The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 20: Episode [020]: All problems will be solved easily

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The fans of Leeds United did not force the palace, they just expressed his wishes to Leeds United!

Fans of Leeds United only want to know what happened inside the team?

Fans of Leeds United naturally have no intention of opposing Zhong Cheng!

However, the British media do not think so. They all think that Leeds United fans can't stand the lewd behavior of Leeds United. The fans of Leeds United are protesting. The fans of Leeds United will be Will stand on the opposite of Leeds United, and Zhong Cheng on the opposite.

Gerald Krasner jumped out again and said, "Looking at it, Leeds United has been messed up. This is Leeds United's first step into the abyss. The madman Loya is about to completely destroy Leeds United. Team, Leeds United can never let this happen and drive Loya Loya out of Leeds United! "

What Gerald Krasner did not expect was that his own words were inconsistent. He had said before that Zhong Cheng was going to sell Leeds United. Why do he now call on fans to drive Zhong Cheng out of Leeds United?

Obviously, this is a conspiracy!

It is a pity that at this time, everyone's attention is not here, and no one has found this.

Some radical Leeds United fans were still instigated by these people and rushed to the Leeds United club building to express their dissatisfaction to Leeds United and signaled to the Leeds United club to give them a statement, why Leeds United wanted Sell ​​these champion players?

At this time, Gary Arnoldsis also stood up, saying: "As far as I know, the current Leeds United's hawking plan is not over yet. It is said that the players who will be sent away will make Leeds United's number one star. Frank Ribery. This is not my guess, this is the exact news. Frank Ribery is really going to be sent away by the lunatic Loya, Leeds United really fell apart, and the Leeds United Star Supermarket finally officially opened Now, Leeds United is finished! "

As soon as Gary Arnoldssis's words came out, it made the fans of Leeds United stunned.

is this real? Does Leeds United really want to send Frank Ribery away?

Frank Ribery can't send it away. Frank Ribery is the ace of Leeds United and the symbol of Leeds United. How can this be sent away?

Anthony Morientes was stunned. He really didn't expect Zhong Cheng to send Frank Ribery away.

Anthony Morientes exclaimed: "No! Absolutely can't let the team send Frank away, Frank is our Leeds United team, he can't go anywhere!"

The Leeds United fans around Anthony Morientes followed him one after another. They shouted neatly: "Leave Frank! Stay Frank! To keep the Leeds United lineup intact, we need a champion!"

The fans of Leeds United were very unhappy, and they also had some doubts about Zhong Cheng.

What is Zhong Cheng doing? Is it really about selling Leeds United? impossible!

Fans of Leeds United are still not willing to believe that Zhong Cheng will sell Leeds United, but they are also worried that such a thing will happen, so more people are gathered in the club building of Leeds United, let Leeds United give them An account.

At this time, there are countless rumors.

The Arsenal club valued the goalkeeper's testimony from Leeds United. They wanted to bring England's national goal to Arsenal. Then it was Tottenham who valued Gareth Bale of Leeds United and wanted to introduce him.

And the Italian Red and Black Corps valued Leeds United ’s Alexander Pato and is trying to introduce him. There is also news that Leeds United is preparing to sell Luca Modric to Real Madrid, and the two teams are in final negotiations.

What's more, Sheffield Wednesday will pack Gary Cahill, Kompany and Ivanovic, and Kramer also said that he is very concerned about Edinson Cavani of Leeds United Appreciation, want to introduce this striker ...

The transfer of such a transfer broke out instantly, sweeping across the British mainland. This makes the fans of Leeds United extremely nervous, is it really the end of Leeds United?

Fans of Leeds United did not believe these things. They immediately shouted wildly and roared loudly, inviting Leeds United to give them a statement.

Fans of Leeds United are very worried.

━━━Split line ━━━

Switzerland, Basel, the weather is fine!

At this time, the quarter-finals of the 2008 European Cup has just finished, and it will soon be the semi-finals.

Zhong Cheng stayed in the hotel where they stayed and rested!

However, this clock Cheng's brows are tightly wrinkled, and obviously the mood is very bad!

Julia Oliveira stood behind Zhong Cheng in a professional suit and said, "Boss, now the fans are besieging the Leeds United Club building. Let's talk about it!"

Zhong Cheng also heard about this matter, isn't he worried about it now?

Zhong Cheng is actually helpless. These lovely fans are completely used by those ambitions who have ulterior motives. Obviously these ambitions just do n’t want to make Leeds United better. All the team's deployment then affected Leeds United's preparation for the new season, causing problems throughout the new season.

Seeing Gerald Krasner, Gary Arnoldsis and Kevin Blackwell jump so joyously, Zhong Cheng was naturally a little angry, and these were the losers!

These guys must be very proud recently?

However, Zhong Cheng knows that these guys will not be proud for a long time. As long as they can do one thing with Leeds United, these series of crises will be lifted!

Zhong Cheng looked at Julia Oliveira and asked, "Did Trevor come out?"

Julia Oliveira immediately said: "Mr. Vice President has already explained to the fans. Some fans believed and left, but some radical fans did not believe the Vice President. They still gathered in the club. Outside the building! "

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, and he was very clear about this.

With just a few words, it is clear that this crisis cannot be resolved. Leeds United has to do something to convince these fans that everything circulated outside is fake!

"Huh! This group of people is too indifferent, listen to the wind and rain, and give the team trouble!" Christina said coldly.

"The most hateful thing is those guys who fan the flames behind their backs and premeditate them. These guys are **** it!" Isabella George said coldly.

Zhong Cheng smiled: "They won't be proud for a long time, they will soon show their original shape!"

After all, these are lies, and one day these lies will be broken.

Now Zhong Cheng needs to puncture these **** lies as soon as possible, which will help Leeds United prepare for the new season.

Zhong Cheng thought to himself, it seems that the deal with Manchester United should be carried out as soon as possible.

Only by getting Cristiano Ronaldo done, these rumors can be dissipated in an instant.

At this time, Zhong Cheng immediately said to his assistant Julia Oliveira: "Now contact Cristiano Ronaldo immediately, we must resolve his matter as soon as possible!"

Julia Oliveira naturally understood Zhong Cheng's meaning, she immediately nodded and said, "Got it, boss, I'll prepare!"

Of course, it ’s not Julia Oliveira who went to Cristiano Ronaldo. She just ordered these things.

Looking at the back of Julia Oliveira, Zhong Cheng nodded slightly!

As long as Cristiano Ronaldo brings Leeds United, all doubts and conspiracies will be smashed! At that time, the faces of Gerald Krasner and others might be swollen?

Zhong Cheng couldn't wait to see the moment!

━━━Split line ━━━

Just when there was a frenzy on the Internet that Leeds United was about to fall apart, and when the news of the crazy sale of Leeds United stars by the madman Loya was on the rise, new news came out.

Sarnia, who left Leeds United to join Inter Milan, took the initiative to stand up and accept interviews from media reporters.

Bakari Sanya said this: "Leaving Leeds United is not what our boss Mr. Loya meant. He did not want me to leave the team. He even persuaded me many times to let me stay. But I I still chose to leave, which is a bit sorry for the boss! "

The reporters in the media were shocked. What's going on? Is n’t the lunatic Loya selling players crazy?

Sagna continued: "Leaving Leeds United was mainly because I was about to get married. My girlfriend is also pregnant. For my fiancee, Leeds is not a good place. She wants to stay in London or Milan. Because of her job needs. I love my fiancee very much, and I do n’t want to be separated from her for a long time, so leaving Leeds United is the best choice. In the two cities of London and Milan, we finally chose Milan, because here is Fashion paradise is at the forefront of fashion. My fiancee loves it! "

Both the media reporters and the fans were taken aback. It turned out that there was a story like this when Sarnia left, instead of Zhong Cheng selling him and spending money!

Immediately afterwards, Gerard Pique was also interviewed by journalists from the media.

Pike put it this way: "Leaving Leeds United is not what the boss meant. This is what I meant. The boss has persuaded me many times to let me stay. To be honest, I actually do n’t want to leave Leeds United, yes. Leeds United gave me today's achievements and status, and I am very grateful to the boss. If it was not what he valued, I might still be a young man who can't play football. He trained me and gave me the opportunity. To be honest , I really do n’t want to leave! "

The media reporters were shocked, and it seemed that the wind direction would change!

Pique continued: "But there is a club that I can't refuse, that is Barcelona! I'm from Barcelona at the first shot, our family are all Barcelona fans, my grandfather is a senior manager of Barcelona, ​​our family There is blood from Barcelona. I have been trained in the La Masia Youth Camp since I was a child. My dream since childhood was to play for Barcelona. "

The journalists in the media took a breath, and Zhong Cheng was about to be washed away!

Pique said: "Not long ago, the Barcelona club found me and found our club. They hope to return to Barcelona to play, I can't refuse it. So I made a request to the boss to leave, which is my voluntary!"

Luca Tony, Joaquin and others all stood up, and the face of the media reporter told them about their affairs, the wind direction changed for a while!

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