"Yeah, the teacher's a little bit of an arrogant from time to time. If you look at the flirty, cute clothes for kids, you can whine, 'Is that design Ali too,' or you can explore mysterious compromises like 'Girl miniskirts look a little cold to watch, but they're still shorter to wear on their own,' or you can tell me, 'Will you call me" brother "about me?"


"But I am certainly highly capable of being a wizard, and I am a good performer of my job as Deputy Branch Manager. And for some reason, a few days after I got home from Liafiat, all of a sudden, my attention was strangely distracted."

"Did you even fall in love?

It was Yuki who stuck her beak in the conversation between the two of them. Yuki puts her fingers up as they gaze at each other.

"See, you say that a lot. Love changes people, I can't believe it."

"Love, is it?... that doesn't seem to be the case as far as I can tell though. Since I once lost my fiancée, I seem to have avoided those things as much as possible."

I suppose. Is this' private secretary 'aware of the possibility of survival of the functionality? Knowing that, did you make that decision?

but that doesn't seem like a good place for Sputnik to step in. I don't want to stick my neck in someone else's love path, get kicked by a horse and die, and that's all the trouble involved in saying I'm going to get close to wizard trouble in the first place. Besides, Sputnik only needs to protect his shop and employees from eating up. It is fortunate not to purchase more information than is necessary.

And furthermore, I'm not even interested in Sputnik, such as a man's love heart, earlier on in his pinky finger. If the form of distraction were a little more compelling, it would involve this' business' as well, except for the story...... if it were, it would come on its own feet, not ordering a private secretary or anything else. That's what he is.

So even if there is one thing in that belly now, it is quite absurd. I'm sure.

"Anyway, from the day I suddenly offered this job to me until the day I left for the city of Riafiat, the Lord Soaran was at ease. As a secretary, it would be very difficult if you didn't do anything to carry out his life, dispel his concerns, and do his job properly."

"Don't you even have a cold? And then there's the lack of sleep."

You think falling in Liafiat City is pulling a tail? I ask with that in mind.

"You don't look so pale, so that doesn't seem to be the case either"

So it's still a fantion tangle? Or love? No way.

"So? What is that thing that ordered you to do?"

When asked, she lay her eyes down.

"Other than Mr. Crewe, keep it a secret, and..."

That was a very hard look to say.

"I know repeatedly that it is very rude of you to push it away, but it is the Lord's command. For me as a private secretary, I want to avoid breaking the Lord's orders as much as possible. I hope you understand what I'm saying."

"... if you need it, you just have to hear it from him. It's not that you're sick."

"Thank you"

Cecil bowed her head deeply. But that man, how can his men be so serious when he is a raw pervert?

"So I would like to see Master Crewe as soon as possible. You said training, but where is Master Crewe now?


"Can't teach"

It was Yuki who blocked Sputnik's words.

Looking at Yuki on the side, she was removing her glasses and wiping her lens with a cloth. That attitude of prioritizing the boring task of wiping glasses and the like and not even pointing your gaze at the speaker seems to be unnecessarily rejecting Cecil.

But Cecil hasn't lost either.

"Why? Tell me why"

"She's not going on vacation. I'm going to study. You know you can't let me get involved in something extra and distract you, right?

The answer seemed sufficient to elicit Cecil's guilt. I found her breathtaking. Then he continued, "... and" Yuki turned his head to Sputnik. Low, low voice. It was such a whisper that Cecil wouldn't hear it, a secret story to make only Sputnik hear it.

"This kid is one of the wizards. I don't know where the information leaks to the wizard, even if it's not harmful to this child himself"

Indeed, Yuki is right.

The city of Viearton, to which Crewe turned, is a city located around the centre of the continent, a large city with continental capital functions. When we talk about wizards, unlike the city of Riafiat, far from the headquarters of the Witches Association, we will be able to use magic on a considerable scale.

The fact that a wizard sent a child with a coveted (at best) physique to such a place as' spit out a gem '. Even though you are under the shelter of the Crew Lol Jewellery Chamber, it shouldn't hurt to be overly vigilant.

As Sputnik silenced, Yuki banged his hand next to his face, pan,.

"And so"

Yuki's voice cutting out was a very bright one. The look that follows it again is also very sunny.

"Was that Cecil? I'm sorry, but I was wondering if you could go home. It's going to be quite a few days before Crewe gets back, and I don't know what would happen if we put Sputnik in the shape of contacting us again around that time. Well, it's up to Sputnik's discretion to contact me, and if I were Sputnik, I don't think I'd call you back, but that was bad luck, unfortunately."

- Then I'll wait for you.

Cecil uttered a word, clear, blocking the peppery and fluent Yuki's conversation.



Sputnik and Yuki's voices were unconscious. Because neither Sputnik, nor perhaps Yuki, predicted the answer.

Yuki's smile freezes. But Cecil was pale with no expression,

"Master Sputnik. I will wait in this city until Master Crewe returns. Because that's what I do. Do you mind?

"Huh? What's that?"

Words that should have been spoutnik. But the answer to that was Yuki. Her lips tremble and deep wrinkles lean between her brows. Her right thumb leaned against her lips and her teeth bit her own nails. Thumbnails that never stretch. It is a symbol of Yuki's displeasure.

Rinse, and Cecil's eyes move. Thin tea eyes reflected Yuki.

"Master Yuki, you said. You must be a part-timer at this store in the first place, right? We don't need your opinion to see Mr. Crewe, an employee of this store. I will stay in this city to bring home the information my Lord Soaran desires.... Dear Sputnik"

"Oh, hi?

Reply with an inverted voice. Cecil sipped a sip of tea, still with an unfathomable tone and expression.

"That's the thing, thank you for everything. Of course, I will prepare meals and lodging on my own during my stay, and I will try not to cause trouble to Master Sputnik."

"Ah, ah. Ah."

I said hello to Krew until he came back, so I'm just saying that he's staying in Liafiat City, and he didn't ask me to offer him a room, especially at the Sputnik Jewelry Store, and I'm just saying that someone I know is in this city.

Sure, this girl is a wizard, but she's the hand of that wizard Soaran in the first place, and even if it isn't, she can't use magic for most wizards in Liafiat City. She may not be a threat or a source of concern in this city.

And I thought that was it.

To a polite greeting, Sputnik replies, "Nice to meet you," one beat faster than that.

"Then so am I."


Yuki said. I wonder what 'me too' is?

When she untied the legs she put together, she slapped herself on the legs with both hands, like a temper. And it's as powerful as a voice.

"I'll be working part-time here until Crewe gets home too!

- What did Yuki declare?

I didn't know right away. To be precise, Sputnik's head did not try to understand. Who said how long, where and what?

Just for a few seconds, think about it - understand what Yuki meant by what he said.


I looked at my sister's face and screamed.

"What, you don't like it?

"Yes, no, what"

I haven't said it, but I don't like it.

But with that said, I also knew I was going to eat a 'punishment' that wasn't funny to Sputnik at all.

'Cause you, your job...'

"I've applied to the Jewellery Chamber for a long vacation, so it's okay. Yuki, who works diligently on a daily basis, told me that all her colleagues say," Come and get some rest once in a while. "

"... is it Master Left"

Nothing else comes to mind to make me go home. I felt like spitting blood.

Which means I have to spend time with this woman until Crewe gets back from her studies. That too, in an environment where there is this' private secretary 'who could oil the fire!

"If that's the case, let's talk a little bit. Can I get you some tea, Sputnik?

"It's nothing special to talk to you."

"I have it. Sputnik, let me have some sweets. And a replacement for tea."

"... no"

There is no such thing as a veto. Get up cursorily and obey orders.

Open the door and go to the simple kitchen. Open the drawer where the sweets are placed.

"What, this?

For some reason, it contains sweets I don't remember buying. Did Yuki bring it? When I lifted the bag, one piece of paper that seemed to be on the bag fell to the floor in a flicker.

Pick it up.

It was a picturesque note of a chick, and the handwriting of a familiar habit was leaping.

To Mr. Sputnik.

If you get tired of doing it alone, eat it.

Good luck with everything. Kooben, good luck today.

- Unconsciously.

My eyeballs got hot, and I sighed.

"Coo. Come on, come back...!

The voice that called the employee's nickname was shriveled (shriveled) to the point that it could be seen by itself.

The 'experiential school' of the Erkühr Gemstone School takes place on a five-day schedule.

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