The girl in the Louvre

The girl in the Louvre

37 Chapters Ongoing Status

One wrong decision could change your life forever.

It could be the difference between living with your perfect half, the special someone who makes you wake up in the morning with butterflies in your stomach just because you know they will be s


One wrong decision could change your life forever.

It could be the difference between living with your perfect half, the special someone who makes you wake up in the morning with butterflies in your stomach just because you know they will be sleeping gently right next to you when you awaken.

Or living your life alone, without having somebody to weather the storms of life with, without a lifelong friend and companion to enjoy and share your achievements, passions, and sorrows.

Turning what was once a hopeful journey, into a search for that lighthouse to guide you back home.

An empty life filled with regrets of what could have been instead of expectations and excitement over what is occurring.

Simply existing, without feeling the true delight of being able to actually live.

All because the one that brought colour into your world is not there anymore and has taken away the glow that they once brought with them away again.

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