If we're going to have a discussion.

and Sputnik takes two women to the reception space. While walking in the store, Sputnik thought the same was true of 'Flowers in Both Hands', which I'm not happier than ever.


To the silent girl sitting across the street, first, it was Yuki who told the story so.

A grumpy looking mysterious girl sitting back on the sofa in the reception space. On the couch opposite it sits Yuki in a high-pressure appearance, with her arms and legs together respectively.

Sputnik said, I felt like sitting next to either one of them, so he pulls the chair on the counter and sits there. The tea being served to both of us was also brewed by Sputnik.

"You, who? What have you come to do?

"It's not what I'm going to tell you"

"Say no."

A cup and a half of sugar, and Yuki laughing in front of the girl stirring with a teaspoon, heh. Thanks, I don't think I want to wear a cat.

Whilst, the battle between women, the atmosphere. As for the girl, she doesn't seem to care about being lured out, but I don't want her to say much about upsetting Yuki's nerves... and because the girl's anger is directed straight at Yuki, Sputnik feels somewhat uncomfortable being outside the mosquito net herself.

"Hey, Yuki."


"... me, can I smoke?

"No, you must be the owner of this store. What are you gonna do without me?"

Do you have any thoughts about my husband being seated in a hurry? Restore the floating hips to the wailing.

"Coo, I wonder if I'll be back soon..."

The traveling employee had his first weak voice. I thought there was nothing wrong with even one person, such as store sales, but it is only natural that if unexpected visitors - which is also extremely strong in ash juice - overlap, they will miss their accustomed employees.

I overheard such a whine, surprisingly,

"Mr. Crewe, are you going out one way or the other?


It was the girl. The way you blink, puckering and surprised, looks year-to-year.

If you've been asking about this store by Soaran's life, no wonder you knew about Crewe, but why the hell did you bother to care about Crewe's absence?

"Hey, a few days...... training, for something like that. I won't be back for a while, but what's wrong with that?"

"Yes, um... actually"

I opened my mouth, but it closed right away. The reason is the gaze speaks eloquently - Yuki. Probably because Soaran didn't tell me about it.

In addition, it is Yuki's action earlier. Sputnik is used to it, so he can deal with it half-way up the border, but as a first meeting, he should have to be vigilant.

Nevertheless, as it is, it is also true that the story does not proceed. I'll put in a follow up.

"You don't have to worry about this. Because it seems to be our 'part-time hire'"

"Part time......?

"Hmm. Yes."

Yuki gives a grinning consent as to whether Sputnik's introduction was interesting. Meanwhile, the girl didn't seem to be able to swallow the meaning of the introduction. Then ask.

"There is a custom in this region that part-time workers are more likely to vibrate shopkeepers...?

"There's no such thing"

It's also a rush.

Discount the troublesome explanations and go ahead.

"Anyway, we are a Hutu jewellery store. I usually do this by myself as a store owner, but now because my employees are absent in training, I hire part-time workers on a temporary basis... I don't mean to, but there is something. So I'm Sputnik, the owner. And you?"

Again, shake the story.

Then the girl's back grew. "I'm late in introducing myself," I now look straight at Sputnik - it seemed like I was keeping Yuki out of my sight.

said the girl.

"My name is Cecil, and I'm Soaran's private secretary to the Witch Association Cokedier Branch Deputy Branch Manager. This time, by the life of my Lord Soaran (Mei), I came to the Sputnik Jewelry Store. Reason..."

Cut the words, hiccup, and look at Yuki.

Yuki, with her eyes on each other, turned to the girl Cecil and waved with pleasure. Cecil sighs irritated and mixed up in teasing tricks.

She took her gaze off Yuki and still saw only Sputnik and mouthed the continuation of the words.

"This is because Crewe, an employee of Sputnik Jewelry Store, would like to ask you a few questions."

"To Ku?

"To Crewe?

The words of my sister and brother were unconscious.

Cecil nods.

"Yes. It is an order from my Lord Soaran. I went to Sputnik Jewellery, a jewellery store in Liafiat City, and met Mr. Krew, who can be revealed to you as an employee, to find out what there is... to ask."

"Why hasn't he come in person?

Busy, doesn't deserve a reason. It is the city of Riafiat, where magic is almost unusable by normal wizards, but if that man is a 'out of standard' wizard, because coming to this city is difficult or irrelevant.

It would be quicker for the person to come in person than to bother using a carriage or something and spend a few days giving away a secretary or something. If that man is here to drink all the time in the first place, he doesn't have to ask for it. Or is there some reason why I have to be this secretary?

"Girls who are closer to their age can talk about things that are not abominable."

"I don't know better now. You're a guy to take care of. First of all, I should have pointed it at Iraja, not you."

For Krew, Iraja is a thoughtful friend. Answering that, Cecil tilted her neck. There seemed to be trouble.

"There's a reason I can't do that. … and Ilaja has a lot of work to do."


Cloudy words. How much lower end like Iraja can't tell her the details of the work given to her by the association? Failure is like work. Confidentiality to that pompous wizard is such an unsuitable word. but surely there is only one serving of seriousness and responsibility...... no. That's more than that.


Cecil sighed, uh. Sip the melted tea of sugar and say in a low voice.

"... the teacher seems disturbed yesterday"

"It's not normal to be distracted."

"Yes, it is."

He's not willing to follow up.

"Yeah, the teacher's a little bit of an arrogant from time to time. If you look at the flirty, cute clothes for kids, you can whine, 'Is that design Ali too,' or you can explore mysterious compromises like 'Girl miniskirts look a little cold to watch, but they're still shorter to wear on their own,' or you can tell me, 'Will you call me" brother "about me?"


"But I am certainly highly capable of being a wizard, and I am a good performer of my job as Deputy Branch Manager. And for some reason, a few days after I got home from Liafiat, all of a sudden, my attention was strangely distracted."

"Did you even fall in love?

It was Yuki who stuck her beak in the conversation between the two of them. Yuki puts her fingers up as they gaze at each other.

"See, you say that a lot. Love changes people, I can't believe it."

"Love, is it?... that doesn't seem to be the case as far as I can tell though. Since I once lost my fiancée, I seem to have avoided those things as much as possible."

I suppose. Is this' private secretary 'aware of the possibility of survival of the functionality? Knowing that, did you make that decision?

but that doesn't seem like a good place for Sputnik to step in. I don't want to stick my neck in someone else's love path, get kicked by a horse and die, and that's all the trouble involved in saying I'm going to get close to wizard trouble in the first place. Besides, Sputnik only needs to protect his shop and employees from eating up. It is fortunate not to purchase more information than is necessary.

And furthermore, I'm not even interested in Sputnik, such as a man's love heart, earlier on in his pinky finger. If the form of distraction were a little more compelling, it would involve this' business' as well, except for the story...... if it were, it would come on its own feet, not ordering a private secretary or anything else. That's what he is.

So even if there is one thing in that belly now, it is quite absurd. I'm sure.

"Anyway, from the day I suddenly offered this job to me until the day I left for the city of Riafiat, the Lord Soaran was at ease. As a secretary, it would be very difficult if you didn't do anything to carry out his life, dispel his concerns, and do his job properly."

"Don't you even have a cold? And then there's the lack of sleep."

You think falling in Liafiat City is pulling a tail? I ask with that in mind.

"You don't look so pale, so that doesn't seem to be the case either"

So it's still a fantion tangle? Or love? No way.

I try to turn my mind around, but I couldn't think of an answer that seemed right when I said this. I didn't even want to guess, like in the bastard's mind in the first place.

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