"Come here! The Star Pirates are here!!"

At this moment, there was a shout from a small scoundrel in the distance. Tigers was just about to get angry, but he was instantly overjoyed!The figure flashed and greeted him!

"Who is here? Tell me clearly!"

Taigus grabbed the collar of the person who came and asked in a cold voice.In fact, with his strength, of course, he could clearly hear what this little brother said just now, but he just wanted to confirm it again because he had no idea in his heart!

"It's Fanxing! It's Yeyue that kid came with his girl! Their pirate ship is less than ten kilometers away from the shore!"

The younger brother swallowed hard, and before he had time to catch his breath, he saw Tigers' eager expression. He didn't dare to hesitate for a second, and said it carefully and clearly.

"Okay! Hahaha, it's good to come! It's good to come!"

Hearing this, Tigers immediately smiled and couldn't help laughing!In his opinion, the outcome of the battle with Fanxing is already doomed. As long as Fanxing's people come, there is no need to worry about anything else!

Immediately, the heart hanging in his throat was finally released!

The funny thing is that Taigus is not worried about whether the Star Pirates are a threat at all, but is worried that Yeyue will not dare to fight, causing Kaido to be angry!

I don't know how Yeyue and the others are dumbfounded when they know about it.

On Kaido's side, everyone has absolute confidence in their own side!After all, it is a pirate group under the four emperors!Faced with a rookie pirate group that has just entered the new world, how can they lose?

On the Starry Night, Yeyue is also full of confidence in Saeko and the others. She believes that with their current strength, although they may not be able to completely defeat Kaido's cadres, the equal share is certain!

Yeyue knew in her heart that the enemy this time was different from the past, and it was a battle that really required the use of their lives to win!Even Yeyue herself would not dare to say that she can defeat Kaido [-]%!

It must be the Four Emperors!And it is rumored to be invincible one-on-one, the strongest creature who can't kill!In the face of such a monster, Yeyue has no idea in her heart!

(Second shift~~~Two shifts~~~ Prepare to fight the Four Emperors! Next, we will speed up the progress and fight all the way!)…

Chapter 298 Descends from the sky (please customize)


On the island of death, the waves are rolling on the shore, slapping the reefs recklessly, and on the sea not far away, a pirate ship is slowly coming!

At the port, more than a dozen figures stood side by side, looking at the fast approaching ships from a distance, with extraordinary momentum!

"Fanxing! It's finally here!"

As the leader, Targus stood at the forefront, looking up at the flag of the ship, the striking ghost pirate flag was fluttering in the wind!

Behind Tigers stood three figures, tall or thin, but all with a strong aura. These three were Tigers' subordinates.

And next to Tigers, there is a sturdy big man with a face full of anger, and at a glance, he knows that he is a guy who is not easy to mess with!This person is Nino, one of the three disasters of the Kaido Pirates!

Kaido has Tigers, Nino and Jack under his command, and the three of them manage the entire pirate group separately!There are three captain-level powerhouses under Tigers, and Nino is next, with only two people, who are also standing behind Nino at this moment.

Jack, the unlucky ghost, is the worst disaster, and only one of his subordinates can use it!Jack died, and the man was rightfully placed under Nino.

In addition to these senior cadres, there are countless minions under them, all of which are hidden on the island at the moment to deal with emergencies.

What is an emergency situation?Did they also realize the threat of the Star Pirates?the answer is negative.

To deal with a mere star, Tigers and the others didn't take it seriously at all!If it wasn't for Kaido's insistence on dealing with Yeyue himself, perhaps Targus would have already brought someone to fight at this moment!

In the eyes of Targus and the others, just a few of their cadres are enough to crush the stars!After all, there are only a few people in the entire Stars Pirates. If the pirates under the dignified four emperors have to rely on crowd tactics to deal with a mere star, wouldn’t that be a shame?

The reason why it is used to deal with emergencies is because Targus has long expected that after this battle with Fanxing, there will be many people who are thinking of picking up cheap, such as the navy!

If the navy or the other four emperors are present, then Taigus can't say that he has to do his best!Otherwise, Kaido himself will be fine, of course, but these subordinates are in danger!

Therefore, Taigus is Kaido's most trusted confidant, because he is as careful as he is, and he will be well prepared for everything!This is far beyond Nino and Jack, and even Kaido himself.

In the blink of an eye, the Starry Night was riding the wind and waves, and now it has reached the shore. Yeyue stood on the bow, looking down at the few people on the shore, her eyes were calm as water, and it didn't look like she was here to fight.

"Unexpectedly, you are not afraid of death! Since you are here, you have to stay here forever! This is the consequence of offending the Four Emperors!"

Before Yeyue and Taigus had made a move, Nino took the first step forward. A pair of hazy eyes stared at Yeyuedao viciously, and his tone was full of murderous intent!

With the previous declaration of war, everyone knows that the meeting between the two sides is not for chatting, but for killing!So Nino did not hide his killing intent at all!And he is also confident that facing them, the Star Pirates don't even have a chance to escape!

"Where is Kaido?"

Glancing at Nino lightly, Yeyue ignored him at all, and instead glanced at him for a week and asked indifferently.

Nino didn't put Fanxing in his eyes at all, why did Yeyue put Nino in his eyes?With just one glance, Yeyue could almost see through Nino's strength, maybe a bit stronger than Jack, but in front of him, it was far from enough!

To be precise, Yeyue didn't take it to heart of everyone present!The only one he really regards as an opponent is Kaido!The guy who is called the strongest creature!

"Bastard! How dare you call the emperor's name directly! Courting death!"

Nino and others changed their faces when they heard the words, and Nino scolded unceremoniously. The whole person jumped up, and instantly crossed a distance of more than ten meters, and his fists the size of sandbags roared towards Yeyue's head. Smash it!

It started without a word!

But in the face of Nino's sudden blow, Yeyue didn't even blink her eyes, and Mami was already reacting beside her!

Da da da! 

A burst of machine gun fire sounded, Mami did not know when there was a light machine gun in her hand, the muzzle was bursting with flames, and bullets hit Nino who was caught off guard, making a clanging sound!

Nino is also one of Kaido's confidants after all. If he dares to attack, he will of course be prepared to be counterattacked!

The moment Mami fired, Nino was fully armed, his whole body became pitch black, and he easily blocked the blazing bullets!

But in the same way, although the bullet failed to hurt Nino, the impact of a salvo of bullets also prevented Nino from advancing an inch. Nino, who had nowhere to borrow in mid-air, had no choice but to retreat.

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