At that moment, Rao Shi Wilbur had experienced hundreds of battles, and a panic flashed in his heart!Fruit ability is his biggest reliance, without fruit ability, his strength will be lost by more than half!

How could Wilbur know that there is a kind of fruit in the world, called the dark fruit, which is specially designed to restrain the ability of all fruits?Once someone with the dark fruit ability touches the rest of the fruit ability, they can easily ban their ability!


Without waiting for Wilbur to think, he grabbed Wilbur's palm with one hand, Blackbeard grinned, his free right hand clenched into a fist, and a white ball of light appeared on his fist, exuding an extremely dangerous aura!

Wilbur's pupils tightened, but he didn't have time to dodge, and he couldn't dodge. He was punched by Blackbeard. He felt like he was hit by a mountain, and his whole body seemed to be torn and shattered!

boom! 

Wilbur flew back in an instant, smashed heavily on the bow of the ship, and blasted a big hole in the bow, but what was more concerning was his injury!

With just one punch, Wilbur, who was comparable to a general, suffered a lot of trauma!Is this the current strength of Blackbeard?

In fact, although Blackbeard does have the strength of a general, it is impossible to easily defeat Wilbur!The reason why Wilbur was easily injured was nothing more than a surprise!

After all, few people know about the strangeness of the dark fruit in the whole sea. If Wilbur slams into it, the consequences will naturally not be good.

Fortunately, Blackbeard's development of Zhenzhen Fruit has not reached the level of Whitebeard, otherwise, if he takes this punch head-on, Wilbur will not just be injured a little!Whether or not you can survive is the question!

At this moment, Wilbur, who felt the fruit ability in his body again, finally reacted!

Although Wilbur has developed limbs, his mind is not simple!With just a little thought and reasoning, I understood where the feeling of powerlessness that had just lost my ability came from.

But even if Wilbur knew about Blackbeard's ability, he was even more helpless!

This is the sadness of animal fruit!Among the three types of fruit abilities, the animal type is the most restrained by the dark fruit!Because animal-based battles are basically melee combat, physical contact is required!

In this way, if you touch it a little, the fruit ability will be banned, so how can you fight?

If it is a natural or superhuman type, there may still be the power to fight, as long as there is no physical contact, it can be avoided, but only the animal type can be said to be the most helpless.

Just like Wilbur at the moment, who has the strength of a general, but can be easily banned because of his fruit ability, and can only use his physical ability. In this way, how can he be Blackbeard's opponent?

Fortunately, Blackbeard was not interested in Wilbur. After he punched Wilbur, he roared into the air, "Evil wolf, get out of here for Lao Tzu and take care of that guy!"

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding sea water suddenly boiled, as if a volcanic eruption or a tsunami was a sign. Even the pirate ship shook violently because of this, which greatly affected the ongoing battle!

Whoa! !

The waves are surging!A surging wave rose into the sky, and a huge black shadow shrouded almost all the pirate ships, covering the sky and the sun!

"That is?!! How is it possible! How is this possible!!"

Seeing the horror on Wilbur's face, the pirates of the entire Evil Ghost Alliance were equally shocked, as if they had seen something unbelievable!

"Follow! Boss!"

The sound of rolling thunder sounded in the air, and as the water mist dissipated, the face of the black shadow clearly appeared in front of everyone!

It was an extremely terrifying figure! !It had a head that looked like a radish, with a simple and honest but chilling smile!

Just showing the upper body, it is roughly estimated that there is a height of hundreds of meters!It's not hard to imagine that if it is the lower body, wouldn't the overall height exceed [-] meters? …

Chapter 243 The Crisis of Destruction


The monstrous waves broke the calm of the sea, and a behemoth burst out of the water, and only the exposed upper body was enough to make people horrified and terrified!


I saw the terrifying giant let out a light breath, and it was like a gust of wind, blowing so hard that people could hardly even open their eyes!

"go to hell!!"

The giant grinned, raised his right hand and punched Wilbur. That huge fist was much bigger than an ordinary pirate ship. Even the city wall might not be able to stop such a terrifying fist!

Wilbur also felt the horror of this attack, and couldn't help but look solemn, his body once again turned into a beast like a violent bear, and the huge bear's paws greeted him without fear!

Wilbur, who turned into a violent bear, is ten meters tall. The bear's paw alone is exaggerated, but in front of this giant, he still looks like a kitten in front of an adult. The two are not on the same level at all. !

boom! 

The moment the fist and palm touched, there was a terrifying sound, and the terrifying air wave spread instantly, easily flying all the men around Wilbur, without even the slightest resistance!

Crack! !

Immediately afterward, the pirate ship at the feet of Wilbur began to disintegrate!The whole ship shattered in an instant, turning into pieces of wood and falling on the sea.

I have to say that Wilbur's strength is indeed worthy of being a general!In the face of the San Juan Evil Wolf, a creature known as a huge battleship, he didn't fall behind!

Obviously, the two people's body types are not at the same level. It seems that San Juan can easily slap Wilbur into meat, but this is not the case!

The physique of Wilbur, who has transformed into a violent bear, is also extremely exaggerated. The thick hair can easily block ordinary swords and bullets.

With such a powerful body and his battle-hardened fighting skills, Wilbur has the strength of a general!

San Juan's size may seem exaggerated, and his strength is indeed terrifying, but Wilbur can still withstand his punch head-on without damage!

However, although Wilbur took over the attack of San Juan, the terrifying strength was passed through Wilbur's body to the pirate ship under his feet!

How can a pirate ship withstand such a terrifying attack?The majestic power instantly shattered the ship, and there was no fulcrum under his feet, and Wilbur was also repelled by San Juan. If Wilbur had not reacted quickly and smashed the broken wood under his feet, by the shock of the shock Force jumped to another boat, I am afraid that his whole body will be smashed into the sea, and then he will no longer have the ability to fight.

"Huh? Fun! Come again!!"

After one blow, it did not achieve the expected effect, but San Juan seemed to be more interested. He raised his hill-like fist again and smashed it towards the pirate ship where Wilbur was!

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