.

A huge loss, even Marshal Akainu cannot bear it!At this rate, even if the Five Old Stars didn't remove him from his post, I'm afraid there would be few people left in the entire navy.

"Huh? The Kaido Pirates gathered and announced a war with the Star Pirates? It's that kid!"

The angry Akainu suddenly caught sight of a new piece of information, which recorded the movements of the Kaido Pirates a few days ago.

Although the navy is unable to move an inch in the new world, the movement of the Kaido Pirates is so loud that it is impossible to hide it!What's more, Kaido didn't plan to hide it at all, it was completely open and aboveboard!

As soon as he saw Yeyue's name, Akainu felt a dull pain all over his body!The battle of the top is almost a battle of fame for Yeyue!But for Akainu, it is a deep shame!The dignified general, the current admiral of the navy, was actually defeated by a hairy boy at that time!

After Kizaru lost to Yeyue, he was just jealous of Yeyue.But after Akainu lost to Yeyue, he took it as a shame in his heart!Akainu swears that as long as he has the chance, he will kill Yeyue in front of the whole world, and he will be ashamed!

Although Yeyue didn't play any tricks in that battle, and completely defeated Akainu with strength, but Akainu was not convinced. He thought that Yeyue was just lucky!With strength alone, Yeyue could not be his opponent at all!

Especially after Akainu defeated Aokiji, he was even more confident in his own strength!He firmly believed that if he fought in Yeyue again, he would never lose!

"Come here! Order down, gather your troops! Go to the final battle between Kaido and Fanxing!"

Akainu carefully read the information word by word, and after pondering for a long time, finally made a decision!As the so-called two tigers fight, one must be hurt!Although Akainu doesn't think Yeyue can threaten Kaido, but he's not afraid of [-] just in case. What if that kid Yeyue is lucky?

In any case, Akainu does not want to miss the opportunity to solve two tumors at one time!Kaido is the famous four emperors, and Fanxing is also a great potential pirate. If he can catch it all at once, then the losses caused by Akainu's decision during this period of time can easily be recovered!

Soon, under the order of Akainu, the navies of the navy headquarters took action one after another. The assembled troops included a general, five lieutenants, and thousands of sailors!Of course, this time, Akainu personally led the team!

Horrible team!Absolutely horrible team!Such an army, even if it is used to deal with the four emperors, is almost the same!But Akainu's plan was only used to end it when Kaido and Yeyue were both defeated!

It's not that Akainu is too cautious, it is true that the opponent this time is also not to be underestimated!With the existence of the Four Emperor Kaido alone, Akainu will never be allowed to be careless, otherwise this time there is a good chance that there will be no return!

What's more, even that night moon is notoriously good luck!Every time the navy made an action against him, he was always able to get through it safely!From the beginning of the Qing pheasant to intercept, and then to the yellow monkey to lead the team to kill, all ended in failure!

With the first two lessons, how could Akainu be careless?On the other hand, Akainu is also for the sake of insurance, in order to truly kill Kaido and Yeyue completely!

Originally, Akainu wanted to draw more troops!But helplessly, after the Battle of the Top, the navy was severely damaged. Now it is in the midst of chaos in the new world. Many navies have been dispatched to deal with the pirates. It's enough to explain the deep heritage of the Navy!

It didn't take long for the naval forces to quietly leave the new headquarters under the leadership of Akainu, and set off for the final battle between Kaido and Fanxing!

Of course, there are also many pirate groups who have received the news. They are also eager to find a bargain and come to the vicinity of the decisive battle. Once it is profitable, these desperados will definitely rush!

And this so-called decisive battle is set on the island of death!

(The first update~~ There is one more update~~ The Pirates are nearing the end, the more difficult it is to write, the more difficult it is to write, many have to be carefully constructed~)…

Chapter 297 Death Island (please customize)

Dead Island.

True to its name, this is an island that has been infested with death since it was discovered!

It's not that this island has too many rich resources, and it has attracted countless pirates to fight and bleed into rivers, causing countless casualties. On the contrary, this island is barren and uninhabited.

The reason why it is called Dead Island is because this island is very special!The island seems to have a special kind of radiation. Once someone approaches, it will be affected by the radiation. After ordinary people go to the island, they will soon die of powerlessness, and there is no chance to escape.

The stronger the physique, the longer it can last!A powerhouse at the level of a lieutenant general who stays on this island for a week will probably die due to the influence of this radiation!Only a top-level powerhouse above the level of a general can stay for a long time!

Because of this kind of death radiation, the people who first explored and discovered the island were all dead.

It was not until later that someone finally figured out the radiation principle of this island, which reduced more casualties. People could not avoid this island, but there were still many ignorant people who left their lives here one after another. .

Finally, Kaido knew about this place and incorporated it into his own territory, and named it Death Island, from which the name of Death Island came from.

The reason why Kaido is interested in this place is not because of the death radiation here, but because of the... animals here!

That's right, according to the characteristics of Dead Island, this island should be desolate and barren, with nothing to grow!But in fact, the island is densely forested and full of animals!Especially all kinds of beasts emerge in an endless stream!

Instead of dying from the death radiation, these animals grew stronger!Here, even an ordinary tiger can easily kill a pirate!

Kaido has titles like Hundred Beasts, Beast King, etc., which shows his preference for animals!With such a peculiar island, he certainly wouldn't miss it!Anyway, it's just a useless island, wouldn't it be better to treat it as your own zoo?

And now, this island of death, which is full of beasts, has become the decisive battle place between Kaido and Fanxing!

There is no formal declaration of war, just let people release the news and let the Star Pirates fight on Death Island!It is said to be a decisive battle, but in fact, no one is optimistic about Fanxing. This is destined to be a brutal battle!

I can only blame Yeyue for being unlucky, who told him to provoke Kaido?Kaido is notoriously short-tempered!And every day I have nothing to do and like to commit suicide. Now that Yeyue is taking the initiative to provoke, Kaido will of course not give up!

In everyone's eyes, this war was unequal from the beginning!Yeyue may not be able to fight at all!For this reason, there are still many gamblers who have opened their bets, betting on whether the Star Pirates will take on the challenge!And the odds of betting on the stars to avoid war are pitifully low!

It was Taigus' attention to release news to declare war on Fanxing, and he was also helpless!Kaido's request was to declare war immediately, but Tigers would not be able to find any trace of the stars for a while!After all, finding a boat on the ocean is not so easy!

In desperation, Targus could only choose to release the news. As for whether Yeyue will come, who knows?As long as Yeyue is a smart person, he should choose to hide from the limelight, right?But in this way, Taigus himself has to bear Kaido's wrath!

So Taigus has to pray that Yeyue is a little stupid, or that the young and hot-headed rush over!

"Boss, do you think that kid Yeyue will come? If he doesn't dare to come, the emperor will be very angry!"

On the island of death, Ulubu, a capable cadre under Tygus, asked cautiously. From his terrified expression, it could be seen that he was in awe of Kaido from the bottom of his heart!Before Kaido arrived, he was already worried that Kaido would be angry.

Not only Urub, but also Taigus himself was equally worried.Don't look at him as one of Kaido's three confidants, but only he knows that when Kaido gets angry, his six relatives don't recognize him!Many cadres did not die at the hands of outsiders, but at the hands of the angry Kaido!

Kaido has a very irascible temper. At the most extreme, just because he attempted suicide, he angrily killed dozens of pirates with his bare hands. At that time, many people were frightened!Even Tygus himself was hit hard for stopping Kaido.

"You ask me, who do I ask? If you don't want the emperor to get angry, just keep an eye on me! Once there is news, report it immediately!"

Taigus glared at Urubu viciously and said angrily.This guy really doesn't know how to observe words and expressions. He knows that Laozi is in a panic, so you are here to stimulate Laozi!

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