The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 21: Episode [021]: Everything depends on your decision

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A cafe in Basel, Switzerland!

Zhong Cheng sat in a corner, quietly stirring the coffee in front of him. At this point the heat of the coffee was gone, but there was no drop of coffee in the cup.

Instead, Julia Oliveira's coffee beans have been refilled.

Opposite the two were two people sitting, two men, one who was energetic in middle age, and one who was young and masculine!

If there are fans here, they will scream when they see them.

These two are Manchester United's top star Cristiano Ronaldo and his agent Jorge Mendes!

Yes, Zhong Cheng met these two today!

Because, Leeds United have reached an agreement with Manchester United, Leeds United used Frank Ribery and Joan Gourcuff to exchange Manchester United's Cristiano Ronaldo.

Zhong Cheng knows that Manchester United has always informed Cristiano Ronaldo, so this is the appointment with these two.

The Portuguese national team has been eliminated from the European Cup, but Cristiano Ronaldo has not left Switzerland, which shows that he has been waiting for Zhong Cheng's appointment.

Even so, Zhong Cheng is not optimistic at all!

It is likely that Cristiano Ronaldo stayed not to agree to join Leeds United, but to refuse!

Because now, the transfer rumors of Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid are circulating. According to recent news reports, Cristiano Ronaldo has only met with the chairman of Real Madrid!

Real Madrid is now salivating for Cristiano Ronaldo!

Moreover, Cristiano Ronaldo has also stated publicly that he does not want to return to Manchester United and wants to join Real Madrid.

More importantly, Jorge Mendes, the agent of Cristiano Ronaldo, has already contacted Real Madrid many times. He and Real Madrid are very close. He is more willing to let Cristiano Ronaldo joins Real Madrid.

After all, Real Madrid is one of the most brilliant clubs on the planet and one of the most influential clubs. Joining Real Madrid with his players is naturally the best thing for him.

Therefore, Jorge Mendes is reluctant to let Cristiano Ronaldo join Leeds United. He even thought that the Leeds were simply whimsical. How could an upstart sign Cristiano Ronaldo? The future of Cristiano Ronaldo must belong to the largest club in the world!

According to Jorge Mendes, only Real Madrid is the only place to go for Cristiano Ronaldo!

Because only Real Madrid can perfectly reflect the competitive value and commercial value of Cristiano Ronaldo!

And Leeds, no!

So, this time Jorge Mendes came to reject Leeds United!

To be honest, Jorge Mendes is more impressed by Zhong Cheng. What Zhong Cheng has done over the years is well known to everyone all over the world. In the past year, he has become the top richest man in the world and brought a relegated team into the Premier League three consecutive championships. The man in front of him is not easy!

Yes, Jorge Mendes still admires Zhong Cheng very much!

However, this cannot be the reason for Cristiano Ronaldo to join Leeds United.

Jorge Mendes is right and wrong. In his opinion, Zhong Cheng is very powerful and legendary. He also appreciates Zhong Cheng very much. But with Cristiano Ronaldo, Real Madrid is the only option!

So Jorge Mendes smiled.

Zhong Cheng naturally knew the difficulty of this matter. Obviously, his heart was in Jorge Mendes who had identified Real Madrid. From him, Zhong Cheng didn't have any breakthrough. He couldn't change Jorge Mendes' views. Zhong Cheng's only breakthrough was in Cristiano Ronaldo. As long as he persuaded Cristiano Ronaldo, Jorge Mendes' problem would be solved.

However, it is clear that Cristiano Ronaldo is also unwilling to join Leeds United.

Cristiano Ronaldo also wants to join Real Madrid now!

Cristiano Ronaldo stared at Zhong Cheng and opened his mouth. "I'm very sorry, Mr. Loya. I admire you and admire Leeds United. But ..."

Zhong Cheng waved his hand and said, "I know you will reject our Leeds United team. You have never considered any club other than Real Madrid, right?"

Cristiano Ronaldo and Jorge Mendes are not surprised. After all, Zhong Cheng is a smart person, and he can think of this naturally.

Jorge Mendes smiled and said, "Since Mr. Loya knows this, why do you still have to do this useless work?"

Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "No, no, this is not useless work!"

Jorge Mendes and Cristiano Ronaldo both frowned slightly, staring at Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng said: "I believe Cristiano Ronaldo will choose our Leeds United team!"

Jorge Mendes and Cristiano Ronaldo both smiled and said, "Mr. Loya, this joke is not funny for a generation!"

Zhong Cheng also smiled and said, "Now to you, this may be a flower, but I don't think you will think so soon."

The smile on Jorge Mendes' face disappeared instantly, his eyes stared at Zhong Cheng and said, "Why?"

Zhong Chengzhi said: "Because Leeds United is the only choice for Cristiano Ronaldo!"

Jorge Mendes was a little stunned, and then hahaha laughed: "Also said this is not a joke, I think Mr. Loya is a joking guru!"

Cristiano Ronaldo thinks the same way, chuckling.

Zhong Cheng continued to chuckled and said, "Since you guys think of this as a joke, then I'll take a good joke with you, how about it?"

When Jorge Mendes and Cristiano Ronaldo heard Zhong Cheng's words, they couldn't laugh. They suddenly became serious, it seems that Zhong Cheng is full of confidence!

Jorge Mendes immediately reached out and said, "Please, please, let us listen!"

Zhong Cheng said with a grin: "I didn't expect that Mr. Jorge had such a study of Chinese culture. It was unexpected and admirable!"

Jorge Mendes stared sharply at Zhong Cheng and said lightly: "I Jorge never fights unprepared, even if I want to deal with Mr. Loya, a Chinese, I naturally want to Ready! "

Zhong Cheng gave thumbs up to Jorge Mendes. No wonder Jorge Mendes will succeed!

Jorge Mendes and Cristiano Ronaldo are just staring at Zhong Cheng. They want to see what Zhong Mo can make out of the moth.

Zhong Cheng said: "Compared to you, Real Madrid is the only place to go for Cristiano, because they are one of the biggest giant clubs on the planet. They are one of the most influential teams, right? "

Jorge Mendes was not concealed, and nodded directly to admit it.

Zhong Cheng said with a smile: "Yes, I think so! Real Madrid is indeed one of the most well-known teams in time, even the most deadly team. Countless stars want to join Real Madrid, there is no resistance to Real Madrid, I think Cristiano is also like this! This is human nature, most of the stars in the world should choose Real Madrid! "

Jorge Mendes was a little confused. What is this guy doing? Doesn't he want to introduce Cristiano Ronaldo?

Zhong Cheng said with a smile: "However, in my opinion, because Real Madrid is the most famous team on the planet and the biggest giant, Cristiano Ronaldo should not choose this team!"

Jorge Mendes and Cristiano Ronaldo are shocked. What makes sense?

Jorge Mendes said with a sneer: "Do you mean that Cristiano is not good enough for Real Madrid?"

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "No, no, it's not that Cristiano doesn't deserve Real Madrid, but Real Madrid doesn't deserve Cristiano!"

Jorge Mendes felt a tremor in his heart, followed by a sneer: "Did you Liz United deserve Cristiano Ronaldo?"

Seeing Cristiano Ronaldo in deep contemplation, Zhong Cheng said eloquently, "Exactly!"

Jorge Mendes didn't just shoot the case like Julia Oliveira imagined. Instead, he sat there very calmly, his eyes narrowed, and he pondered carefully.

This Jorge Mendes is truly different!

At this point, Jorge Mendes seemed to have captured Zhong Cheng's intentions, and he seemed to understand what Zhong Cheng wanted to say?

At the same time, Cristiano Ronaldo also understood a little and looked down and thought.

Seeing the expressions of the two men, Zhong Cheng smiled and said, "Cristiano Ronaldo is just an ordinary star to Real Madrid, and Cristiano Ronaldo is an emperor superstar to Leeds!"

Zhong Cheng continued: "Real Madrid has a long and glorious history. It is the most successful club in history. What did Cristiano Ronaldo go to do? The icing on the cake of up to two championships, even these credits may not be all on Christie For Arnold, after all, the teammates around him are all superstars! "

Cristiano Ronaldo and Jorge Mendes were shocked, and they did.

Zhong Cheng continued: "It's different in Leeds United. Leeds United is a newly rising team. Our club has not won the Champions League and we have not reached the pinnacle of honor. We are now It's the pioneers. Cristiano Ronaldo came to us, the beginning of the Leeds United legend, the pioneer of the Leeds legend, he was shocked to become a generation of legends! "

Cristiano Ronaldo and Jorge Mendes understood what Zhong Cheng meant.

Zhong Cheng continued: "Cristiano, think about it yourself. Whether you want to be Ronaldo, Zidane, David Beckham, or Maradona depends on your Decide! "

Finally, Zhong Cheng also reminded Cristiano Ronaldo: "We Leeds are not short of money and are not lack of talented players. We only lack a Maradona-style leader. I believe we can succeed of!"

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