"Help! Hurry! Jump into the sea!"

Seeing that despairing fist smashed over, the pirates on the boat panicked and jumped into the sea without hesitation, even some fruit-powered ones!

If you stay on the boat, you will die. Although you will die if you fall into the sea, at least there is still a glimmer of hope!Maybe he was rescued by his companions?


Sure enough, San Juan smashed it down with a fist, and the pirate ship was also shattered instantly. Even the sea was blown up by huge waves, which involved the pirates in the sea, and their lives were unknown.

And Wilbur did not choose to fight recklessly this time, but immediately jumped to another ship to avoid.

"Too bad!"

Although he escaped, Wilbur's face was very ugly!The appearance of San Juan has put the entire Evil Alliance in danger of being destroyed!

San Juan's strength is actually not strong, if it is singled out, Wilbur is not afraid at all!San Juan's strength lies only in his terrifying body and the terrifying power that his huge body gives him!

In terms of combat skills, I'm afraid he can't even compare to ordinary pirates!

But the problem is, at this moment, San Juan doesn't need any combat skills at all, and with his overwhelming power, he can easily destroy the entire Evil Alliance!

At this time, it is on the sea, and there is no place to stay except for ships!San Juan only needs to smash all the pirate ships of the Evil Alliance with one punch and one punch. Even if Wilbur and the others save their lives, they will become scumbags!

And how much fighting power can the pirates who fall into the sea have?

In terms of strength alone, the three captains of the Evil Ghost Alliance are stronger than San Juan!But under the current conditions, San Juan posed an unprecedented threat to them!

suffocated!If the Evil Ghost Alliance were destroyed in San Juan's hands like this, it would be really embarrassing!

I have to say that although San Juan is not strong, his size can give him a great advantage in the sea!After all, [-]% of the pirate world is sea water. Fighting in such an environment, San Juan has an absolute advantage!

"Thief hahaha! San Juan, well done! Just destroy them all! I want that kid Yeyue to know what's going to happen to angering Blackbeard!"

Seeing that San Juan easily pushed the Evil Ghost Alliance to a desperate situation, Blackbeard couldn't help laughing triumphantly, took a swig of wine, and then shouted viciously.

With San Juan's shot, Bagas and the others also knew that the battle was coming to an end, and they no longer insisted, and they retreated back and returned to Blackbeard's pirate ship.

"Captain, what should we do? At this rate, I'm afraid we won't be able to insist on the arrival of the emperor, and we will be wiped out!"

Neither Tirsian nor Cavendish pursued, and quickly came to Wilbur's side. Get a different answer from your mouth.

"There's no way! The nearest island is more than ten nautical miles away. Although it doesn't take long to get there, the Blackbeard Pirates will never give us a chance to escape!"

Facing the crisis of life and death, Wilbur also had a gloomy face, but he could only helplessly shook his head and replied.Indeed, if the crisis was discovered earlier, they would still have a chance to retreat and escape, but now it is too late!

Although there are still more than a dozen ships left in the Evil Ghost Alliance, it doesn't take much time for San Juan to smash all the ships with one punch!At that time, Wilbur and the others will have no way to escape!

Whoops! !

With a cruel smile on San Juan's face, he punched again mercilessly, but at a slow speed, as if he was deliberately trying to see Wilbur and the others run away in embarrassment!


Just when Wilbur and the others were a little desperate, no one noticed that there was a flash of thunder on the sea not far away! …

Chapter 244 Stars Appear

"What should I do? If we continue like this, there is no way to escape!"

The faces of the pirates of the Evil Alliance can't help but show despair!

yes!Who can not despair in the sea against such a behemoth as a huge warship?If you can't fight, you can't escape, and there is no way to escape!

Even Wilbur, who is as strong as a general, is helpless in the face of the San Juan Evil Wolf?Although Weibull is definitely much stronger than San Juan in terms of strength, the impact of environmental factors is too great!

With his huge body, San Juan can attack unscrupulously, but Wilbur can only dodge in embarrassment. Once he is shot down into the sea, he must declare defeat!This is not a fair fight at all!

But among pirates, who will tell you the word fairness?

Facing a desperate situation, Wilbur did not give up, even if he knew he was powerless to resist, he still insisted on going up!


It was another fist-to-fist confrontation. Wilbur, who jumped into the air, threw a punch without hesitation. With the blessing of the violent bear fruit, the power he burst out was also extremely terrifying!

The terrifying strong wind roared suddenly, and the sea water turned huge waves, and Wilbur flew back like a cannonball. Ersan grabbed him in time, I am afraid that Wilbur will directly penetrate the whole ship and smash directly into the sea!

Wilbur had nowhere to borrow in mid-air, and being blasted away after a punch was an expected scenario!But the huge battleship San Juan also staggered violently. It was a little unsteady, and the whole body fell back slightly, almost falling!

It's Wilbur after all!It's a general after all!Even if it is at an absolute disadvantage in environmental factors, it is not powerless to fight back!

It's a pity that no matter how much Wilbur struggles, it's useless!The advantages of San Juan are simply too great!With that crushing size, they can easily smash all the ships of the Evil Ghost Alliance, and Wilbur and the others cannot avoid the fate of falling into the sea!

Unless...repel San Juan head-on!

Take a look at San Juan's body shape!Only the upper body is enough for [-] meters!The power carried by that non-fancy fist is far beyond what ordinary people can resist!Even Wilbur, who is good at strength, can't resist when only the pirate ship is the fulcrum!

"Destroy! I want to destroy you all! Destroy them all!!"

After being kicked back a little by Wilbur, San Juan also seemed to be a little embarrassed and angry, and he shouted loudly, the sound was like muffled thunder, and the eardrums hurt!

Hurala! !

A gust of wind swept up in the air again, and the angry San Juan stretched out his hands to grab the rest of the pirate ships!In front of San Juan's palm, those pirate ships are like children's toys, pitifully fragile!


Just as the pirates were dodging in a panic again, a dazzling thunder light suddenly lit up on the sea!In an instant, it seemed that the entire sea was shrouded in lightning!

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